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Last active December 10, 2015 19:29
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require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
#without a gem, you can live in this world.
front_page = JSON.parse(open("").read)
#With a gem, you can get a little crazy...
require 'snoo'
# Create a new instance of the client
reddit =
# Log into reddit
reddit.log_in 'Username', 'Password'
#to look at the things that this gem can do
#visit this site
# get the titles for the top 25 reddits
JSON.parse(reddit.get_reddits.body)["data"]["children"].collect{|x| x["data"]["title"]}
# get the marker for the next page of data
JSON.parse(reddit.get_reddits.body)["data"]["after"] #this would evaluate to some string, in this case its "t5_2vz7o"
JSON.parse(reddit.get_reddits(:after => "t5_2vz7o").body)["data"]["children"].collect{|x| x["data"]["title"]}
# your goal is to get your bot to post something to reddit, and to post
# something to that post on reddit. make an account for the bot,
# then just maybe even make your own subreddit, and post to it.
# for the above task, I should be able to, from the command line,
# type ruby the_file.rb username password, and it should send in the post.
# if you want to get a little further, expose the title and the body by
# letting me type that into the command line as well. Google ARGV ruby
# command line arguments to figure out how to do that.
# if this goal is finished, the next step would be to send in the title
# and content of a post FROM your website THROUGH sinatra USING snoo,
# the reddit gem. Make it happen.
# This one should be pretty straightforward - I want to have a form on a
# webpage that shows me a form, with nice input boxes for the username,
# password, title, and content (and subreddit as well I suppose), and
# return to me with the link of where this content has been published.
# if both goals are satisfied, come to me with something cool, like keeping
# track of the number of times a day someone the term "moose knuckle" shows
# up on reddit every day.
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