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Last active July 22, 2024 23:33
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Proposal for the FairPlay MCBE Addon and Windows App


This project aims to enhance the Minecraft Bedrock gaming experience by providing players with detailed statistics about their in-game activities. It consists of two main components: a Minecraft Bedrock addon and a Windows application. The addon collects and saves player statistics such as miles traveled and damage done, then sends these stats to a central database. The Windows application fetches this data and displays it to the logged-in player using native Windows APIs, creating a seamless and informative user experience.

Control Flow Diagram

%%{init: {"flowchart": { "theme": "dark", "darkMode": true, "padding": 30, "nodeSpacing": 50, "rankSpacing": 50, "wrappingWidth": 10, "subGraphTitleMargin": 50, "titleTopMargin": 10, "diagramPadding": 50}} }%%

flowchart-elk TD
    subgraph A[Minecraft Bedrock Addon]
        A1[Game Initialization]
        A2[Load Addon]
        A3[Initialize Event Listeners]
        A4[Collect Player Stats]
        A5[Save Stats Locally]
        A6[Prepare Data for Transmission]
        A7[Send Stats to Central Database]

    subgraph C[Windows App]
        C1[User Logs In to FairPlay]
        C2[Authenticate User]
        C3[Fetch Player Data]
        C4[Process Data]
        C5[Display Data via Windows APIs]
        C6[User Views Stats]

    subgraph B[Central Database]
        B1[Receive Data]
        B2[Validate Data]
        B3[Store Data]
        B4[Update Stats]
        B5[Handle Data Retrieval Requests]

    A1 --> A2
    A2 --> A3
    A3 --> A4
    A4 --> A5
    A5 --> A6
    A6 --> A7
    A7 --> B1
    A7 --> B4

    B1 --> B2
    B2 --> B3
    B3 --> B4
    B4 --> B5

    C1 --> C2
    C2 --> C3
    C3 --> B5
    C3 --> C4
    B5 --> C4
    C4 --> C5
    C5 --> C6


This project consists of two main components: a Minecraft Bedrock addon and an accompanying Windows application. The purpose of the addon is to collect and save player statistics, such as miles traveled and damage done, and send these stats to a central database. The Windows application then fetches this data and displays it to the logged-in player using native Windows APIs.

Minecraft Bedrock Addon


  • Game Test/Scripting API: Utilizes Minecraft's Game Test or Scripting API to collect player statistics.
  • Player Stats Collection: Gathers various player statistics, including:
    • Miles traveled
    • Damage done
    • Time played
    • Items collected
  • Local Storage: Temporarily saves the collected stats locally within the game environment.
  • Data Transmission: Sends the collected stats to a central database for persistent storage and future retrieval.

Implementation Details

  • Event Listeners: Set up event listeners for player actions to collect stats.
  • Data Formatting: Format the collected data into a suitable structure for database storage.
  • Network Communication: Implement network communication to securely send data to the central database.

Central Database


  • Data Storage: Store player statistics in a structured format.
  • API Endpoints: Provide API endpoints for data insertion and retrieval.
  • Security: Implement security measures to protect the stored data.

Implementation Details

  • Database Selection: Use a relational database like MySQL or a NoSQL database like MongoDB.
  • API Development: Develop a RESTful API using frameworks like Node.js and Express or Python Flask.
  • Data Management: Ensure efficient data management and retrieval processes.

Windows Application


  • User Authentication: Authenticate the logged-in player using Windows authentication methods.
  • Data Fetching: Fetch player data from the central database via API calls.
  • Native Display: Display the fetched data using native Windows APIs for a seamless user experience.
  • User Interface: Provide a user-friendly interface to view player statistics.

Implementation Details

  • Authentication: Implement authentication to ensure data security and privacy.
  • API Integration: Integrate with the central database's API to fetch player data.
  • UI Development: Develop the user interface using frameworks like WPF or WinForms.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to manage network issues and other potential problems.


This project aims to enhance the gaming experience by providing players with detailed statistics about their in-game activities. The integration of the Minecraft Bedrock addon with a native Windows application ensures a smooth and user-friendly experience. The central database serves as a reliable storage solution, enabling persistent data management and retrieval.

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