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Last active December 6, 2017 06:52
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Time series prediction with multiple sequences using RNN/LSTM (see!topic/keras-users/9GsDwkSdqBg)
# Time series forecasting based on multiple time series, including the original one
# This script is based on the following examples and discussions:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import theano
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dense, Dropout
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM, SimpleRNN, GRU
# Generate training data
# One time series is a COS function, influenced by a separate scale signal time series which is a set of multipliers (aka scales)
# for the COS function, that changes periodically. Furthermore, to validate that LSTM can spot changes that influence the
# time series ahead of time (i.e. changes acting as leading indicators), the COS time series is setup to adjusts its scale
# with a 25 steps delay after the scale signal time series changes.
length = 3000 # Time series length
scales = [0.5, 1, 1.5] # By how much the COS function can be scaled
scale_step = 100 # How frequently to change scale factor
steps_ahead = 25 # How far ahead scale factor changes before the COS time series scale should change
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Series', 'Scale Signal'])
scale_signal = 1 #initial settings
scale = 1
for i in range(length):
if (i + steps_ahead) % scale_step == 0:
scale_signal = scales[random.randint(0, 2)]
if i % scale_step == 0:
scale = scale_signal
df.loc[i,'Series'] = np.cos(i/4.0) * scale
df.loc[i,'Scale Signal'] = scale_signal
# Prepare and format data for training
data = df.values
examples = 200 # how far back to look
y_examples = 100 # how many steps forward to predict
nb_samples = len(data) - examples - y_examples
input_list = [np.expand_dims(np.atleast_2d(data[i:examples+i,:]), axis=0) for i in xrange(nb_samples)]
input_mat = np.concatenate(input_list, axis=0)
# use the tail of the series as the test data
df_test = pd.DataFrame(df[-examples:])
test_data = df_test.values
test_input_list = [np.expand_dims(np.atleast_2d(test_data[len(test_data)-examples:len(test_data),:]), axis=0) for i in xrange(1)]
test_input_mat = np.concatenate(test_input_list, axis=0)
# target - the first column in df dataframe
target_list = [np.atleast_2d(data[i+examples:examples+i+y_examples,0]) for i in xrange(nb_samples)]
target_mat = np.concatenate(target_list, axis=0)
# set up model
features = input_mat.shape[2]
hidden = 128
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(hidden, input_shape=(examples, features)))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='rmsprop')
# Train
hist =, target_mat, nb_epoch=100, batch_size=100, validation_split=0.05, show_accuracy=False)
# Get and plot predicted data and the validation loss
predicted = model.predict(test_input_mat)
df_val_loss = pd.DataFrame(hist.history['val_loss'])
df_predicted = pd.DataFrame(predicted).T
df_predicted.columns = ['Predicted']
df_result = pd.concat([df, df_predicted], ignore_index=True)
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onanpu commented Nov 3, 2016

Hi, @DSA101, thank you for sharing this example. I actually tried to use this LSTM model to for time series prediction using real power system data. And the result turns out to be good, despite that LSTM cannot predict those sparse spikes in the original data, but I guess it's all right because it seems that there's no way to predict those sparse spikes optimally. But I don't quite understand how to set the correct number of training and testing samples. Seen from this code, the testing data size is 200, to predict the 100 future points. But if in practice, the length of the data is 100000, do we still use a look_back length of this short? In general, I do not quite understand the roles of examples(look_back) and y_examples(step_forward). How do they work? I think it's pretty different from the shallow machine learning concepts of training data and testing data, right? Is there a certain rule to follow in order to decide the optimal value for the number of examples, and y_examples?One more question, it seems that you used a stateless LSTM model, why not use a stateful LSTM instead?

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