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Created May 10, 2012 18:50
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List of Feature in the "Mail" plugin
All commands and their respective permissions nodes will be listed at the bottom along with what they do.
1) The ability to automatically add users to a "list" when they join.
Players should be removed from this list after X amount of days. This should be configurable.
This list is what the plugin should look to when trying to send mail to a user.
If the user is not on this list, the message will not be sent.
2) Check to see that the message is actually addressed to a real user.
When users send messages, it should check the list for the username that the message is being sent to.
If the username is not present in the list, then it should not send the message to the database for storage
and should report to the player that the message was not sent due to the username not being on the list.
3) The ability to send messages to users, offline or online.(of course :D)
Example: Bob and Andy are friends. Bob found diamonds and wants to tell Andy.
Well, Andy is offline, so Bob types the command /mail send Andy Diamonds hey man! i founds Diamonds!!! :DD
Command syntax: /mail send <username> <subject> <message>
4) An alert message on join and on receiving mail.
When you receive mail while in game, it would say something to only the player.
Personally the classic "You got mail!" is appealing to me, but this should be configurable in the config.
Also, when you join the server, if you have any unread mail, it will alert you by saying
"You have unread mail in your inbox!
Use "/mail inbox" to view your mail!" (2 lines)
5) The ability to view your Inbox.
Lets use the same example with Bob and Andy
Well, when Andy joins the server, he sees the "You have unread mail in your inbox!" message
so he types /mail inbox. The following would be shown.
------------Mail Inbox-----------------
<from> <date> <subject>
Bob 1/1/12 Diamonds
6) The ability to read individual mail.
Andy sees that Bob sent him a message called "Diamonds" and wants to check the message.
So, Andy types: /mail read Diamonds (Command Syntax: /mail read <subject>)
to read the message and the following is shown:
From: Bob Subject: Diamonds
hey man! i found Diamonds!!! :DD
(Not sure, but if 2 people sent a message with the same Subject, it might cause problems.
Maybe load the latest first? then the other? I dont know, we can talk about it.)
7) Messages that have been read need to somehow marked that they have been read.
This could be done by possibly changing the color of the text that displays it (which would be preferable)
Color_Aqua = read
Color_Red = not-read
8) The ability to delete mail.
After Andy finishes reading the message from Bob, he no longer wants to keep it.
So he types: /mail inbox to see that the subject name is "Diamonds", then types:
/mail delete Diamonds (Command Syntax: /mail delete <subject>
A message then would be displayed: "Diamonds" has been deleted.
9) A "help" portion of the plugin that shows commands and uses.
Lets say someone wants to know how to use the plugin, they type /mail and it would bring up a
page with the commands, their syntax's and what they do.
10) A "fail-safe" in the plugin that if you messup a command, it doesnt just give a default bukkit error message,
it either shows the proper syntax and how to use it, or directs the user to use /mail for help.
(would prefer showing of the proper syntax)
11) An auto deleting of old messages after X amount of time
There should be 2 options for this.
1) amount of time until the deletion of read messages
2) amount of time until the deletion of unread messages.
The timing calculation of "time till deletion" should be per message, not the deletion of
the whole inbox.
12) The ability to completely empty your inbox.
Personally, I can see that some people are going to get TONS of mail,
so an easy way to remove all mail at once would be REALLY nice.
Example: /mail inbox empty
When you do this command it says "Delete everything from your inbox? This is not reversable. (Y or N)"
13) The ability to message everyone at once with the same message.
The plugin needs to pull the names from the "list" specified earlier when sending out the message to everyone.
If an admin had to send out a "PSA", then they could type:
/mail all NEWS! Hey guys, Andy has been made moderator! (Command Syntax: /mail all <subject> <message>)
14) Special setup for recieving mail from admins.
If a user recieves mail from a user that has the node "mail.adminmsg", then there should be something that shows that the sender is an admin
This could be as simple as having all normal users set to a "normal" color, but when showing an admin, have the color for their name set to red?
Not sure on how difficult this may be, just a thought. Not deal-breaking, just an interesting idea.
15) The ability for the console to send messages.
Admins need to be able to use the mail plugin from the console that way they dont need to login to the server.
This is a MUST HAVE for me because I dont login to the server anymore because of bad fps.
Not quite sure how you would handle the console sending the mail since there is no player to be displayed as the "sender" when
someone would check their mail and see a message sent from the console.
Maybe as the sender, you could call the console "CONSOLE" in red, or something similar.
Also, ofcourse, people would not be able to message the console. It would be a 1 way deal, so that would mean that the only commands
avalible to the console would be /mail send and /mail all.
Commands: Permissions nodes: non-permissions:
/mail Default to all users non-OP
/mail inbox mail.inbox mail.user non-OP
/mail inbox empty mail.empty mail.user non-OP
/mail send <username> <subject> <message> mail.send mail.user non-OP
/mail read <subject> mail.user non-OP
/mail delete <subject> mail.delete mail.user non-OP
/mail all <subject> <message> mail.all mail.admin OP
(not done with the list yet)
//TODO - add stuff about commands and permissions
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