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Last active July 30, 2020 15:45
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Wordpress autoloading

Yes i know Composer is a thing,

Yes i know it's autoloader is freaking amazing,

Yes i'm well aware it would be much simpler to use the composer autoloader.

However, If you're submitting your plugin/theme to for review they get a bit uppity about using composer's autoloader sometimes.

It's also worth keeping in mind that not everyone running wp has shell access for interacting with composer.

Redistributing vendor directories is a pain in the backside as well, so go easy on the packages.

namespace Vendor\PackageName;
if(false !== strpos($class, 'PackageName'))
$parts = explode('\\', $class);
$targetFile = "";
if(count($parts) == 3)
$targetFile = $parts[2];
* If we're not at the last position in the array
* append the section of the namespace with a trailing slash,
* Otherwise just add the section.
* This allows us to use multi-level namespaces to break out
* our classes into multiple directories.
if(count($parts) > 3)
for($i = 2; $i <= count($parts) - 1; $i++)
if($i < (count($parts) - 1))
$targetFile .= $parts[$i] . '/';
$targetFile .= $parts[$i];
* Adjust this path to where you'll be keeping your classes
$basePath = __DIR__ . '/src/php/';
if(file_exists($basePath . $targetFile . '.php'))
include_once $basePath . $targetFile . '.php';
include_once $basePath . strtolower($targetFile) . '.php';
Plugin Name: My Plugin Name
Descrpition: Does some stuff, Occasionally some things too
Version: 0.0.0
Author: Me
Author URI:
// Require the autoloader file for sanity preservation purposes
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