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Last active February 20, 2018 14:17
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Save DMeechan/dc0cf5a5072d5ebd3eb34a21377694d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IBM Cloud Meteor 1.6 Deploy Script
# See guide here:
indent() {
c='s/^/ /'
case $(uname) in
Darwin) sed -l "$c";; # mac/bsd sed: -l buffers on line boundaries
*) sed -u "$c";; # unix/gnu sed: -u unbuffered (arbitrary) chunks of data
status() {
echo "-----> $*"
# Grab jq path for later and set execute permission
status "Grabbing jq file path"
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
# jq=$DIR/jq
chmod +x $jq
# Source code is located in the 'bundle' directory - let's go there
cd bundle
# Create a basic package file
# We might just need the meteor-node-stubs package, I'm not sure
# Becasuse there was conflicting advice online
# So I added in a couple of extra ones that seem to be key
# NOTE: Remember to update your target node and npm versions below (lines 52 & 53)
# And check that the Node.js buildpack you're using supports the Node version you specify below (!!)
status "Creating package.json"
cat <<-JSON > package.json
"name": "bundle",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "main.js",
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.0.0-beta.40",
"autoprefixer": "^6.4.1",
"babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
"bcrypt": "^1.0.3",
"faker": "^3.0.1",
"meteor-node-stubs": "^0.3.2"
"scripts": {
"start": "node main.js"
"engines": {
"node": "^8.2.1",
"npm": "^5.6.0"
cfPushNoStart() {
# Push to Bluemix but don't start just yet...
status "Pushing to Bluemix (in no-start mode for now)"
cf push "${CF_APP}" --no-start -b nodejs_buildpack -m 256M --no-manifest
# Bind the MongoDB service
bindMongoDBService() {
# - MONGO_SERVICE environment variable is required
status "Binding MongoDB service"
if [ -z "${MONGO_SERVICE}" ]; then
status "Warning: set the MONGO_SERVICE environment variable to the name of the MongoDB service"
exit 1
cf bind-service "${CF_APP}" "${MONGO_SERVICE}"
setRequiredMeteorEnvVariables() {
# Grab the application guid for later
status "Grabbing application guid"
GUID=`cf curl /v2/apps?q=name:${CF_APP} | $jq -r '.resources[0].metadata.guid'`
# Set the MongoDB URL
# - assumes the Bluemix provided "compose-for-mongodb" service is used
status "Setting env variable: Mongo_URL"
MONGO_URL=`cf curl /v2/apps/${GUID}/env | $jq -r '.system_env_json.VCAP_SERVICES["compose-for-mongodb"][0].credentials.uri'`
cf set-env "${CF_APP}" MONGO_URL "${MONGO_URL}"
# Set the Root URL
ROOT_URL=`cf curl /v2/apps/${GUID}/env | $jq -r '.application_env_json.VCAP_APPLICATION.uris[0]'`
status "Setting env variable: ROOT_URL"
cf set-env "${CF_APP}" ROOT_URL "${ROOT_URL}"
status "Note: be sure to set any environment variables you want to use (see comments for more info)"
setMeteorSettings() {
# Set METEOR_SETTINGS env variable
status "Setting env variable: METEOR_SETTINGS"
# # #
# To set the environment variables you want to use:
# You'll need to first set them both in *Environment Variables* tab of the build
# And then in this deploy script using cf set-env, as shown with METEOR_SETTING above
# # #
cfRestage() {
# Restage and start
status "Restaging cf app"
cf restage "${CF_APP}"
cfStart() {
status "Starting cf app"
cf start "${CF_APP}"
# Un-comment the line below (123) if you want to use the METER_SETTINGS env variable!
# setMeteorSettings
# I found restaging failed for me after I started using METER_SETTINGS
# So on mine I commented out 'cfRestage' (line 123)
# So yours is failing or env variables aren't working
# Try commenting out the restage line above (line 123)
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