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Created August 12, 2010 03:29
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Save DTrejo/520253 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Used to run code in a directory and rerun it if any files are changed.
// usage: node run.js servercode.js
// servercode.js is whatever js file you want to run with node.
// Excludes filetypes in the ignoreExtensions array
var sys = require('sys'),
fs = require('fs'),
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
child, // child process which runs the actual code
ignoreExtensions = ['.dirtydb', '.db']; // Change this to your liking
if(process.argv.length !== 3){
sys.puts('\nFound '+process.argv.length+' argument(s). Expected two.');
sys.puts('\nUsage: \nnode run.js servercode.js');
watchFiles(parseFolder('.'), run); // watch all files, restart if problem
// executes the command given by the second argument
function run() {
// kill if running
if (child !== null && child !== undefined){
// run the server
child = spawn('node', [process.argv[2]]);
// let the child's 'puts' escape.
child.stdout.addListener('data', function(data) {
child.stderr.addListener('data', function(error) {
// this allows the server to restart when you change a file. Hopefully the change fixes the error!
child = undefined;
sys.puts('\nStarting: ' + process.argv[2]);
* Parses a folder and returns a list of files
* @param root {String}
* @return {Array}
function parseFolder(root) {
var fileList = [];
var files = fs.readdirSync(root);
files.forEach( function (file) {
var path = root + "/" + file;
var stat = fs.statSync(path);
// add to list
if (stat !== undefined && !stat.isDirectory()) {
// recur if directory
if (stat !== undefined && stat.isDirectory()) {
fileList = fileList.concat(parseFolder(path));
return fileList;
* Adds change listener to the files
* @param files {Array}
function watchFiles(files, callback) {
var config = { persistent: true,
interval: 1
sys.puts("watched files:");
files.forEach( function (file) {
// don't include certain files
var ext = file.slice(file.lastIndexOf('.'), file.length);
if(ignoreExtensions.indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
sys.puts("ignored "+file);
// if one of the files changes
fs.watchFile(file, config, function (curr, prev) {
if ((curr.mtime + "") != (prev.mtime + "")) {
sys.puts(file + " changed");
if (callback !== undefined) {
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