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Last active July 29, 2018 01:30
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<link href="/css/w3.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="/css/print.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
//Declaring Global Variables
var GV, CHT, DT, OPT;
function drawChart(){
GV = google.visualization;
//Create DataTable Object
DT = new GV.DataTable();
//Add Two Columns
type : "string",
label : "SUBJECTS"
type : "number",
label : "MARKS"
//Column for annotation
type : "string",
label : "MARKS",
role : "annotation"
//Add Multiple Rows
DT.addRows( [
[ "Physics", 88, "Great" ],
[ "Chemistry", 65, "Hate it" ],
[ "Mathematics", 96, "Love It" ],
[ "Computer", 99, "My Life" ],
[ "English", 89, "Like It" ],
[ "Arabic", 98, "Wow" ]
] );
//Create Options
OPT = {
title : "MARKS REPORT",
legend : "bottom",
height : 400,
//Modify Default Config For Annotations
annotations : {
//Annotation to be placed outside the bars
alwaysOutside : true
explorer : {
//The type of action based on user event
actions : ["dragToZoom", "rightClickToReset"],
//users won't pan beyond the original chart
keepInBounds : false,
//Lets the user zoom in to a specific limit
maxZoomIn : 0.4,
//Let the user zoom out to a specific limit
maxZoomOut : 10,
//determines how much they zoom by. The smaller the number, the smoother and slower the zoom.
zoomDelta : 1.5
//Create a Column chart and assign a DIV element via ID
CHT = new GV.ColumnChart( document.getElementById("MY_CHART") );
//Draw the Chart by passing DT (DataTable) and OPT (Options)
CHT.draw( DT, OPT );
<script src=""></script>
//Load the core chart library
google.charts.load( "current", { packages : ["corechart"] } );
//Assign a callback function to be executed when corechart loads successfully
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback( drawChart );
<script src="/js/jq.js"></script>
<script src="/js/print.min.js"></script>
//Attach Event to the Print Button
$(document).on( "click", "#PRINT_BTN", function(){
//Get Chart Image URI ( Base64 )
var IMG_URI = CHT.getImageURI();
//Pass the Base64 content to the PrintJS library function to print it
printable : IMG_URI,
type : "image",
} );
<div id="MY_CHART" class="w3-white" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div>
<button class="w3-button w3-white w3-round-small w3-right" id="PRINT_BTN">
Print Chart &#128438;
//The explorer option allows users to pan and zoom Google charts
"explorer" : {
//The type of action based on user event
"actions" : [ "dragToPan", "dragToZoom", "rightClickToReset" ],
//which axis to zoom / pan
"axis" : "vertical / horizontal",
//users won't pan beyond the original chart
"keepInBounds" : true / false,
//Lets the user zoom in to a specific limit
"maxZoomIn" : 0.0 - 1.0,
//Let the user zoom out to a specific limit
"maxZoomOut" : NUMBER,
//determines how much they zoom by. The smaller the number, the smoother and slower the zoom.
"zoomDelta" : DECIMAL NUMBER
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