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Created January 11, 2021 17:56
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AWS ALB access log file to CSV
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const util = require('util')
const { exec } = require('child_process')
const fsPromises = fs.promises
const execPromise = util.promisify(exec)
const columnHeaders = ["type", "time", "elb", "client:port", "target:port", "request_processing_time", "target_processing_time", "response_processing_time", "elb_status_code", "target_status_code", "received_bytes", "sent_bytes", "request", "user_agent", "ssl_cipher", "ssl_protocol", "target_group_arn", "trace_id", "domain_name", "chosen_cert_arn", "matched_rule_priority", "request_creation_time", "actions_executed", "redirect_url", "error_reason", "target:port_list", "target_status_code_list", "classification", "classification_reason"]
;(async () => {
const fileName = process.argv[2]
if (!fileName) {
const originalFilePath = path.resolve(fileName)
if (!(await fileExists(originalFilePath))) {
console.log(`Provided file doesn't exist!`)
console.log(`Provided: ${fileName}`)
console.log(`Resolved: ${originalFilePath}`)
let filePath = originalFilePath
if (fileName.endsWith('.gz')) {
console.log("Determined that file is gzipped. Unzipping first.")
filePath = await ungzipFile(originalFilePath)
const contentRaw = await fsPromises.readFile(filePath)
const content = contentRaw.toString('utf8')
.replace(/ /g, ',')
const colHeaderRow = columnHeaders.join(',')
const newContent = colHeaderRow + '\n' + content
const newFilePath = filePath + '.csv'
await fsPromises.writeFile(newFilePath, newContent)
console.log(`Wrote new CSV file to:\n${newFilePath}`)
function printUsage() {
console.log('node alb-log-to-csv <log-file>')
async function ungzipFile(filePath) {
try {
//The new file that gzip command will output (same file name without the .gz attached)
const unzipedFileName = filePath.slice(0, -".gz".length)
// -d: unzip the provided file
// -k: keep the original file
await execPromise(`rm -f ${unzipedFileName}`)
await execPromise(`gzip -dk ${filePath}`)
return unzipedFileName
catch (err) {
console.log("Failed to unzip the gzip file: " + filePath)
async function fileExists(path) {
try {
await fsPromises.stat(path)
return true
catch {
return false
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Determined that file is gzipped. Unzipping first.
    slice: (buf, start, end) => buf.utf8Slice(start, end),

Error: Cannot create a string longer than 0x1fffffe8 characters
    at Object.slice (node:buffer:634:37)
    at Buffer.toString (node:buffer:853:14)
    at /Users/me/Downloads/alb_logs/prod-public/alb-log-to-csv.js:36:30 {

Node.js v20.6.1

I do have a very large ALB file

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