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Created February 27, 2021 23:09
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Fortran 90の組み込み関数 `COUNT` の使用方法の確認
! ==================================================================================================================================
! # objective #
! Check how to use an intrinsic funcion: `count`
! # reference #
! # compiler version #
! gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)
! ==================================================================================================================================
program main
! <module>s to import
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
! require all variables to be explicitly declared
implicit none
! constant(s) for this <program>
integer(INT32) , parameter :: num_samples = 10_INT32 ** 8_INT32
real(REAL64) , parameter :: boundary = 0.5_REAL64
! variable(s) for this <program>
integer(INT32) :: iter
logical , allocatable :: mask(:)
integer(INT32) :: retval_count_func
integer(INT32) :: retval_count_loop
real(REAL64) , allocatable :: sample(:)
! STEP.01
! allocate the array to store samples
allocate( sample (num_samples) )
allocate( mask (num_samples) )
! STEP.02
! generate samples
call random_number( harvest= sample(:) )
! STEP.03
! adjust the range of samples
sample(:) = 2 * sample(:) - 1.0_REAL64
! STEP.04
! test the intrinsic function `count`
mask(:) = abs( sample(:) ) .le. boundary
retval_count_func = count( mask= mask(:) )
retval_count_loop = 0_INT32
do iter = 1_INT32 , num_samples , 1_INT32
if ( mask(iter) ) retval_count_loop = retval_count_loop + 1_INT32
end do
! STEP.05
! show the result
print *, 'total : ' , num_samples
print *, 'func : ' , retval_count_func
print *, 'loop : ' , retval_count_loop
end program main
! ==================================================================================================================================
! ==================================================================================================================================
FCFLAGS = -ffree-line-length-none -O2 -pedantic -std=f2008 -Wall -Wextra # -fbacktrace -fbounds-check
OBJS = ./main.o
main.exe: $(OBJS)
gfortran $(FCFLAGS) -o ./main.exe $(OBJS)
%.o: %.f08
gfortran $(FCFLAGS) -c $<
rm ./*.mod ./*.o
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