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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes #-}
Monadic generation and simplification of examples
It's easy to generate data monadically (that's just a Random monad) but it's
less obvious how to proceed in a way that allows you to simplify the generated
data. It's not even obvious how to do it functorially.
The problem is that in the obvious implementation of simplification you need
a way of mapping the new type back to the old, which fmap doesn't actually allow
you to do: It's a one way trip only.
The templatized data generation approach I developed in Hypothesis
( turns out to let you do this and not
be too hard to make work in a typed manner. This sketches out some details of
how you might do this in Haskell.
The core idea is that strategies are parametrized by two types: One is the data
that is actually generated, the other an intermediate representation. Simplification
occurs on the IR and not on the final data, so mapping to a new type does not prevent
simplification: You just simplify the IR and then reapply the mapping. This second type parameter
is then hidden behind an existential type so that you can use different IRs for different
types and strategies.
Monadic bind is a little trickier but is easily resolved through the use of an additional
existential type.
Warning: I have only type checked this code, I have not actually run it. It's
probably broken.
Additional warning: My Haskell is super rusty so this code will probably be very non-idiomatic.
module MonadicSimplification where
import System.Random
import Control.Applicative
A strategy describes how to explore some type. It makes use of an intermediate
template value which it can convert to the final type.
Once generated data can be simplified. Note that simplification happens on the
template value rather than the final value. This will be important later.
data StrategyWithTemplate t a = StrategyWithTemplate {
reify :: t -> a,
simplify :: forall g. (RandomGen g) => t -> Rand g t,
arbitrary :: forall g. (RandomGen g) => Rand g t
Our actual operations use an existential type to hide the template. We don't
need or want to do anything with the template other than pass it back to the
strategy we got it from.
data Strategy a = forall t. Strategy (StrategyWithTemplate t a)
Given a strategy for how to explore data, attempt to find a simple counter-example
for a hypothesis about that data.
This is just a toy implementation. It generates a single random value and if that
is a counter-example performs 100 random simplifications to attempt to get a smaller
hypothesis :: (RandomGen g) => Strategy a -> (a -> Bool) -> Rand g (Maybe a)
hypothesis (Strategy arb) = hypothesisFromTemplate arb
instance Functor Strategy where
fmap f (Strategy a) = Strategy (mapWithTemplate f a)
instance Applicative Strategy where
pure x = Strategy (returnFromTemplate x)
(Strategy arbf) <*> (Strategy arba) = Strategy (combineWithTemplate arbf arba)
instance Monad Strategy where
return = pure
(Strategy arb) >>= f = Strategy (bindWithTemplate arb f)
x >> y = y
Templatized versions of all the different operations which make it clear what is
actually happenin to the template type
-- template aware implementation of return/pure
returnFromTemplate :: a -> StrategyWithTemplate () a
returnFromTemplate x = StrategyWithTemplate {
reify = const x,
simplify = return,
arbitrary = return ()
-- template aware implementation of fmap
mapWithTemplate :: (a -> b) -> (StrategyWithTemplate t a) -> (StrategyWithTemplate t b)
mapWithTemplate f arb = StrategyWithTemplate{
reify = f . (reify arb),
simplify = simplify arb,
arbitrary = arbitrary arb
-- template aware implementation of <*>
combineWithTemplate :: StrategyWithTemplate s (a -> b) -> StrategyWithTemplate t a -> StrategyWithTemplate (s, t) b
combineWithTemplate arbf arba = StrategyWithTemplate {
reify = \(s, t) -> (reify arbf s) (reify arba t),
simplify = \(s, t) -> do left <- coinFlip
if left then do ss <- simplify arbf s
return (ss, t)
else do st <- simplify arba t
return (s, st),
arbitrary = do s <- arbitrary arbf
t <- arbitrary arba
return (s, t)
template aware implementation of >>=
This one is a little tricky. The problem is that the function we are given might return strategies with different
template types depending on the value of its input argument. Thus we use a BoxedTemplate b which bundles together
a template value with the strategy that produced it, allowing us to circumvent this problem.
bindWithTemplate :: StrategyWithTemplate s a -> (a -> Strategy b) -> StrategyWithTemplate (s, BoxedTemplate b) b
bindWithTemplate arbx f = StrategyWithTemplate {
reify = \(s, (BoxedTemplate t arb)) -> reify arb t,
Simplification either simplifies the template for a and generates an entirely fresh strategy and template
for the second one, or it leaves the first argument alone and simplifies the second using the strategy it
has bundled with it
simplify = \(s, bt) -> do left <- coinFlip
if left
then do ss <- simplify arbx s
btNew <- drawBoxedTemplate (f $ reify arbx ss)
return (ss, btNew)
else do btNew <- simplifyBoxedTemplate bt
return (s, btNew),
arbitrary = do s <- arbitrary arbx
let x = reify arbx s
t <- drawBoxedTemplate (f x)
return (s, t)
data BoxedTemplate a = forall t. BoxedTemplate t (StrategyWithTemplate t a)
drawBoxedTemplate :: (RandomGen g) => Strategy a -> Rand g (BoxedTemplate a)
drawBoxedTemplate (Strategy arb) = do template <- arbitrary arb
return (BoxedTemplate template arb)
simplifyBoxedTemplate :: (RandomGen g) => BoxedTemplate a -> Rand g (BoxedTemplate a)
simplifyBoxedTemplate (BoxedTemplate t arb) = do st <- simplify arb t
return (BoxedTemplate st arb)
-- Template aware implementation of hypothesis
hypothesisFromTemplate :: (RandomGen g) => StrategyWithTemplate t a -> (a -> Bool) -> Rand g (Maybe a)
hypothesisFromTemplate arb f = do template <- arbitrary arb
let x = reify arb template
if f x then do simplified <- simplerTemplate template
return $ Just (reify arb simplified)
else return Nothing
where simplerTemplate t = runSimplifications 100 t
isCounterExample = f . reify arb
runSimplifications n t = if n <= 0 then return t
else do s <- simplify arb t
if isCounterExample s
then runSimplifications (n - 1) s
else runSimplifications (n - 1) t
A simple random data generation monad. Yes I know about Control.Monad.Random
but it was easier to do this as a stand-alone thing this way.
data Rand g a = Rand (g -> (a, g))
instance (RandomGen g) => Functor (Rand g) where
fmap f (Rand d) = Rand (\g -> let (x, g2) = d g in (f x, g2))
instance (RandomGen g) => Applicative (Rand g) where
pure x = Rand (\g -> (x, g))
(Rand rf) <*> (Rand rx) = Rand (\g -> let (f, g2) = rf g in let (x, g3) = rx g2 in (f x, g3))
instance (RandomGen g) => Monad (Rand g) where
return = pure
(Rand rx) >>= f = Rand (\g -> let (x, g2) = rx g in let (Rand rg) = f x in rg g2)
coinFlip :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Bool
coinFlip = Rand random
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It's been pointed out to me that this isn't actually quite right: This breaks the monad and applicative laws, albeit in a way that is hard to observe. The distribution of simplify in (return x >>= f) is different from that of (f x) because the former will return x 50% of the time.

I think this is almost fixable by changing the interface to simplify to

simplify :: forall g. (RandomGen g) => t -> Rand g [t]

And then have the bound simplify implementation be to try a mix of simplifying from the left and the right. That's probably a better interface anyway.

However I think this also then violates the associativity laws. I'm not sure I'm really bothered by that though. You can make it easily satisfy the distributional laws in the weaker sense that they might have different effects on the RNG and produce the same distribution of results from it but might produce different draws from that distribution.

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