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Last active December 22, 2015 15:38
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Save Da-Fecto/6493295 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
create table from repeater
class RepeaterTable extends WireData implements Module {
public static function getModuleInfo() {
return array(
'title' => 'RepeaterTable',
'version' => 100,
'summary' => 'RepeaterTable',
'singular' => false,
'autoload' => false
// empty init()
public function init() {
public $thead = true; // (bool) true/false, render thead ?
public $indent = false; // (mixed) false/int, where int is the level of indentation
public function render($string) {
$array = explode("|", $string);
// return if repeater is empty
if(!count($array)) return;
$repeater = new PageArray;
// check if items are repeaters
foreach($array as $numerical) {
// build
$id = (int) $numerical;
$p = wire('pages')->get($id);
// filter for repeaters
$template = $p->template;
// set error true if template name doesn't start with repeater_
$error = strpos($template->name, 'repeater_') === 0 ? false : true;
// error found, break loop, $error is true
if ($error) break;
// after error, return
if($error) return;
// page ID of page where the repeater is used
$pid = (int) str_replace("for-page-", "", $p->parent->name);
// field ID of the repeater field
$fid = (int) str_replace("for-field-", "", $p->parent->parent->name);
// current repeater field name
$name = wire("pages")->get($pid)->fields->get($fid)->name;
$fields = $template->fields;
$rows = count($repeater);
$columns = count($fields);
$cells = $columns * $rows;
$i = 1; // needed for classname thead
// build markup
$out = "<table class='table-{$name}'>";
if($this->thead) {
$out .= "<thead><tr>";
foreach ($fields as $field) $out .= "<th class='col-".$i++."'>{$field->label}</th>";
$out .= "</tr></thead>";
* Create Table markup
$out .= "<tbody><tr class='row-1'>";
for($i = 0; $i < $cells; $i++) {
// every column +1 & restart every row
$column_index = $i%$columns;
// every row +1
$row_index = ($i/$columns)%$cells;
// $page object
$row = $repeater->eq($row_index);
// $field object
$field = $row->fields->eq($column_index);
// add td, every cell
$out .= "<td class='col-" . ($column_index + 1) ."'>{$row->$field}</td>";
// close close & open tr in the middle of the table
$out .= ($i+1)%$columns===0 && ($i+1)<$cells ? "</tr><tr class='row-".($row_index + 2)."'>" : null;
$out .= "</tr></tbody></table>";
* For the HTML purist, indent table to a certain level
if($this->indent !== false && is_int($this->indent)) {
// indentation level
$i = "\n" . str_repeat("\t" , $this->indent);
$search = array("<table","</table","<thead","</thead","<tbody","</tbody","<tr","</tr","<th ","<td");
$replace = array("$i<table","$i</table","$i\t<thead","$i\t</thead","$i\t<tbody","$i\t</tbody","$i\t\t<tr","$i\t\t</tr","$i\t\t\t<th ","$i\t\t\t<td");
$out = str_replace($search, $replace, $out);
return $out;
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