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Last active January 25, 2020 03:11
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Catamorphisms in Haskell
Here is examples from these lectures:
Also a great article is here:
I just wrote down examples from lectures as accurate as I could.
As I feel it, playing with this code allow to understand lectures better and to find why and where you need this.
This code available here:
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Prelude hiding (div)
import System.IO
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a
newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
unFix :: Fix f -> f (Fix f)
unFix (Fix x) = x
cata :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Fix f -> a
cata alg = alg . fmap (cata alg) . unFix
ana :: Functor f => Coalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
ana coa = Fix . fmap (ana coa) . coa
-- Example 1. Fibonacci
data NatF a = ZeroF | SuccF a deriving (Functor)
type Nat = Fix NatF
intToNat :: Integer -> Nat
intToNat 0 = Fix ZeroF
intToNat n = Fix . SuccF . intToNat $ (n-1)
fib :: Algebra NatF (Integer, Integer)
fib ZeroF = (0, 1)
fib (SuccF (m, n)) = (n, m + n)
-- Example 2. Sum
data ListF e a = NulF | ConsF e a deriving (Functor)
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
listToList :: [a] -> List a
listToList [] = Fix NulF
listToList (x:xs) = Fix . ConsF x $ listToList xs
sumAlg :: Algebra (ListF Int) Int
sumAlg NulF = 0
sumAlg (ConsF e a) = e + a
-- Example 3. Primes
data StreamF e a = StreamF e a deriving (Functor)
era :: Coalgebra (StreamF Int) [Int]
era (p:ns) = StreamF p (filter (nodiv p) ns)
nodiv p x = x `mod` p /= 0
primes :: Fix (StreamF Int)
primes = ana era [2..]
streamToList :: Fix (StreamF e) -> [e]
streamToList (Fix (StreamF e a)) = e:streamToList a
-- Example 4. Expression
data ExprF a = PlusF a a
| TimesF a a
| DivF a a
| PowF a a
| NegF a
| ConstF Double
| VarF String
deriving (Functor)
type Expr = Fix ExprF
eval :: M.Map String Double -> Algebra ExprF Double
eval _ (PlusF x y) = x + y
eval _ (TimesF x y) = x * y
eval _ (DivF x y) = x / y
eval _ (PowF x y) = x ** y
eval _ (NegF x) = - x
eval _ (ConstF x) = x
eval vs (VarF v) = case v `M.lookup` vs of
Just x -> x
_ -> error $ "Variable " ++ v ++ " not found in map!"
add :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
add x y = Fix (PlusF x y)
mul :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mul x y = Fix (TimesF x y)
div :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
div x y = Fix (DivF x y)
pow :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
pow x y = Fix (PowF x y)
neg :: Expr -> Expr
neg x = Fix (NegF x)
num :: Double -> Expr
num x = Fix (ConstF x)
var :: String -> Expr
var v = Fix (VarF v)
main = do
print . fst . cata fib . intToNat $ 10000
print . cata sumAlg . listToList $ [1..100000]
print (streamToList primes !! 1000)
let myEval = eval (M.fromList [("x", 42 :: Double), ("y", 23 :: Double)])
myExpr = add (mul (num 5) (pow (var "x") (num 2)))
(neg (mul (add (mul (num 6) (var "y")) (mul (num 4) (var "x")))
(add (var "x") (neg (pow (var "y") (div (num 1) (num 3))))))) -- 5x² - (6y + 4x)(x - y¹ᐟ³)
print . cata myEval $ myExpr
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