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Last active December 21, 2018 04:53
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import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
from itertools import permutations
N_SAMPLES = 10 ** 6
def calculate_threshold(n_candidates, ph):
candidates = range(n_candidates)
scores = np.zeros((n_candidates, n_candidates))
for c, v in zip(permutations(candidates), ph):
for i, a in enumerate(c):
for b in c[i+1:]:
scores[a, b] += v
result = 0.0
for n in range(3, n_candidates + 1):
for cycle in permutations(candidates, n):
score = min(scores[i, j] for i, j in zip(cycle, cycle[1:]))
score = min(score, scores[cycle[-1], cycle[0]])
result = max(result, score)
assert isinstance(result, float)
return result
def fact(n):
i = 1
for k in range(1, n + 1):
i *= k
return i
def threshold_distribution(n_candidates):
print("Calculating thresholds for %d candidates" % (n_candidates,))
thresholds = []
for p in npr.dirichlet([1] * fact(n_candidates), size=N_SAMPLES):
thresholds.append(calculate_threshold(n_candidates, p))
thresholds = np.array(thresholds)
cycles = thresholds[thresholds >= 0.5]
print("%.2f%% of cycles exceed 54%%" % (
len(cycles[cycles >= 0.54]) * 100.0 / len(cycles),
print("Found %d cycles out of %d" % (len(cycles), len(thresholds)))
print("%2.f%% of elections have cycles" % (
len(cycles) * 100.0 / len(thresholds),))
print("Average threshold for cycles is %.2f" % (cycles.mean(),))
print("Largest threshold for cycles is %.2f" % (cycles.max(),))
print("99%% mark is %.2f" % (np.percentile(thresholds, 99),))
print("99.9%% mark is %.2f" % (np.percentile(thresholds, 99.9),))
print("One in a million is %.2f" % (
np.percentile(thresholds, (1 - 10 ** -6) * 100),))
if __name__ == '__main__':
for k in (3, 4):
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Note: This code is very slow and is not a particularly efficient way to calculate the result.

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