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Last active January 4, 2023 13:29
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Range value type for Unity. It has a custom property drawer.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;
using UnityEditor;
namespace DCFApixels
static class RangeValueUtils
public static float NormalizeT(float t)
if (t > 1f)
return t % 1f;
if (t < 0)
return 1 + (t % 1f);
return t;
public struct RangeFloat
public static readonly RangeFloat one = new RangeFloat(0f, 1f);
public float x;
public float length;
public float AbsLength => Mathf.Abs(length);
#region Positive/Negative
public bool IsPositive => length >= 0;
public bool IsNegative => length < 0;
#region Constructors
public RangeFloat(float x, float length)
this.x = x;
this.length = length;
public static RangeFloat MinMax(float min, float max)
return new RangeFloat(min, max - min);
#region Min/Max
public float Min
get => Mathf.Min(x, XLength);
length -= (value - x);
x = value;
public float Max
get => Mathf.Max(x, XLength);
float a = (XLength - value);
length -= a;
public float XLength
get => x + length;
float a = (XLength - value);
length -= a;
public float Average => length / 2f + x;
public float GetRandom()
return Random.Range(Min, Max);
#region Evaluate
public float Evaluate(float t)
return x + length * RangeValueUtils.NormalizeT(t);
public float EvaluateClamp(float t)
return x + length * Mathf.Clamp01(t);
#region MathPercent
public float MathPercent(float value)
return (value - Min) / Mathf.Abs(length);
public float MathPercentClamp(float value)
return Mathf.Clamp01(MathPercent(value));
public float Clamp(float value)
return Mathf.Clamp(value, Min, Max);
public bool IsInRange(float value)
return value >= Min && value < Max;
public override string ToString()
return $"x:{x} length:{length} min:{Min} max:{Max}";
public struct RangeInt
public static readonly RangeFloat one = new RangeFloat(0f, 1f);
public int x;
public int length;
public int AbsLength => Mathf.Abs(length);
#region Positive/Negative
public bool IsPositive => length >= 0;
public bool IsNegative => length < 0;
#region Constructors
public RangeInt(int x, int length)
this.x = x;
this.length = length;
public static RangeInt MinMax(int min, int max)
return new RangeInt(min, max - min);
#region Min/Max
public int Min
get => Mathf.Min(x, XLength);
length -= (value - x);
x = value;
public int Max
get => Mathf.Max(x, XLength);
int a = (XLength - value);
length -= a;
public int XLength
get => x + length;
int a = (XLength - value);
length -= a;
public float Average => length / 2f + x;
public int GetRandom()
return Random.Range(Min, Max);
#region Evaluate
public float Evaluate(float t)
return x + length * RangeValueUtils.NormalizeT(t);
public float EvaluateClamp(float t)
return x + length * Mathf.Clamp01(t);
#region MathPercent
public float MathPercent(float value)
return (value - Min) / (float)Mathf.Abs(length);
public float MathPercentClamp(float value)
return Mathf.Clamp01(MathPercent(value));
public float Clamp(float value)
return Mathf.Clamp(value, Min, Max);
public bool IsInRange(float value)
return value >= Min && value < Max;
public override string ToString()
return $"x:{x} length:{length} min:{Min} max:{Max}";
public class ClampedRangeAttribute: PropertyAttribute
public float min;
public float max;
public ClampedRangeAttribute(float min, float max)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
public ClampedRangeAttribute() : this(0f, 1f) { }
public class MinMaxRangeAttribute : PropertyAttribute
namespace DCFApixels.Editors
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(ClampedRangeAttribute), true)]
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(MinMaxRangeAttribute), true)]
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(RangeFloat), true)]
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(RangeInt), true)]
public class RangedValueDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private const float SPACING = 4f;
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
int indentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
float defaultlabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
SerializedProperty xProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("x");
SerializedProperty lengthProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("length");
Rect labelRect = position;
labelRect.width = defaultlabelWidth;
Rect fieldRect = position;
fieldRect.xMin = labelRect.xMax;
string minmaxTooltip;
switch (xProp.propertyType)
case SerializedPropertyType.Integer:
minmaxTooltip = new RangeInt(xProp.intValue, lengthProp.intValue).ToString();
case SerializedPropertyType.Float:
minmaxTooltip = new RangeFloat(xProp.floatValue, lengthProp.floatValue).ToString();
minmaxTooltip = "error";
label.tooltip = minmaxTooltip;
EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, label);
if (attribute is MinMaxRangeAttribute minMaxRangeAttribute)
DrawMinMaxField(fieldRect, property, minMaxRangeAttribute, xProp, lengthProp);
goto exit;
if (attribute is ClampedRangeAttribute clampedRangeAttribute)
DrawClampedRangeField(fieldRect, property, clampedRangeAttribute, xProp, lengthProp);
goto exit;
DrawDefaultField(fieldRect, xProp, lengthProp);
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = defaultlabelWidth;
private void DrawDefaultField(Rect fieldRect, SerializedProperty xProp, SerializedProperty lengthProp)
float width = fieldRect.width / 2f - SPACING / 2f;
Rect minRect = fieldRect;
minRect.width = width;
minRect.x = fieldRect.xMin;
Rect maxRect = fieldRect;
maxRect.width = width;
maxRect.x = minRect.xMax + SPACING;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 12f;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(minRect, xProp);
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 42f;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(maxRect, lengthProp);
private void DrawClampedRangeField(Rect fieldRect, SerializedProperty property, ClampedRangeAttribute attribute, SerializedProperty xProp, SerializedProperty lengthProp)
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
float rightFieldWidth = 24;
float verticalSpacing = EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
if(fieldRect.width <= rightFieldWidth * 4.5f)
rightFieldWidth = 0;
verticalSpacing = 0;
Rect leftFieldRect = fieldRect;
leftFieldRect.xMax -= rightFieldWidth * 2f + verticalSpacing * 2f;
Rect rightFieldRect1 = fieldRect;
rightFieldRect1.x = leftFieldRect.xMax + verticalSpacing;
rightFieldRect1.width = rightFieldWidth;
Rect rightFieldRect2 = rightFieldRect1;
rightFieldRect2.x = rightFieldRect1.xMax + verticalSpacing;
switch (xProp.propertyType)
case SerializedPropertyType.Integer:
int min = xProp.intValue;
int max = lengthProp.intValue + min;
MinMaxSlider(leftFieldRect, ref min, ref max, (int)attribute.min, (int)attribute.max);
min = EditorGUI.IntField(rightFieldRect1, min);
max = EditorGUI.IntField(rightFieldRect2, max);
max = Mathf.Max(min, max);
xProp.intValue = min;
lengthProp.intValue = Mathf.Abs(max) - min;
case SerializedPropertyType.Float:
float min = xProp.floatValue;
float max = lengthProp.floatValue + min;
EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(leftFieldRect, ref min, ref max, attribute.min, attribute.max);
min = EditorGUI.FloatField(rightFieldRect1, min);
max = EditorGUI.FloatField(rightFieldRect2, max);
max = Mathf.Max(min, max);
xProp.floatValue = min;
lengthProp.floatValue = Mathf.Abs(max) - min;
GUI.Label(fieldRect, "error");
private void DrawMinMaxField(Rect fieldRect, SerializedProperty property, MinMaxRangeAttribute attribute, SerializedProperty xProp, SerializedProperty lengthProp)
float width = fieldRect.width / 2f - SPACING / 2f;
Rect minRect = fieldRect;
minRect.width = width;
minRect.x = fieldRect.xMin;
Rect maxRect = fieldRect;
maxRect.width = width;
maxRect.x = minRect.xMax + SPACING;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 24f;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
switch (xProp.propertyType)
case SerializedPropertyType.Integer:
int min = xProp.intValue;
int max = lengthProp.intValue + min;
min = EditorGUI.IntField(minRect, min < max ? "Min" : "Max", min);
max = EditorGUI.IntField(maxRect, min < max ? "Max" : "Min", max);
xProp.intValue = min;
lengthProp.intValue = Mathf.Abs(max) - min;
case SerializedPropertyType.Float:
float min = xProp.floatValue;
float max = lengthProp.floatValue + min;
min = EditorGUI.FloatField(minRect, min < max ? "min" : "max", min);
max = EditorGUI.FloatField(maxRect, min < max ? "max" : "min", max);
xProp.floatValue = min;
lengthProp.floatValue = Mathf.Abs(max) - min;
GUI.Label(fieldRect, "error");
private void MinMaxSlider(Rect position, ref int minValue, ref int maxValue, float minLimit, float maxLimit)
float minValueFloat = minValue;
float maxValueFloat = maxValue;
EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(position, ref minValueFloat, ref maxValueFloat, minLimit, maxLimit);
minValue = Mathf.RoundToInt(minValueFloat);
maxValue = Mathf.RoundToInt(maxValueFloat);
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
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