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Created December 12, 2018 21:28
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pesticide snippet
((context) => {
// Create the namespace if it's not created yet.
if(!context.PESTICIDE) context.PESTICIDE = {isDebugging: false};
// Color table (tag name and hexadecimal value).
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's': '#f805e3',
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'samp': '#9c0033',
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// All body elements.
all = document.body.getElementsByTagName('*'),
count = 0,
isDebugging = context.PESTICIDE.isDebugging;
for(; count < all.length; ++count) {
item = all[count];
// Color fallback is 'red'.
itemBorderColor = COLOR_TABLE[item.tagName.toLowerCase()] || 'red';
// Apply the outline color to the element. If it's not in debug mode, it'll apply a transparent outline. = '1px solid ' + (!isDebugging ? itemBorderColor : 'transparent');
// Toggle debugging flag.
context.PESTICIDE.isDebugging = !isDebugging;
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