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Created October 31, 2019 19:13
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct 31 15:22:51 2019
@author: David N.
import random as rng
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def rand_in_range(mini, maxi):
return mini + rng.random() * (maxi - mini)
def create_fog(n):
return [np.array((rand_in_range(-10,10), rand_in_range(-10,10))) for _ in range(n)]
def center_circle(A,B,C):
I = (A+B)/2
J = (B+C)/2
AB = B-A
BC = C-B
a = -AB[0]/AB[1]
b = -a*I[0]+I[1]
ap= -BC[0]/BC[1]
bp= -ap*J[0]+J[1]
return np.linalg.solve([[a,-1.],[ap,-1]],[-b,-bp])
def dist_sq(A,B):
return sum((A-B)**2)
def dist(A,B):
return np.sqrt(dist_sq(A,B))
n = 2
delta_t = 0.
N = create_fog(n)
list_n = []
list_delta_t = []
while delta_t < 10.:
n += 1
N.append(np.array((rand_in_range(-10,10), rand_in_range(-10,10))))
start = time.time()
max_A,max_B,max_C = (),(),()
max_O = ()
max_r = 0.
for i in range(n-2):
for j in range(i+1, n-1):
for k in range(j+1, n):
A,B,C = N[i],N[j],N[k]
valid = True
O = center_circle(A,B,C)
r_sq = dist_sq(O,A)
for P in N:
if (P == A).all() or (P == B).all() or (P == C).all():
valid = dist_sq(O,P) >= r_sq
if not valid:
r = np.sqrt(r_sq)
if valid and r > max_r:
max_A,max_B,max_C = A,B,C
max_O = O
max_r = r
delta_t = time.time() - start
print("Nuage de taille ", n, " résolu en ", delta_t, "s")
plt.plot(list_n, list_delta_t, label='mesure')
coef = list_delta_t[-1] / (list_n[-1]**2)
plt.plot(list_n, [coef*(n**2) for n in list_n], label='n^2')
coef = list_delta_t[-1] / (list_n[-1]**3)
plt.plot(list_n, [coef*(n**3) for n in list_n], label='n^3')
coef = list_delta_t[-1] / (list_n[-1]**4)
plt.plot(list_n, [coef*(n**4) for n in list_n], label='n^4')
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