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Last active January 4, 2023 12:28
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PiggyFactions addon for ScoreHUD
* @name PiggyFactionsAddon
* @version 1.1.0
* @main DaPigGuy\PiggyFactions\PiggyFactionsAddon
* @depend PiggyFactions
namespace DaPigGuy\PiggyFactions {
use DaPigGuy\PiggyFactions\players\PlayerManager;
use JackMD\ScoreHud\addon\AddonBase;
use pocketmine\Player;
class PiggyFactionsAddon extends AddonBase
public function getProcessedTags(Player $player): array
$member = PlayerManager::getInstance()->getPlayer($player);
$faction = $member === null ? null : $member->getFaction();
return [
"{faction}" => $faction === null ? "N/A" : $faction->getName(),
"{faction_power}" => $faction === null ? "N/A" : round($faction->getPower(), 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN),
"{faction_rank}" => $faction === null ? "N/A" : $member->getRole()
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How do I add this to the sever and would I add this to the plug-in folder or the php folder?

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How do I add this to the sever and would I add this to the plug-in folder or the php folder?


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