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Last active June 27, 2024 09:51
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Powershell function to view network connections and listeners, with optional output in XML or JSON
Displays detailed information about TCP, UDP, and Unix domain socket connections.
The Get-AllConnections function retrieves TCP, UDP, and Unix domain socket connections,
and provides detailed information about the associated processes and services, particularly for svchost.exe.
.PARAMETER OutputFormat
Specifies the output format. Valid options are 'Table', 'JSON', and 'XML'. Default is 'Table'.
This will display three tables: one for listening connections, one for active connections,
and one for UDP connections with details about the local addresses, ports, process information, and associated services.
Get-AllConnections -ConnectionType TCP,UDP,Socket
This will display TCP connections, TCP listeners, UDP connections, and UNIX Sockets (if present) as a table.
Get-AllConnections -OutputFormat JSON
This will output connection details for TCP and UDP connections in JSON format.
Get-AllConnections -ConnectionType UDP -OutputFormat XML.
This will display information for UDP connections only, in XML format.
Author: DJ Stomp <>
Date: 06/27/2024
function Get-AllConnections {
param (
[ValidateSet("Table", "JSON", "XML")]
[string]$OutputFormat = "Table"
Retrieves detailed information about the specified connections.
.PARAMETER connections
The connections for which to get details.
function Get-ConnectionDetails {
param ($connections)
$connections | ForEach-Object {
$procId = $_.OwningProcess
$proc = Get-Process -Id $procId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($proc) {
$services = if ($proc.Name -eq "svchost") {
($svchostServices | Where-Object { $_.ProcessId -eq $procId } | ForEach-Object { $_.DisplayName }) -join ", "
} else {
$parentProc = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId=$procId" | Select-Object ParentProcessId
$parentProcInfo = if ($parentProc.ParentProcessId) {
$parentProcObj = Get-Process -Id $parentProc.ParentProcessId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($parentProcObj) {
"$($parentProcObj.Name) ($($parentProcObj.Id))"
} else {
"Unknown ($($parentProc.ParentProcessId))"
} else {
$duration = if ($_.State -eq "Established") {
New-TimeSpan -Start $_.CreationTimestamp
} else {
LocalAddress = $_.LocalAddress
LocalPort = $_.LocalPort
RemoteAddress = $_.RemoteAddress
RemotePort = $_.RemotePort
ProcessId = $procId
ProcessName = $proc.Name
Description = $proc.Description
ProcessPath = $proc.Path
Services = $services
CommandLine = $proc.CommandLine
ParentProcess = $parentProcInfo
Duration = $duration
$listeners = Get-NetTCPConnection -State Listen | Select-Object LocalAddress, LocalPort, OwningProcess
$established = Get-NetTCPConnection -State Established | Select-Object LocalAddress, LocalPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, OwningProcess, @{Name='CreationTimestamp';Expression={Get-Date}}
$udpConnections = Get-NetUDPEndpoint | Select-Object LocalAddress, LocalPort, OwningProcess
$svchostServices = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Where-Object { $_.ProcessId -in ($listeners | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OwningProcess) + ($established | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OwningProcess) + ($udpConnections | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OwningProcess) } | Select-Object ProcessId, Name, DisplayName
$listenerDetails = Get-ConnectionDetails -connections $listeners
$activeDetails = Get-ConnectionDetails -connections $established | Sort-Object ProcessName
$udpDetails = Get-ConnectionDetails -connections $udpConnections | Sort-Object ProcessName
if ($OutputFormat -eq "Table") {
if ($listenerDetails) {
Write-Host "LISTENERS" -ForegroundColor Green
$listenerDetails | Select-Object LocalAddress, LocalPort, ProcessId, ProcessName, ParentProcess, Description, ProcessPath, Services, CommandLine | Format-Table -AutoSize
if ($activeDetails) {
Write-Host "ACTIVE CONNECTIONS" -ForegroundColor Green
$activeDetails | Select-Object LocalAddress, LocalPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, ProcessId, ProcessName, ParentProcess, Description, ProcessPath, Services, CommandLine, Duration | Format-Table -AutoSize
if ($udpDetails) {
Write-Host "UDP CONNECTIONS" -ForegroundColor Green
$udpDetails | Select-Object LocalAddress, LocalPort, ProcessId, ProcessName, ParentProcess, Services, Description, ProcessPath, CommandLine | Format-Table -AutoSize
elseif ($OutputFormat -eq "JSON") {
$output = @{
Listeners = $listenerDetails
ActiveConnections = $activeDetails
UdpConnections = $udpDetails
$output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
elseif ($OutputFormat -eq "XML") {
$output = @{
Listeners = $listenerDetails
ActiveConnections = $activeDetails
UdpConnections = $udpDetails
$output | ConvertTo-Xml -As String -Depth 3
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