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Is it not a , said the Master, to acquire knowledge and put it into practice? Is it not a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar? Is he not an intelligentleman, who is careless alike of being known or unknown?
Few who respect parents and their elders, said Master You, would do anything against their superiors. None who do nothing against their superiors would rise in revolt. An intelligentleman should be fundamentally good. A fundamentally good man will behave in the right way. Respect for one's parents and elder brothers is the fundamental quality for a good man.
A good man, said the Master, would rarely say what he does not believe, or pretend to appear better than he is.
I ask myself, said Master Zeng, three questions everyday. In dealing with others, have I not thought of their interests? In making friends, have my deeds not agreed with my words? In teaching students, have I not put into practice what I teach them?
In a country of a thousand war-chariots, said the Master, the ruler should be respectful in deed and faithful in word, thrifty in expenditure and affectionate towards the people and tell them to labor at the proper times of the year.
A young man, said the Master, should be filial at home and respectful abroad, cautious and trustworthy, affectionate towards all and intimate with the good. If he has time to spare when his duties are done, he may use it to learn arts.
If a man, said Zi Xia, loves virtue above beauty, does his best to serve his parents, devotes his life to the service of the prince and keeps his words in making friends, though he is not learned as people may say, I will say he is cultured.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, should not be frivolous, or he would lack solemnity in his behavior and solidity in his learning. He should be truthful and faithful, and befriend his equals. He should not be afraid of admitting and amending his faults.
If a ruler regrets the death of his parents, said Master Zeng, and never forgets his ancestors, then people would follow him in doing good.
Zi You said to Zi Gong, "When our Master comes to a country, he would make inquiry into the way how the state is governed. Is the inquiry made on invitation or on his own initiative?" Zi Gong said, "Our Master makes inquiry in a good way, moderate and temperate, modest and humble. Is it not different from other ways of inquiry? What matters if it is made on invitation or on his own initiative?"
Judge a man by what he will do to his father who is alive, said the Master, and by what he has done to his father who is dead. A son who does not alter his father's ways three years after the father's death may be called filial.
In performing the rites, said Master You, propriety is important. That is the fair way how former kings dealt with matters great or small. But it will not do to observe propriety without the regulation of the rites.
If you make a promise, said Master You, in accordance with what is right, your promise can be carried out. If you respect a man in accordance with the rites, you will be far from dishonor. If you are not discredited by your kins, you will be reliable.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, eats to live, and not lives to eat. He may dwell in comfort, but not seek comfort in dwelling. He should be prompt in action and cautious in speech. He should seek good company and amend his faults. Such a man may be said to be good at learning.
Zi Gong said. "What do you think of a poor man who does not flatter and a rich man who does not swagger?" The Master said, "Not bad, but not so good as a poor man who is cheerful and a rich man who is respectful." Zi Gong said, "Are such men like polished ivory and stone and jade refined, as said in the Book of Poetry?" The Master said, "My dear Zi Gong, now I may begin to talk with you about Poetry. For when I told you about the past, you can anticipate the future."
I care less, said the Master, to be understood and recognized by other people than to understand and recognize others.
A prince, said the Master, should rule his state by virtue as the polar star which keeps its place among the stars turning around it.
There are three hundred poems in the Book of Poetry, said the Master. In a word, there is nothing improper.
If the people are governed by laws, said the Master, and order is kept by punishment, they would be obedient but not conscientious. If they are led by virtue and order is kept by the rites, they would be conscientious and act in agreement with what is right.
At fifteen, said the Master, I was fond of learning. At thirty, I was established. At forty, I did not waver. At fifty, I knew my sacred mission. At sixty, I had a discerning ear. At seventy, I could do what I would without going beyond what is right.
When Meng Yi Zi asked about filial duty, the Master said, "Do nothing in disagreement with the rites." When Fan Chi was driving his carriage for him, the Master told him how he answered the question of Meng Yi Zi. When Fan Chi asked for an explanation, the Master said, "Parents should be served in agreement with the rites while alive; when dead, they should be buried and the sacrifice be offered in agreement with the rites."
When the son of Meng Yi Zi asked about filial duty, the Master said, "Do not let your parents worry about their health!"
When Zi You asked about filial duty, the Master said, "Filial sons of today only take care their parents are well fed. But even dogs and horses are well fed now. What is the difference if their parents are fed without reverence?"
When Zi Xia asked about filial duty, the Master said, "It is difficult to appear happy in trouble. If the young serve the old and feed them with wine and food before themselves, but with troubled looks, could they be called filial sons?"
When I talked with Yan Hui all day long, said the Master, he never disagreed with me as if he were stupid. When he retired to do his work all by himself, I found nothing in disagreement with my teaching. Hui is not stupid at all.
See what a man does, said the Master, examine why he has done so, and observe whether he is content. Can his character remain hidden? Can it remain hidden?
One who can learn something new while reviewing what he has learned, said the Master, is fit to be a teacher.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, is not a mere implement.
When Zi Gong asked about the intelligentleman, the Master said, "One whose deeds precede his words."
An intelligentleman, said the Master, cares for the whole more than for the parts, while an uncultured man cares for the parts rather than for the whole.
To learn without thinking, said the Master, risks to be blind, while to think without learning risks to be impractical.
To antagonize a different view, said the Master, would reveal one's own weakness.
Shall I teach you what knowledge is? said the Master to Zi Lu, to admit what you know and what you do not know, that is knowledge.
When Zi Zhang asked about official emolument, the Master said, "Hear much and put aside what is doubtful, and be cautious in speaking of the rest, then you would be less to blame. See much and put aside what is risky, and be cautious in doing the rest, then you would regret the less. If your words are seldom blamed and your deeds seldom regretful, then you need not worry about official emolument."
When Duke Ai asked how to win the support of the people, the Master replied, "If honest men are employed and dishonest ones discarded, then people will support you. If dishonest men replace the honest, you will lose the support of the people."
When Ji Kang Zi asked how the people could be induced to be respectful and faithful, the Master replied, "If you maintain dignity, people will respect you. If you are dutiful towards your parents and kind towards all, they will have faith in you. If the worthy are employed and the incompetent are trained, they will be induced to be respectful and faithful."
When asked why he is not occupied with state affairs, Confucius answered, "It is said in the Book of History about filial duty that respect for parents and fraternity towards brothers are family affairs. If these are practised in the state towards the old and the young, it is state affair. Thus engaged in family affairs, am I not occupied with state affairs too?"
How can an untrustworthy man be employed? said the Master. Could a large cart go without a yoke-bar or small cart without a cross-bar?
When Zi Zhang asked if the ritual systems of ten generations to come could be foreseen, the Master said, "The Yin dynasty followed and modified the ritual system of the Xia, and its modified system was known. The Zhou dynasty followed and altered the ritual system of the Yin, and its altered system is also known. So we may predict the system of the successors of the Zhou can be foreseen even a hundred generations later."
To worship other ancestors than one's own, said the Master, reveals pretentions. Not to right the wrong shows the lack of courage.
Confucius said of the lord of Ji Family, "The royal dance of eight teams are performed in his courtyard. If this can be tolerated, what cannot?"
At the end of the Three Families' sacrifice, King Wu's prayer to King Wen was sung: "The princes at the side Of the king dignified," The Master said, "What has the royal prayer to do with the Three Families? How could it be sung in their hall?"
If a man is not good, said the Master, what is the use for him to perform the rites? If a man is not good, what is the use for him to perform music?
Lin Fang asked about the fundamental of the rites. "A significant question!" said the Master. "In ritual performance, it would be better to be thrift than lavish; in mourning service, it would be better to be deep in grief than minute in observance."
The barbarian tribe with a sovereign, said the Master, is not so good as a civilized state without one.
The lord of Ji Family was going to perform the royal ceremony of sacrifice to Mount Tai. The Master asked Ran You if he could prevent it, and Ran You answered he could not. Then the Master said, "Alas! does Mount Tai not know what Lin Fang does about the rites?" (Could it accept the royal sacrifice offered not by a prince but by a lord?)
Cultured men do not contest, said the Master. Even in archery, the archers bow and make way for each other before the contest and drink after it. Such is the rivalry between cultured men.
Zi Xia asked about the meaning of the following verse: "Ah! Dark on white her speaking eyes, Her cheeks with smiles and dimoles glow. Colored designs are made on plain silk." The Master said, "Colors should be put on the plain ground." Zi Xia asked if the rites should be performed on some ground. The Master said, "It is Zi Xia who understands me. Now I have someone with whom to talk about poetry."
The rites of the Xia dynasty, said the Master, can be described, but I do not rely on the evidence supplied by its descendants of Qi. The rites of the Yin dynasty can be described, but I do not rely on the evidence supplied by its descendants of Song. For there are no sufficient documents. Otherwise, the rites of Qi and Song can be described.
At the ancestral sacrificial service of the Duke of Lu, said the Master, I would not attend after the libation, for the royal ceremony should not be performed by a duke.
Asked about the imperial sacrifice, the Master said, "I do not know it. Those who know it may see an empire as clearly as his palm."
Sacrifice to the dead as if they were living, and to the divinities as if they were present. If I do not think they are present, said the Master, I had better not sacrifice at all.
Wangsun Jia asked if it would be better to pray to home divinities than to those in Heaven. "No," said the Master," if you sin against Heaven, what is the use of praying?"
The Zhou dynasty, said the Master, has profited from the two preceding dynasties. What a wealth of culture it has accumulated! I would rather follow the Zhou system.
When the Master entered the grand temple, he asked about everything there. Someone remarked, "Who would say this son of a villager from Zou knows the rites? When he entered the grand temple, he asked about everything." Hearing of this, the Master said, "This is just a part of the rites."
In archery, said the Master, the principal thing is to hit, not to pierce through. Such is the way of the ancients. For archers are not equal in strength.
Zi Gong wanted to do away with the sacrificial sheep on the first day of each moon. The Master said, "Zi Gong, you care for a sheep while I care for the rites."
One who serves his prince nowadays in strict accordance with the rites, said the Master, would be considered as a sycophant.
When Duke Ding asked how a prince should employ his ministers and how ministers should serve their prince, Confucius replied, "The prince should employ his ministers in accordance with the rites and the ministers should be devoted to the prince."
Cooing and Wooing (the first song in the Book of Poetry), said the Master, tells us pleasure and grief should not go to excess.
When Duke Ai asked Zai Wo what symbol was used in the altar, Zai Wo replied, "The Xia rulers used the pine, the Yin rulers used the cypress, and the Zhou rulers used the chestnut, which means to chase the people off their nut." Hearing of this, the Master said, "What is done cannot be undone; what is accomplished need not be criticized, what is bygone need not be blamed."
The Master said, "Guan Zhong was not a great minister." When asked if Guan Zhong was frugal, the Master said, "Guan Zhong had three granaries while his official duties were not performed, how could he be considered frugal?" When asked if Guan Zhong knew the rites, the Master said, "Only the prince may build a wall to screen the gate of his mansion, but Guan Zhong had one before his. Only the prince may use a stand for cups to entertain his guests, but Guan Zhong used one. If he knew the rites, who does not?"
Talking about music with the great master of the State of Lu, the Master said, "It is not difficult to perform music. In the beginning all the musical instruments should be played in high spirit. Then the music should be harmonious, distinct and flowing without breaking up to the end."
The guardian of the border at Yi asked to be presented to the Master, saying, "When a man of renown has come here, I have never been denied an interview." A follower of the Master presented him. After the interview, he said to two or three of the followers, "Why are you distressed at your master's unemployment? The world has gone out of the right way for long. Heaven would employ your master as an alarm bell."
The Master said of the Inauguration Music as perfectly beautiful and perfectly good, and the Martial Dance as perfectly beautiful but not perfectly good.
High office filled without generosity, said the Master, ceremony performed without reverence, and mourning observed without grief, how can I bear to see such things!
Good neighborhood, said the Master, adds beauty to life. If a man does not choose good neighborhood, how can he be called wise?
A man without virtue, said the Master, cannot endure adversity nor enjoy prosperity for long. A good man is content to be good; a wise man knows it pays to be good.
Only a benevolent man, said the Master, can love the good and dislike the wrong.
If a man, said the Master, has made up his mind to be good, he will do no wrong.
Wealth and rank, said the Master, are what men desire. If they could be attained only in an improper way, they should be relinguished. Poverty and obscurity are what men dislike, if they could be avoided only in an improper way, they should be endured. If a man had no virtue, how could he be worthy of his fame? A cultured man cannot do anything contrary to virtue even for the shortest time of a meal. He must do nothing contrary to virtue even in haste or in distress.
I have not seen anyone, said the Master, who really loves virtue and abhors vice. If one really loves virtue, how could anyone else be better than he? If one abhors vice, it is because he is afraid that vice would do harm to him. Is there anyone who has practised virtue with all his might all the day long? I have not seen one. Perhaps there are some, but I have seen none.
A man's faults, said the Master, may reveal what kind of man he is. A man may be judged by his faults.
If a man knows in the morning the right way of living, said the Master, he may die in the evening without regret.
If an intellectual, said the Master, has made up his mind to find out the right way of life but feels ashamed of plain clothes and plain food, I do not think he is worth talking with.
A cultured man, said the Master, does not set his heart for or against anything in the world. He only does what is right.
A cultured man cares for virtue, said the Master, and an uncultured man for the land. The former cares for order and the latter for favor.
Those who do everything only in their own interest, said the Master, would arouse discontent.
If a country can be governed, said the Master, in accordance with the ritual system, what more need I to say? If not, what is the use of the ritual system?
Be more concerned, said the Master, with your mission than your position. Fear not that you are unknown, but that you are unworthy to be known.
The Master said, "Shen, you know how my principles can be simplified." Master Zeng Shen answered, "Yes." When the Master was out, other disciples asked what the Master meant. Master Zeng said, "Our Master's principles can be simplified into loyalty and leniency."
A cultured man cares for what is proper and fit while an uncultured man cares for the profit.
When you see a man better than you, said the Master, you should try to equal him. When you see a man doing wrong, you should ask yourself if you have done the same.
In serving one's parents, said the Master, one may make remonstrance. If it is rejected, the son should show no discontent, but resume an attitude of deference and reiterate his remonstrance without complaint.
When father and mother are alive, said the Master, a good son should not go afar. If he does, they should be informed where he is going.
A son, said the Master, who does not alter his father's ways three years after his death may be called filial.
The age of one's parents, said the Master, should not be forgotten. Old age may bring comfort on the one hand and worry on the other.
The ancients, said the Master, would not say what they could do, for they would be ashamed if their deeds disagreed with their words.
Few would make mistakes, said the Master, who could control themselves in accordance with the rules of propriety.
A cultured man, said the Master, may be slow in word but prompt in deed.
A good man never feels lonely, said the Master, good neighbors will come up to him.
Zi You said, "Repetition of remonstrances would lead to loss of favor in the service of a prince, and to estrangement in friendship."
The Master said, "Gongye Chang might be a good husband, though he was once put in jail, but it was not through his fault." And the Master married his daughter to him.
The Master said, "Nan Rong would not be unemployed in a well-governed country, nor would he be punished in an ill governed one." And the Master married his niece to him.
Zi jian, said the Master, is a cultured man. If there were no cultured men in the state of Lu, how could he have learned to be one?
Zi Gong asked the Master, "What do you think of me, sir?" The Master said, "You are a vessel." Zi Gong said, "What sort of vessel?" The Master said, "The best jade vessel for food, used in ancestral sacrifice."
Someone said, "Yong is virtuous, but he is not eloquent." The Master said, "What is the use of eloquence? Eloquence to the point of imposition would often cause disgust. I do not know whether Yong is virtuous. But what is use of his being eloquent?"
The Master asked Qidiao Kai to serve as an officer. Qidiao Kai replied, "I am not sure how I can fulfill an office." The Master was pleased.
The Master said, "If the truth I preach were not followed, I would float on the sea by a raft, who would then follow me but Zi Lu?" On hearing of this, Zi Lu was glad. Then the Master said, "Zi Lu is more courageous than I, but I am afraid his courage is reckless."
Meng Wu asked whether Zi Lu was a man of men. The Master said, "I do not know." When asked again, he said, "In a country of a thousand chariots, Zi Lu might serve in the military field, but I do not know how he could be a man of men. "When asked about Ran Qiu, the Master said, "In a city of a thousand families or a baronial house of a hundred chariots, Qiu might serve as an administrator, but I do not know how he could be a man of men." When asked about Gongxi Chi, the Master said, "Standing at court with a sash around the waist, Chi might serve in the intercourse with honorable guests, but I do not know how he could be a man of men."
The Master asked Zi Gong, "Which one do you think is better, you or Yan Hui?" Zi Gong replied, "How can I compare with Hui? He may infer ten from one, while I can only infer two." The Master said, "You cannot match with him. Neither you nor I can match with him."
Zai Yu often slept by day. The Master said, "Rotten wood cannot be carved; a wall of dried dung cannot be whitewashed. What is the use of my blaming him?" Again the Master said, "At first when I dealt with people, I listened to what they said and believed they would do likewise. Now when I deal with people, I will not only listen to what they say but also see what they do. It is from Zai Yu that I have learned to make this change."
The Master said, "I have never seen a man steady and strong." When Shen Chang was mentioned, the Master said, "Chang is at the mercy of his desires. How could he be steady and strong?"
Zi Gong said, "What I would not have others do to me, I would not do to them." The Master said, "Zi Gong, you have not yet attained to that."
Zi Gong said, "We may have heard our Master's views on culture, but not on human nature and divine law."
Zi Lu would put into practice what he had learned, otherwise, he would not learn anything more.
When Zi Gong asked why Kong Wen Zi was called a civilized man, the Master said, "He was curious and fond of learning and not ashamed to learn from his inferiors, so he was called a civilized man."
The Master said of Zi Chan, "He is a cultured man in four respects: modest in his conduct, respectful in serving his superiors, beneficial to the people and just in employing his inferiors."
Yan Pingzhong, said the Master, knows how to make friends. The longer their friendship lasts, the more they respect him.
Zang Wenzhong, said the Master, kept a divine tortoise in a hall with hill patterns on its pillars and duckweed patterns on its beams. What did he know of the rites?
Zi Zhang asked what the Master would say of Zi Wen who was not overdelighted when thrice appointed minister, and not disappointed when thrice deposed, and who informed his successors how he had governed the state. The Master said, "He was loyal." When asked whether he was a man of men, the Master said, "I do not know how he could be a man of men." Zi Zhang said, "When Cui Zi murdered the prince of Qi, Chen Wen Zi who had a fief of ten chariots gave it up and left for another state. Arrived there, he said the ruler was as bad as Cui Zi, and left for a third. Arrived there, he said the same and left it again. What would you say of him?" The Master said, "He is free from blame." When asked whether he was a man of men, the Master said, "I do not know how he could be a man of men."
Ji Wen Zi would not take action until he thought it over thrice. Hearing of this, the Master said, "Twice is enough."
Ning Wu Zi, said the Master, showed wisdom when the country was well governed, but pretended to be dull when it was ill governed. His wisdom may be equalled, but not his dullness.
Why not return? said the Master in the State of Chen, why not return? The youth in my own country are thoughtless and careless, but they write well. How can I leave them uneducated?
Bo Yi and Shu Qi, said the Master, who would not accede to the trone, bore no old grudge, so few bore a grudge against them.
Who says Wei Shenggao is honest? said the Master. Someone asked him for vinegar, he begged it from his neighbor and then gave it as his own.
Flowery words, hypocritical deeds, excessive respect, said the Master, are shamefulin the eyes of Zuo Qiuming, so are they in mine. To befriend those whom one resents is shameful in the eyes of Zuo Qiuming, so is it in mine.
The Master said to Yan Yuan and Zi Lu in attendance, "Will each of you tell me what you wish?" Zi Lu said, "I would have carriage and horses, clothes and fur dress to share with my friends till these things are outworn, and I would feel no regret." Yan Hui said, "I would not show the good I have done nor the trouble I have taken for others." Zi Lu asked what the Master's wish was. The Master said, "I would comfort the old, be trusted by my friends and be loved by the young."
In vain, said the Master, have I looked for one who could find out his own faults and blame himself.
In a hamlet of ten houses, said the Master, there must be someone as faithful and as trustworthy as I am, but he may not be so fond of learning.
Ran Yong, said the Master, might be made a leader setting his face to the south.
When Ran Yong asked about Master Zi Sang Bo, the Master said, "He will do, for he is lenient." Ran Yong said, "Severe with oneself and lenient with others, one may become a good ruler. Lenient with oneself as with others, will one not become negligent?" The Master said, "Yong, you are right."
Duke Ai of Lu asked Confucius, "Which of your disciples are eager to learn?" Confucius said, "There was Yan Hui who was eager to learn. He did not shift the blame on to others, nor would he make the same mistake again. But it was a pity that he died early. Now there is none like him. I have never again heard of anyone so eager to learn."
When Gongxi Hua was sent on a mission to the state of Qi, Ran You requested grain for Gongxi's mother. The Master said, "Give her a measure." Ran You asked for more. The Master said, "Give her two measures." But Ran You gave her ten measures. The Master said, "When Gongxi Hua went to Qi, he drove sleek horses and wore light furs. I have heard that a cultured man will help those in need but not those who are rich."
Yuan Si, when made a governor, was given a salary of nine hundred litres of grain, but he declined. The Master said, "Do not decline it. Why not share it with your neighbors, villagers and townsfolk?"
Would mountain gods and river gods, said the Master, reject the sacrifice of a calf because it is brindled and horned?
Yan Hui, said the Master, would not do anything against humanism for three months on end. Others may do so, but only for a day or at most for a month.
When Ji Kang Zi asked whether Zi Lu was fit to be employed as an officer, the Master said, "Zi Lu is courageous. Why can he not be employed as an officer?" When asked about Zi Gong, the Master gave the same reply because Zi Gong was efficient. When asked about Ran Qiu, the Master said the same again because Ran Qiu was versatile.
When the usurper sent to ask Min Zi Qian to be governor of Fei, Min said, "Would you please decline that office for me? If anyone should come again, I would go far, far beyond the River Wen."
When Bo Niu was ill, the Master went to inquire after him. Grasping his hand through the window, the Master said, "It is all over. Alas! it is fatal for such a good man to have such a fatal illness. Such a good man should have such a fatal illness."
How good Yan Hui was, said the Master, living in a humble lane with only a handful of rice to eat and a gourdful of water to drink! Others could not bear such a wretched life, but Yan Hui was as happy as ever. How good Yan Hui was!
Ran Qiu said, "It is not that I am not delighted to follow your way, but that I lack the power." The Master said, "Those who lack power may stop on the midway, but you have not yet started."
The Master said to Zi Xia, "You should be an intellectual of the higher class, not one of the lower class."
When Zi You was governor of the town of Wu, the Master asked him whether he had got any helping hand. Zi You answered, "There is Tantai Mieming who never takes a shortcut in walking and never comes to my office unless on business."
Meng Zi Fan, said the Master, was no boaster. Once defeated, he was the last to retreat. Whipping up his horse near the city gate, he said, "I am the last to retreat, not because I am brave, but because my horse is slow."
Without the eloquence of the priest Tuo, said the Master, and the beauty of Prince Chao of Song, it would be hard to get through with the world of today.
Who, said the Master, could go out but by the door? Why not go this way?
More natural than cultured, said the Master, one would appear rustic. More cultured than natural, one would appear artificial. An intelligentle man should appear both cultured and natural.
A man should live an honest life, said the Master. It is by luck that a dishonest man can escape punishment.
To know the truth is good, said the Master, to love it is better, and to delight in it is best. (To understand is good, to enjoy is better and to delight is best.)
We may talk about what goes beyond the understanding of the average, said the Master, with those who are above mediocrity, not with those who are below.
When Fan Chi asked about wisdom, the Master said, "A wise man should do what is good for the people, respect spiritual beings and keep away from them." When asked about a good man, the Master said, "A good man will do hard work before he reaps. So may he be called a good man."
The wise, said the Master, delight in water while the good delight in mountains. The wise love mobility while the good love tranquillity. The wise live happy while the good live long.
After reformation, said the Master, the strong state of Qi might advance to a moral state, and the moral state of Lu might advance to an ideal state.
The wine cup, said the Master, looks unlike a cup. Can it be called a cup? Can it be called a cup?
Zai Wo asked whether a good man, when told another man was fallen into a well, should go down after him. The Master said, "Why should he go down? A good man might be told to go near the well, but not to go into it. He might be deceived, but not befooled."
A cultured man, said the Master, if wide read in literature and restrained by the rites, would not overstep what is right.
When Zi Lu was displeased with the Master's visit to the beautiful but ill-famed Princess Nan Zi, the Master swore, "If I had done anything wrong, may Heaven reject me! May Heaven reject me!"
How useful is the Golden Middle Way! said the Master. It is the highest virtue, but it has not been followed for a long time.
Zi Gong asked whether it could be called virtue to do good to people and benefit them. The Master said, It is more than virtue; it is the accomplishment of a sage. Even the earliest emperors could not boast of such accomplishment. What is virtue? To establish others as you would establish yourself, and help others to develop as you would help yourself to. To judeg of others by what is in yourself, that is the way towards virtue.
I narrate, said the Master, but not create. I believe and delight in the ancients, and make bold to compare myself to the Old Master.
If I can learn by heart, said the Master, not tired of learning nor of teaching, what more shall I need?
Virtue uncultivated, said the Master, knowledge unpropagated, the right undone, and the wrong unrighted, these are my worries.
Unoccupied, the Master took it easy and looked pleased.
How decrepit have I grown! said the Master. For long have I not dreamed of the sage.
Aim at truth, said the Master, depend on virtue, rely on the good and delight in the arts.
I would teach, said the Master, any student above fifteen who would bring me a bundle of dried flesh.
I will not instruct. said the Master, those who are not eager to learn, nor enlighten those who are not anxious to discover. If I show a man one corner of the table and he cannot infer the other three, I will not repeat the lesson.
Taking a meal by the side of a mourner, the Master would never eat to the full.
The Master would not sing after he had wept at a funeral.
The Master said to Yan Hui, "Ride when employed and hide when unemployed, that is what you and I would do." Zi Lu asked the Master, "Who would you employ if you were in command of three armies?" The Master said, "I would not employ one who would fight a tiger with bare hands or cross a river with broken legs and die without regret and remorse. I would employ one considerate when confronted with difficulties, and deliberate when accomplishing a task."
If wealth is attainable, said the Master, I would condescend to be a gate-keeper of the market. With wealth unattainable, I would do what I like.
The Master was cautious before the sacrifice, in war and in sickness.
Hearing the music of succession in Qi, the Master did not know the taste of meat for three months, saying, "I did not realize that music could have been so delicious,"
Ran You said, "Is our Master on the side of the Prince of Wei who contended for the throne with his father?" Zi Gong said, "I do not know. I will ask him." Coming in, he asked the Master, "What do you think of the two Yin brothers who yielded the crown?" The Master said, "They were two worthy ancients." Zi Gong asked, "Did they regret?" The Master said, "They sought to be worthy men. Why should they regret?" Coming out, Zi Gong said, "Our Master is not on the side of the Prince."
There is delight, said the Master, in plain food and water while pillowing the head on the arm. I would keep ill-gotten wealth and rank as far away as floating cloud.
Give me a few more years, said the Master, to study the Book of Change after fifty, I may be free from error.
The Master used fine language in reading Poetry and History, and in performing the rites. All these are written in fine language.
The Duke of She asked Zi Lu about Confucius. Zi Lu made no reply. Then the Master said, "Why did you not tell him that I am a man who forgets his hunger while thirsty for knowledge, and neglects his sorrow while drowned in delight so as not to perceive the coming of old age?"
I was not born with innate knowledge, said the Master. Fond of history, I am eager in pursuit of the experience accumulated in it.
The Master never talked of monstuosity, violence, disturbence and divinity.
When three men walk together, said the Master, there must be one worthy to be my teacher. I will choose what is good in him to follow, and avoid what is not good.
I have the innate virtue in me, said the Master. What have I to fear for the Minister of War?
Two or three of you, said the Master, may think I have secret from you. In fact, I have no secret at all. I have done nothing which I should keep secret from you. Otherwise, how could I be myself?
The Master taught four things: culture, conduct, faithfulness and trustworthiness.
I cannot hope, said the Master, to see a sage, but only a cultured man, nor can I hope to see a man of men, but only a consistent one. A consistent man will not take nothing for something, nor the empty for the full, nor the poor for the rich. Otherwise, he cannot be called a consistent man.
The Master fished with a line, but not with a net. He shot at birds, but not at roosting ones.
There are those, said the Master, who do what they do not understand. but I am not among the number. I would learn again and again and choose and follow what is good and bear it in mind. Knowledge acquired is only next to innate gift.
The people of Hu Village were difficult to approach. One day when a young man of Hu Village came for an interview with the Master, the disciples doubted whether he should be accepted. The Master said, "When a man comes forward, he is welcome. When he retrogrades, we should not go backwards with him. Be not too particular! A purified man is acceptable. Let bygones be bygones!"
Are we far from benevolence? said the Master. If we wish to be benevolent, then benevolence is within our reach.
When the Minister of Crime of the State of Chen asked whether Duke Zhao of Lu knew the ritual system, Confucius answered, "Yes." When Confucius withdrew, the Minister motioned Wuma Qi to come forward and said to him, "I have heard that an intelligentleman should not be partial. How could your Master be partial to Duke Zhao who married a daughter of the same clan but called her a different name? If the Duke knew the ritual system, then who does not?" Wuma Qi told this to the Master, who said, "How fortunate I am! When I have made a mistake, the people are sure to know it."
When the Master liked a song, he would make the singer repeat it and then sang it together with him.
In word, said the Master, perhaps I am no better than others. In deed, I dare not say that I am an accomplished intelligentleman.
The Master said, "The sage and his benevolence are beyond me. What I claim is only the untiring effort to learn and to teach." Gongxi Hua said, "That is just what we disciples are incapable of."
When the Master was very ill, Zi Lu asked leave to pray for him. The Master said, "Did the ancients pray?" Zi Lu said, "Yes, it is said in the Book of Prayer that we may pray to the divinities above and below." The Master said, "Then I have been praying for a long time."
Extravagance, said the Master, leads to insubordination, and frugality to obstinacy. But it would be far better to be obstinate than to be insubordinate.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, is carefree while an uncultured man is careworn.
The Master was mild but firm, dignified but unaggressive, respectful but equanimous.
Tai Bo, said the Master, might be said to have the highest virtue, for he had thrice renounced the throne. He was beyond the praise of the people.
Beyond propriety, said the Master, respect would lead to labor lost, caution to timidity, courage to violence, and even frankness would hurt. If cultured men are affectionate to their kins, then people will be inspired to do good. If old friends are not forgotten, then people will not be negligent.
When Master Zeng was ill, he summoned his disciples around him and said, "Uncover my feet and uncover my hands! It is said in the Book of Poetry: 'Be careful as if you did stand On the brink of the gulf of vice Or tread upon the ice!' From now on, I need not be so careful, my young friends."
When Master Zeng was ill, Meng Jing Zi came to inquire after him. Master Zeng said, "When a bird is about to die, its song is mournful. When a man is about to die, what he says is good. In performing the rites, a cultured man will pay attention to three things: how to look inoffensive and respectful, appear trustworthy, and be free from vulgarity in speech. As to sacrificial service, he will leave it to officials in charge."
Master Zeng said, "The capable may consult the incapable, the possessor of much may consult those of little; those who have may appear to have not, those who are full may appear empty; a man may take no care even when he is offended. Such was the way of one of my former friends."
Master Zeng said, "Is he not an intelligentleman who can be entrusted with a helpless orphan prince and the fate of a state, and who dare to face danger without fear? Yes, he is."
Master Zeng said, "An intellectual should be strong and steady, for his duty is heavy and his journey will be long. Is it not a heavy duty to be a man of men? Is his journey not long which will not end until his death?"
A man, said the Master, may be inspired by poetry, established in performing the rites, and perfected by music.
The common people, said the Master, may be made to follow, but not to understand the reason why.
If a daring man, said the Master, suffers from poverty, he will disobey the order. If he hates to excess those who are unkind, he will rise in revolt.
If a man, said the Master, is arrogant and narrow-minded, what could we learn from him even if he is gifted as the Duke of Zhou?
It is not easy, said the Master, to find one who has studied for three years without thinking of reward.
Be firm in belief and fond of learning, said the Master. Do not fear to die for truth. Do not enter a tottering state nor dwell in one in disorder. Appear where truth is followed and disappear where it is not. It is a shame to be poor and dishonored in a well-governed state as to be rich and honored in an ill-governed one.
Do not interfere, said the Master, into the matter you are not in a position to.
How pleasant to the ear, said the Master, are the Prelude played by the Music Master of Lu and the Chorus of Cooing and Wooing! What a flood of music!
What can I do, said the Master, with such persons as are proud and not frank, dull and not true, incapable and untrustworthy?
Be eager to acquire knowledge, said the Master, as if it were beyond reach, as if you were afraid to lose it even when it is acquired.
How sublime, said the Master, were Emperors Shun and Yu, who ascended the throne without striving for it!
How great, said the Master, was Emperor Yao as sovereign of the state! How sublime was he who imitated the boundless Heaven! So majestic was he that people could not find a name for him! How glorious were his achievements! How dazzling was his culture!
Emperor Shun had five ministers and the empire was well-governed. King Wu said, "I have ten able ministers." Confucius said, "It is difficult to find talents, is it not so? During the Tang and Yu Dynasties, it was particularly true. During the reign of King Wu there was a woman among his ministers, so there were only nine men in his service. King Wen of Zhou had two-thirds of the Realm of Yin, yet he served the Yin Emperor. Zhou may be said to attain the highest point of submission."
As for Emperor Yu, said the Master, I have nothing to say against him. He took plain food and drink for himself, but offered plentiful sacrifice for the divinities. He wore poor garment but put on magnificent dress in ritual ceremonies. He lived in a humble house but spared no effort to dig ditches and canals for the people. So what can I say against him?
The Master seldom talked about what was profit or fate or benevolence.
A villager from Daxiang said, "Great is Confucius! He possesses wide general knowledge but no special knowledge to make a name." Hearing of this, the Master said to his disciples, "What shall I specialize in? In chariot-driving or in archery? I should like to drive a chariot."
The linen cap, said the Master, is prescribed by the rules of ceremony, but now a silk one is worn. It is economical, and I follow the common practice. Bowing below the hall is prescribed by the rules, but now the common practice is bowing after ascending the hall. It is presumptuous, so I still bow below the hall against the general practice.
The Master was entirely free from four things, namely, supposition, predetermination, obstination and self-assertion.
When detained at Kuang, the Master said, "After the death of King Wen. I am entrusted with keeping culture from perishing. If Heaven would destroy culture, how could those who die after King Wen know what culture is. If Heaven would not destroy it, what harm could the people of Kuang do to me?"
A high officer asked Zi Gong whether his Master was a sage and how he could be so versatile. Zi Gong said that his Master was born a sage, so he was versatile in many arts. Hearing of this, the Master said, "Does the high officer know me? While young, I was poor and humble, so I had to be versatile to earn a living. Does an intelligentleman need to be versatile in arts? No, there is no need."
It was said by Lao that the Master said, "Notnemployed as an officer, I had to be versatile in arts."
Am I endowed with knowledge? said the Master. I am not. When a simpleton came to ask me a question, I was as empty as he was. But when I considered the props and the cons of the question, I got an answer in the end.
No prodigeous phoenix would appear, said the Master, nor would the picturesque portant emerge on the River. What could I do?
Seeing a man in mourning or in ceremonial dress, or meeting with a blind man, though they were young, the Master would rise. Passing by them, he would quicken his steps.
Yan Yuan said with a deep sigh, "Looking up, I find our Master high above. Digging into his word, I find it firm down below. His image appears before me, but suddenly it emerges behind. Our Master leads us forward step by step, broadens our mind with culture and regulates our conduct with the rules of propriety. How could I stop learning from him? When I have made the most of my ability, it seems that I could stand, but when I try to follow him, I find myself at a loss far behind."
When the Master was very ill, Zi Lu asked some disciples to act as official mourners. Convalescent, the Master said, "Zi Lu has deceived me for long. Pretending to have official mourners when I am not qualified to, whom could I deceive? Could I deceive Heaven? Would it be better to die in the hands of official mourners than in those of my disciples? Even if I cannot get an official burial, could I be abandoned by the roadside?"
Zi Gong said, "If there is a beautiful gem here, should I hide it in a box or sell it to a connoisseur?" The Master said, "Sell it, sell it! I am one waiting for a connoisseur."
The Master wanted to settle among the nine barbarian tribes. When asked how he could settle among such backward people, the Master said, "How could a place be backward where settled an intelligentleman?"
Since my return from Wei to Lu, said the Master, I have revised the Book of Music and put Odes and Hymns in their proper place.
At court, said the Master, I have served the duke and his ministers; at home, my father and elders. I dare not neglect the mourning service, nor am I indulged in wine. What else should I care?
Standing by a stream, the Master said, "Time passes away night and day like running water."
I have never seen a man, said the Master, who loves his duty more than beauty.
If ordered, said the Master, to stop bringing the last basketful of earth to raise a mound, I would stop. If ordered to proceed after bringing the first basketful of earth to level a ground, I would proceed.
It was only Yan Yuan, said the Master, who would listen to me without getting tired.
The Master said of the death of Yan Yuan, "Alas! I saw him ever advance, and never stop in his progress."
There are shoots, said the Master, which spring up but do not flower, and others which flower but do not bear fruit.
Respect the young, said the Master. How can you foretell they will not do better than you? If they have no achievement at forty or fifty, then you need not be afraid of them.
Can we not follow, said the Master, the rules of propriety? It is important to change our ways when they are against the rules. Can we not be pleased with good advice? But it is important to analyse it. What can I do with a man pleased without analysis, or following without reform?
It is essential, said the Master, to be truthful and faithful, to befriend one's equals and be not afraid to admit and amend one's faults. (Cf. 1.8.)
The three armies, said the Master, may be deprived of their commander-in-chief, but the common people cannot be deprived of his opinion.
The Master said, "It is Zi Lu who is not ashamed to stand in rags beside one in furs." Zi Lu recited the following verse all his life long: "For nothing would he long. Will he do what is wrong?" The Master said, "The truth contained in this verse is not worth treasuring so much."
Only in the coldest weather, said the Master, can we realize that the pine and the cypress are the last to lose their leaves.
The wise, said the Master, are free from doubt; the good, from worry; and the brave, from fear.
One who studies together with you, said the Master, may not put what he studies into practice; another who puts it into practice may not get established; and a third who gets established may not share weal and woe with you.
"Cherry flowers in view so swift back and forth sway. Do I not think of you? Your house is far away." The Master said, "He did not think of his friend, or how can it be so far away?"
In his native village Confucius looked simple and unassuming as if he were not fluent. At court or in the ducal ancestral temple he spoke readily and chose his words with care.
When he talked with his colleagues at court, he spoke freely. With his superiors, he spoke formally with restraint. In the presence of the prince, he spoke respectfully with unease but with self-possession.
When summoned by the prince in the reception of an honorable guest, he looked solemn, quickened his steps, and saluted his colleagues standing left and right, with his robe evenly adjusted before and behind. He advanced to the guest with his arms like the wings of a bird. When the guest had retired, he would report to the prince, "The guest is gone without looking back."
Entering the palace gate, he bent his body as if there were no room enough for him to strengthen up. Halting, he never stood in the middle of the gate. Passing by the vacant throne, his face turned solemn, his pace quickened and his words seemed chocked. Ascending the audience hall, he held up the hem of his robe and bent his body as if he dared not breathe. Coming out, he began to relax after descending the first step and appeared relieved. At the bottom of the steps, he quickened his pace with his sleeves like two wings. Regaining his place, he looked respectfully and wary.
Holding the tablet of jade, he seemed to bend his body under an unbearable weight. Holding it high, he seemed to bow; holding it low, he seemed to offer a gift. His face seemed wary and he went straightforward. Presenting the ritual gift, he looked placid. At the private audience, he looked happy.
A cultured man does not wear a black-collared dress with grey-hemmed sleeves nor a reddish or purple undress. In hot weather he wears an unlined gown of fine thread loosely woven, but put on an outside garment before going out-of-doors. He wears a a black robe over lampskin, a white robe of undyed silk over fawn's fur, or a yellow robe over fox's fur. On the fur robe of his undress the right sleeve is shorter than the left. His bedcloth must be half as long again as his body. Thick furs of fox or badger are used as cushions at home. He may wear all his girdle-ornaments after the mourning. His under-garment must be cut short, except his court apron. Black-dyed lampskin and hat must not be worn on a visit of condolescence. On the first day of the moon he must go to court in full court dress.
Before sacrifice, he must wear bathrobe made of lenin cloth. He must change his food and live in another bedroom not together with his wife.
He did not reject finely cleaned rice or minced meat. He did not eat rice affected by weather or turned sour, nor rotten fish and putrid flesh, nor discolored or bad-smelling meat. He did not eat over-or under-cooked food, nor vegetables out of season or improperly cut, nor meat or food without its proper sauce. He must not eat more meat than rice. There was no limit for wine, but he must not get drunken. He must not buy wine or dried meat in the market. He might eat ginger food, but not much.
The sacrificial flesh he received from the ducal palace must not be kept overnight. The sacrificial flesh of the family must not be kept over three days, or it is uneatable.
While eating, he did not talk. In bed, he did not speak.
Even coarse rice and vegetables may be respectfully offered as sacrificial food.
He did not sit in improper order.
He did not leave the villagers' drinking party before the staff-carrying elders left.
At the villagers' evil-driving ceremony, he put on his court robe and stood on the eastern steps.
When sending inquiry after a friend in another state, he bowed twice and saw the messenger off.
When Ji Kang Zi sent him some medicine, he bowed and accepted it, saying, "As I am not acquainted with its properties, I dare not taste it."
His stable was burned down when he was at court. On his return he asked if anybody was hurt without asking about his horses.
When the prince sent him food, he would sit in his place and taste it. When undressed meat was sent, he would cook it and offer it to his ancestors. When a live animal was sent, he would rear it. When he attended the prince at a meal while the prince was making a sacrificial offering, he would taste the dishes.
If he received the prince's visit while ill, he would lie with his head towards the east, his court robe spread over his body and his girdle across his robe.
When summoned by the prince, he would go at once without waiting for the carriage to be yoked.
When he entered the Grand Temple, he asked about everything there. (Cf. 3.15.)
If a friend died without any relative, he would say, "I will take care of his funeral."
He would not bow on receiving a gift from a friend, be it a cariage with horses. He would only bow on receiving a sacrificial flesh.
He would not lie in bed like a corpse nor sit at home like a guest.
He would change his attitude on seeing a mourner, or a man in sacrificial dress, or a blind man, though they were his friends or in undress. He would bow even in his carriage when he met with a man in mourning dress or on official duty. He would rise with altered facial expression at a sumptuous feast or on hearing sudden thunder or a violent gale.
He would stand straight in his carriage, holding the cord. He would not turn round, nor speak hastily, nor point with his fingers.
His face changed color on seeing birds hover and settle. He read the verse: Hen-pheasants at their prime Know how to bide their time. Zi Lu made an offering to them, but they sniffed thrice and flew away.
The villagers, said the Master, performed ritual and music before townsfolk. So I would employ the villagers in practising ritual and music.
Those who followed me in the states of Chen and Cai when I was in difficulty, said the Master, are not with me now.
Among them Yan Yuan, Min Zi Qian, Ran Bo Niu and Zhong Yong were distinguished in virtue; Zai Wo and Zi Gong in eloquence; Ran You and Zi Lu in talent; Zi You and. Zi Xia in letters.
Yan Yuan, said the Master, was of little help to me. He was delighted in whatever I said.
Min Zi Qian was a good son, said the Master. None could disagree with his parents and brothers about their praise of him.
Nan Rong recited the following verse again and again: A flaw in white jade found, Away it may be ground, A flaw in what you say, Its influence will stay. Confucius married his niece to Nan Rong. (Cf. 5.2.)
Ji Kang Zi asked, "Which of your disciples are eager to acquire knowledge?" Confucius answered, "There was Yan Yuan who was eager to learn, but it was a pity that he died early. Now there is none like him." (Cf. 6.3.)
When Yan Yuan died, his father begged Confucius to sell his carriage in order to buy an outer coffin for Yan Yuan. The Master said, "Our sons may be gifted or ungifted. When my son died, he had a coffin without the outer one. I could not sell my carriage to buy an outer coffin for your son, because I could not go on foot to follow other officials who ride in their carriages."
At Yan Yuan's death, the Master said, "Alas! Heaven has bereaved me, Heaven has bereaved me."
Deeply grieved at Yan Yuan's death, the Master wept bitterly. His follower said, "Master, you are too deeply grieved." The Master said, "Am I so deeply grieved? For whom should I be grieved if not for him?"
After Yan Yuan's death his fellow disciples would bury him reverently. The Master said that would not do. But the disciples still buried him reverently. The Master said, "O Yan Yuan who looked on me as his father! But I could not look on him as my son. It is not my fault. It is yours, my disciples."
When Zi Lu asked how to serve the spirits and the divinities, the Master said, "If you do not know how to serve the living, could you know how to serve the dead?" Then Zi Lu asked about death, the Master said, "How can you know about death if you do not know about life?"
Standing by the side of the Master, Min Zi Qian looked respectful, Zi Lu seemed energetic, Ran You and Zi Gong were mild and cheerful. The Master was pleased, but he said, "A man like Zi Lu could never die in his bed."
The minister of Lu was to rebuild the Long Treasury. Min Zi Qian said, "Why not repair it? I see no need to replace the old by the new." The Master said, "Min Zi Qian seldom speaks, but when he does, he hits the point."
The Master did not like Zi Lu playing on lute at his door, so the disciples did not respect Zi Lu. The Master said, "Zi Lu has entered my hall but not my inner room."
Zi Gong asked about Zi Zhang and Zi Xia, "Which of them is better?" The Master said, "Zi Zhang has overdone and Zi Xia underdone." Zi Gong asked, "Is Zi Zhang better?" The Master said, "To overdo is no better than to underdo."
The lord of the Ji Family was richer than the Duke of Zhou, yet Ran You collected revenues for him and increased his wealth. The Master said, "Ran You is no follower of mine. Dear disciples, you may beat your drum and assail him."
"Gao Cai is simple; Zen Shen is dull; Zi Zhang is queer; Zi Lu is bold."
Yan Yuan, said the Master, is nearest to an ideal man, but he is often in want. Zi Gong does not obey the order, but he has enriched himself and often hit the mark in his calculation.
Zi Zhang asked how to learn from a good man. The Master said, "If you do not follow his trace, you cannot enter his room.
One's solemnity, said the Master, may be taken for granted. But is he a cultured man or does he simply appear to be solemn as a cultured one?
When Zi Lu asked whether he should put into practice the principle he had heard, the Master said, "You should first consult your father and your elder brother." When Ran You asked the same question, the Master said, "You may put it into practice." When Gongxi Hua heard this, he said, "I do not understand why you gave different answers to the same question." The Master said, "Ran You is timid, so I encourage him; Zi Lu is rash, so I discourage him."
The Master was detained at Kuang and Yan Yuan did not come till the Master was released. The Master said, "I thought you were dead." Yan Yuan said, "How dare I die when you are alive?"
Ji Zi Ran asked whether Zi Lu and Ran Qiu could be called ministers. The Master said, "I thought you were talking about other officials than Zi Lu and Ran Qiu. What is a minister but one who serves his prince according to the principle and will resign if it is not followed? If so, they may be called qualified ministers." Ji Zi Ran said, "Will they always follow orders?" The Master said, "Not when they are told to murder their prince or father."
Zi Lu got Zi Gao appointed governor of Fei. The Master said, "That would do wrong to the people." Zi Lu said, "He might learn from the peasants and the altar. Why should he acquire knowledge only from books?" The Master said, "It is on this account that I do not like glib talkers."
Zi Lu, Zeng Xi, Ran You and Gongxi Hua sitting in attendance, the Master said, "Never mind I am older than you. Do not say your abilities are not recognized. What if they were?" Zi Lu replied straightforwardly, "If I were entrusted with a state of a thousand chariots, though situated among bigger powers and invaded by hostile armies, and suffering from famine and draught, I would teach its people to be courageous and know what is right by the end of three years." The Master smiled at him and said to Ran You, "What about you?" Ran You said, "If I were entrusted with a state of sixty or seventy square leagues, I could give its people plenty to live on by the end of three years. As for ritual and music, I would leave them to cultured men." "What about you, Gongxi Hua?" Gongxi Hua said, "I do not think I am capable, but I would like to learn. In ceremonies at the ancestral temple and at the conference of princes, I would like to act as an assistant in black gown and hat," "What about you, Zeng Xi?" Zeng Xi, pausing as he was playing on his twanging lute, put it aside and said, "My answer is quite different from theirs." The Master said, "What matters? Just say what you would like to do." Then Zeng Xi said, "In late spring I would put on my newly made spring dress and go with five or six grown-ups and six or seven young men to purify ourselves in River Yi, enjoy the breeze at the Rain Altar and come back singing." The Master said with a sigh, "I would like to go with you." When the three disciples were out, Zeng Xi remained behind and asked, "What do you, dear Master, think of what my fellow disciples have just said?" The Master said, "They have said what they would like to do." Zeng Xi asked, "Why did you smile at what Zi Lu said?" The Master said, "A state should be governed in accordance with what is right. Zi Lu was not modest, so I smiled at him." "Did not Ran You talk about the governance of a country?" "Is a state of sixty or seventy square leagues not a country to be governed?" "Did not Gongxi Hua talk about the governance of a country?" "What are services at the ancestral temple and conferences of the princes if not performance of a country? If Gongxi Hua could only act as an assisstant, then who could be the master in ceremony?"
Yan Yuan asked about benevolence. The Master said, "A benevolent man will control himself in conformity with the rules of propriety. Once every man can control himself in conformity with the rules of propriety, the world will be in good order. Benevolence depends on oneself, not on others." Yan Yuan asked about the details. The Master said, "Do not look at anything nor listen to anything nor speak of anything nor do anything against the rules of propriety." Then Yan Yuan said, "Dull as I am, I would put your instruction into practice."
Zhong Gong asked about benevolence. The Master said, "Behave out-of-doors as if you were before a very important person. Serve the people as if you were attending a very important sacrificical service. Do not do to others what you would not have others do to you. Do nothing to bring a complaint against you at home or abroad." Zhong Gong said, "Dull as I am, I would put your instruction into practice."
Sima Niu asked about benevolence. The Master said, "A benevolent man is cautious in speaking." Sima Niu said, "Is it benevolence to be cautious only in speaking?" The Master said, "Could a benevolent man not be cautious in speaking when he finds it difficult to put what he says into practice?"
Sima Niu asked about an intelligentleman. The Master said, "An intelligentleman has no worry and no fear." Sima Niu said, "Can he be an intelligentleman, who simply has no worry and no fear?" The Master said, "If a man finds nothing wrong on looking within himself, what is there to worry about and to fear?"
Sima Niu said worriedly, "Other men have brothers, but I have none." Zi Xia said, "I have heard that life and death are decided by fate, and wealth and honor depend on Heaven. A cultured man will respect others and will not go beyond what is right. If he is respectful and observes the rules of propriety, then all men within the four seas will be fraternal to him. Why need he worry about having no brothers?".
Zi Zhang asked about clear sight. The Master said, "Invulnerable to soaking slander and burning pain, one may be said to be clear-sighted. Proof against soaking slander and burning pain, one may be said to be long-sighted."
Zi Gong asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, "A country must have enough food, enough forces, and faith of the people." Zi Gong said, "Which of the three may be dispensed with if obliged to?" The Master said, "Military forces." Zi Gong asked, "Which of the two remaining may be dispensed with if obliged to?" The Master said, "Food. Though people will die without food, yet it is so since the olden days. But without the faith of the people, a country cannot stand."
Ji Zi Cheng said, "What a cultured man needs is only the inner matter. What is the use of the outer manner?" Zi Gong said, "It is a pity that you should have said that! Four steeds cannot overtake your words. The manner is as important as the matter and the matter is as important as the manner. If a tiger had not its yellow skin and black stripes or a leopard had not its yellowish coat and dark spots, what is the difference between their hide and the sheepskin?"
Duke Ai inquired of Master You, saying, "In the year of famine, the state has not enough for its needs. What can I do?" Master You said, "Why not tithe the people?" The duke said, "With two-tenths I have not enough, What could I do with one-tenth?" Master You said, "If the people have enough, the prince will not be in want. If the people are in want, how can the prince have enough?"
Zi Zhang asked how to promote virtue and solve a dilemma. The Master said, "Be sincere and faithful and follow what is right, that is the way to promote virtue. If you love a man and wish him to live, and then hate him and wish him to die, you are in a dilemma." It is said in the Book of Odes: "I cans't bear your disdain, So I go back with pain," (Disdain shows your hate and pain reveals your love.)
Duke Jing of the State of Qi asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, "In a country the prince should be a prince, the minister a minister, the father a father, the son a son." The duke said, "How true it is! If prince, minister, father, son do not do their duty, how can I enjoy my revenue though I have plenty?"
The Master said, "It is Zi Lu who could settle a lawsuit with half a word." Zi Lu did not put off what he had promised till the next day.
As a judge in the court, said the Master, I am no better than other judges. But I would like nobody to go to law.
Zi Zhang asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, "Be indefatigable in office and sincere in practice."
A cultured man, said the Master, if wide read in literature and restrained by the rites, would not overstep what is right. (Cf. 6.27.)
A cultured man, said the Master, will help others in doing good, not in doing wrong. An uncultured man will do the contrary.
Ji Kang Zi asked Confucius about the art of ruling. Confucius said, "To rule is to do what is right. If the ruler only does what is right, how dare the ruled do wrong?"
Troubled by the thieves, Ji Kang Zi asked Confucius how to do away with them. Confucius replied, "If you were not covetous, none would steal even if paid to."
Asking about the art of ruling, Ji Kang Zi said to Confucius, "What do you think of killing the evil-doer to protect the good people?" Confucius replied, "Why should you kill to rule? If you rule in the right way, people will be good. The relation between the ruler and the ruled is like that between the wind and the grass. When the wind blows, the grass will bend down."
Zi Zhang asked, "How can an intellectual be influential?" The Master said, "What do you mean by 'influential'?" Zi Zhang replied, "To be wellknown in the state and in the house of his lord." The Master said, "Then what you mean is renown, not influence. An influential man should do and love what is right. He should examine the people's countenance and observe their expressions, and think of others before himself. Then he will be influential in the state and in the house of his lord. A man of renown may appear good but do the contrary. He may think of himself before others without doubting about himself. So he becomes only wellknown in the state and in the house of his lord."
Fan Chi asked the Master while taking a walk with him at Rain Altar, "May I venture to ask how to promote virtue, amend faults and distinguish right from wrong?" The Master said, "Good questions! If you do your work before you get your reward, is it not to promote virtue? If you criticize your own shortcomings instead of those of others, is it not to amend your faults? If you are outrageous beyond yourself in a fit of anger, to the detriment of your parents, can you distinguish right from wrong?"
Fan Chi asked about a good ruler. The Master said, "A good ruler loves the ruled." Fan Chi asked about a wise ruler. The Master said, "A wise ruler knows the ruled." Fan Chi did not quite understand. The Master said, "Put the straight above the crooked, the crooked will be straightened." Fan Chi withdrew and said to Zi Xia, "I have just asked our Master about the wise ruler, our Master said, 'Put the straight above the crooked, the crooked will be straightened.' What does he mean?" Zi Xia said, "How rich in meaning his words are! When Shun ruled over the country, he selected Gao Tao as his minister and those who were not good were kept away. When Tang ruled over the country, he selected Yi Yin as his minister, and those who were not good were kept away."
Zi Gong asked how to make friends. The Master said, "Give earnest advice in good terms. Stop if it is rejected, lest you be insulted."
Master Zeng said, "A cultured man will make friends with men of letters, and his friends will help him to promote virtue."
Zi Lu asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, "Lead the people and labor together with them." Zi Lu asked for more. The Master said, "Labor indefatigably."
Zhong Gong who became minister of the Ji Family asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, "Lead your subordinate officials, pardon their minor faults and promote those who have talent." Zhong Gong asked how to discover talents. The Master said, "Select those whom you know. As for those whom you know not, do you think others will neglect them?"
Zi Lu said, "The Prince of Wei is waiting for you to rule over his country. What will you do first?" The Master said, "First of all, things must be properly named." Zi Lu said, "How can you be so far from reality? Why should things be properly named first of all?" The Master said, "How rude you are, Zi Lu! A cultured man will keep silent on what he does not know. If things are not properly named, then what you say about them cannot be right. If what you say is not right, how can you accomplish a task? If you cannot accomplish a task, how can ritual and music be properly performed? If ritual and music cannot be properly performed, how can punishment be adequately carried out? If punishment cannot be adequate, how can people know right from wrong? Therefore, a cultured man will first of all name the things properly so that what he says may be right. If what he says is right, then it can be properly carried out. Whatever a cultured man says must not be improper and incorrect, that is all I mean."
When Fan Chi asked about farming. The Master said, "I am no better than an old farmer." When asked about gardening, the Master said "I am no better than an old gardener." When Fan Chi had gone out, the Master said, "Fan Chi is indeed an uncultured man. If the ruler loves the rites, no people would be disrespectful. If the ruler loves what is right, no people would be disobedient. If the ruler loves the truth, no people would disregard reality. If such is the case, then people from all the corners of the earth would come to him with their babies strapped on their back. Why need he learn farming?"
If a man versed in three hundred poems, said the Master, cannot discharge the office entrusted to him, nor can he fulfill the mission when sent abroad, what then is the use of being wide read?
An upright ruler, said the Master, will be obeyed though he gives no order. If he is not upright, he will not be obeyed though he gives orders.
Lu and Wei, said the Master, are brother states. Neither is better nor worse than the other in politics.
The Master said of Jing, a scion of the ducal family of Wei, "He knew well how to lead an economic life. When he began to have means, he said that he had almost enough. When he had a little more, he said that he was almost full. When he was rich, he said that it could not be better."
The Master went his way to Wei and Ran You drove the carriage for him. The Master said, "What a large population!" Ran You said, "What should be done to such a large population?" The Master said, "Enrich them!" Ran You said, "What should be done when they are enriched?" The Master said, "Educate them!"
If any prince should employ me, said the Master, one year would be enough to show what I can do, and three years would show what I can accomplish.
If good men, said the Master, were to rule the state for a hundred years, violence and slaughter would be done away with. But how could it come true?
Even a truly royal ruler, said the Master, would need a generation to make virtue prevail among the people.
If the ruler is right, said the Master, he need not worry about how to rule the state. If he is not right, how can he put other people right?
Once when Ran You came back from court, the Master said, "Why are you so late?" Ran You said, "There were political affairs." The Master said, "It must have been only administrative business. If there had been political affairs, I should have been consulted though I am not in office now."
Duke Ding asked whether there was a word which could make a country prosperous. Confucius said, "A word could hardly do that. But I have heard that it is difficult to be a prince and not easy to be a minister. If a ruler really understands that, can we not say that a word may nearly prosper a country?" Duke Ding asked then whether there was a word which could ruin a country. Confucius said, "A word could hardly do that. But I have heard that a prince finds no pleasure but in that none oppose to what he says. If what he says is right and opposed by none, it is very good. But if what he says is wrong and opposed by none, then is it not a word which may nearly ruin a country?"
The Duke of She asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, "Make the near happy to stay and the far-off happy to come."
Zi Xia who became governor of Jufu asked about the art of ruling. The Master said, "Be neither hasty nor partial! For haste makes waste, and partiality loses entirety."
The Duke of She said to Confucius, "A straightforward man in my country accused his father when he had stolen a sheep." Confucius said, "A straightforward man in mine is different. The father would conceal his son's misconduct and the son would conceal his father's. In this we see the relation of a family."
Fan Chi asked about the good man. The Master said, "A good man respects himself in private life, and respects others in public life. Trustworthy in business, he remains the same though among uncivilized tribes."
Zi Gong asked what kind of man may be called an official. The Master said, "A man ashamed of his misbehavior and loyal to the prince's commission when sent abroad may be called an official." Zi Gong said, "May I venture to ask what kind of man may rank next?" The Master said, "A man commended by his relatives for filial piety and by his fellow villagers for deference to the elders." When asked what ranks still next, the Master said, "A man faithful in word and in deed, busy all day long like common. people of lower class may perhaps rank next." When asked how about the officials in the government, the Master said, "Pooh! They are mere thimblefuls, not worth taking into account."
If I cannot find men, said the Master, who follow the middle way, I would rather have the radical and the moderate. The radical would advance and the moderate would not do anything wrong.
The Master said, "It is said in the south that a man without constancy cannot make a good witch-doctor. Well said!" It is said in the Book of Change "Inconstancy will lead to disgrace." The Master said, "This simply discourages the inconstant from initiating into witchcraft."
A cultured man, said the Master, may disagree to reach an agreement, while an uncultured man dare not disagree but agrees without understanding.
Zi Gong asked, "What do you think of a man loved by all his countrymen?" The Master said, "I do not think he is good enough." When asked about a man disliked by all his countrymen, the Master said, "I am not sure he is bad. I would prefer a man loved by the good countrymen and disliked by the bad ones."
It is easy to serve, said the Master, but difficult to please a cultured man, for he will not be pleased but in the right way, and he employs men according to their abilities. It is difficult to serve, but easy to please un uncultured man, for he may be pleased though not in the right way, but he expects the employed equal to everything.
A cultured man, said the Master, is dignified and not proud, while an uncultured man is proud and not dignified.
Strong and steady, said the Master, wooden and wordless, such a man is nearly a good man.
Zi Lu asked what kind of man might be called a cultured man. The Master said, "He should be helpful and peaceful: helpful to friends and peaceful among brothers."
The people, said the Master, trained by good teachers for seven years, may be employed in war.
It would be a useless sacrifice, said the Master, to employ untrained people in war.
Yuan Xian asked about shame. The Master said, "It would be a shame to get the same pay when the state goes on the wrong way as when it goes on the right way." When asked whether it is benevolent to control oneself and not to boast of oneself, and to be free from resentment and greediness, the Master said, "It would be difficult to do so, but I do not know whether it could be called benevolence."
An intellectual, said the Master, indulged in a comfortable life could not be called an intellectual.
When the state goes on the right way, said the Master, one should be honest in word and in deed. When it goes on the wrong way, one should be honest in deed but cautious in word.
A virtuous man, said the Master, will say what is right, but one who says what is right may not be a virtuous man. A benevolent man will be brave, but a brave man may not be benevolent.
Nangong Kuo asked Confucius why the best archer and the hero who overturned a boat both died a tragical death, while the two cultivaters of the land became the rulers of the state. The Master made no reply. When Nangong Kuo was out, the Master said, "This is indeed a cultured man. He loves virtue above strength."
A cultured man, said the Master, may fall short of virtue, but none of the uncultured men will love virtue.
Could there be love, said the Master, which demands no work? Could there be loyalty which demands no instruction?
Before an order is issued, said the Master, Bi Chen made the draft, Shi Shu checked it, Zi Yu the diplomat amended it, and Zi Chan of the East Village elaborated it.
When asked about Zi Chan, the Master said, "He is a kind man." When asked about Zi Xi, he merely said, "That man, that man!" When asked about Guan Zhong, he said, "He is a personage. For he has deprived the Bo family of three hundred villages and the head of the Bo family lived on coarse food without a word of complaint till he grew old and toothless."
Poverty without complaint, said the Master, is more difficult than wealth without pride.
Meng Gong Chao would be a better official in such big families as Zhao and Wei than a minister in such small states as Teng or Xue.
When Zi Lu asked what an accomplished man should be like, the Master said, "A man wise as Zang Wu Zhong, desire-free as Meng Gong Chuo, brave as Bian Zhuang Zi, and artful as Ran Qiu may be considered as an accomplished man if he is cultivated in ritual and music." He then added, "What is the need for an accomplished man of today to have all these things? If he should prefer the proper to the profit, risk his life in face of danger, and never forget a promise made long ago, I think he is good enough to be called an accomplished man."
The Master asked Gongming Jia about his master Gong Shu Wen Zi, "Is it true that your master neither spoke nor laughed nor took?" Gong-ming Jia said, "The man who told you that was exaggerating. My master spoke when people were not tired of what he said; he laughed when he was happy and people were not tired of his laughter; he took what was right to take when people were not displeased with what he took." The Master said. "Was it so? Can it have been so?"
Zang Wu Zhong, said the Master, occupied the fief of Fang and demanded the Duke of Lu to allow his brother Wei to take over the fief. Though he said no pressure was used, yet I do not believe it.
Duke Wen of Jin, said the Master, was tactful and not upright, while Duke Huan of Qi was upright and tactless.
Zi Lu said, "Duke Huan of Qi asked the State of Lu to put to death his elder brother Jiu, Jiu's master Zhao Hu followed Jiu in death, but Guan Zhong did not. Was Guan Zhong not short of virtue?" The Master said, "Duke Huan assembled nine times the rulers of all the states without resorting to his war chariots, and it was on the strength of Guan Zhong. What is virtue if this is not?"
Zi Gong said, "Was Guan Zhong not short of virtue? When Duke Huan put Prince Jiu to death, he did not die with him, but became prime minister to Duke Huan?" The Master said, "When Guan Zhong was prime minister, he helped Duke Huan to rule over all the princes of the state, unify the kingdom and benefit the people up to the present day. Without Guan Zhong, we might have been conquered by uncivilized tribes with disheveled hair and in barbarian dress. Would you expect from him as ordinary people to die in a ditch without leaving a name behind?"
Gong Shu Wen Zi had an officer called Xun promoted to the rank of minister as high as himself and through his own recommendation. Hearing of this, the Master said, "Gong Shu Wen Zi is worthy of his name of a cultured man ('wen')."
The Master was speaking about the corruption of Duke Ling of Wei, when Ji Kang asked how the duke did not lose his state since he was so corrupt. The Master said, "He had three good ministers: Zhong Shu Yu in charge of foreign affairs, Shi Tuo in charge of civil service and Gong Sun Jia in command of his armies. How could he lose his state?"
One who exaggerates, said the Master, will find it difficult for his deeds to agree with his words.
When Chen Heng Zi murdered Duke Jian of Qi, Confucius took a bath and went to court to inform Duke Ai of Lu that Chen Heng Zi had slain his prince and begged that forces be sent to punish him. The duke said, "Inform the chiefs of the three families." Confucius said, "As I am in the retinue of His Highness, I consider it my duty to inform him of the murder. But I was told to inform the chiefs of the three families." Then he went to the three chiefs and informed them of the matter, but they refused the petition. Confucius said, "As I am in the retinue of the duke, I consider it my duty to inform them."
Zi Lu asked how to serve the prince. The Master said, "Do not say what is contrary to your thoughts, but you may openly express your disagreement."
A cultured man, said the Master, goes up while an uncultured man goes down.
In old days, said the Master, men learned to improve themselves; nowadays, they learn to impress others.
Qu Bo Yu sent a messenger to inquire after Confucius. Confucius bade him to be seated and asked what his master was doing. The messenger said, "My master is trying to lessen his failings and not yet quite successful." When the messenger was out, Confucius said, "What a messenger! What a messenger!"
The Master said, "Do not interfere into the matter you are not in a position to!" Master Zeng said, "Even in his thoughts, an intelligentleman should not interfere into the matter he is not in a position to."
An intelligentleman, said the Master, is ashamed that his words outrun his deeds.
The Master said, "An intelligentleman is three in one, but I am none. A good man should be carefree, a wise man should be doubt-free and a brave man should be fearless." Master Zeng said, "Our Master has told us what he is."
Zi Gong was always criticizing others. The Master said, "Zi Gong, are you good enough? As for me, I have no leisure to criticize others."
Be not afraid, said the Master, that you are unknown, but that you are unable.
Do not think in advance, said the Master, that people are deceiving you nor that they do not believe you. Undeceived and believed at once, you would be sagacious.
Weisheng Mu said to Confucius, "What are you busy about here and there? Are you a glib talker?" Confucius said, "Not that I am glib, but that I do not like to be stiff."
A steed is good, said the Master, not for its strength, but for its quality.
When asked whether good should be returned for evil, the Master said, "What then should be returned for good? Justice should be returned for evil and good for good."
The Master said, "It is a pity that none understands me." Master Zeng asked "Why?" The Master said, "I do not complain against Heaven and lay no blame on man. I only learn laws human and divine. But only Heaven understands me."
Gong Bo Liao spoke against Zi Lu to the chief of the Ji family. Zi Fu Ying Bo told the Master that the chief was deluded by Gong Bo Liao, and that he still had power to put Gong Bo Liao to death. The Master said, "It is Heaven's will whether my way will be followed or not. What could Gong Bo Liao do against Heaven's will?"
The Master said, "A good man would retire first from a bad society, next from a bad place, next from bad looks, next from bad words." Then he added, "There are seven good men who have already done so."
Zi Lu passed one night at the Stone Gate. Next morning the gate keeper asked him where he came from. He said, "From Confucius." The gatekeeper said, "Is it the man who would try the impossible?"
The Master was playing on a musical stone in the State of Wei when a man bearing a basket passed by his door. The man said, "His heart must be full to beat the musical stone in such a way." Then he said. "Is it worthwhile to show oneself off? What matters if one is unknown or unrecognized? 'If water's shallow, leap; And strip if it is deep! ' " The Master said, "If so, it would not be difficult to find a way out,"
Zi Zhang said, "It is said in the Book of History that the High Emperor of Yin did not talk in the shed of mourning for three years. What does this mean?" The Master said, "Why should the High Emperor be mentioned in particular when all the ancients did in the same way? After the sovereign's death, all the officials continued to hold their office and took orders from the the prime minister for three years."
So long as the ruler observes the ritual said the Master, the people will be obedient.
When Zi Lu asked about an intelligentleman, the Master said, "He should cultivate himself and do his duty with respect." When asked whether it was all, the Master said, "He should cultivate himself so as to make others live in comfort." When asked again whether it was all, the Master said, "He should cultivate himself so as to make people live in comfort. Such is the end the sagacious emperors would have attained."
Yuan Rong waited for Confucius, squatting on the heels. The Master said, "Immodest in youth, unaccomplished in manhood and useless in old age, such a man would be a pest." He struck him on the slank with his staff.
A young man carried a message for Confucius from his native village. When asked whether the messenger was good at learning, the Master said, "I have seen him occupy the place of an adult and walk side by side with his elders. He is not good at learning but would become a grown-up before his time."
Duke Ling of Wei asked Confucius about battle array, Confucius replied, "I know only something about ritual, but nothing about military affairs." He left Wei the next day.
Confucius was not supplied with food in the state of Chen, his followers became too weak to rise to their feet. Dissatified, Zi Lu came and said, "How can an intelligentleman fall in want?" The Master said, "An intelligentleman will do nothing wrong even if he is in want, while an uncultured man in want will break loose from all restraints."
The Master said to Zi Gong, "Do you think I am a man who knows many things and keeps them in memory?" Zi Gong said, "Yes, is it not so?" The Master said, "No, I know only one in many and many in one."
The Master said to Zi Lu, "Few know what virtue is."
Emperor Shun ruled by non-interference, said the Master. Was it not so? What did he do but occupy the imperial throne reverently?
When Zi Zhang asked about good behavior, the Master said, "Sincere in what you say and trustworthy in what you do, you would behave well even among uncivilized tribes. Insincere in word and untrustworthy in deed, could you behave well in your native village? Standing, you should see these words before your eyes. Sitting in the carriage, you should see them inscribed on the yoke. Then you can behave well." Zi Zhang wrote these words on his sash.
How straightforward was the historian Yu, said the Master, who served as a straight arrow the state in good order or in disorder! What an intelligentleman was Qu Bo Yu who served as an official when the state was in good order, and who concealed himself and hid away when the state was in disorder!
Not to talk to a worthy man, said the Master, is to lose the man, and to talk to an unworthy man is to waste words. The wise will neither lose a man nor waste words.
A wise good man, said the Master, will do no wrong to preserve his own life but sacrifice his life to do what is right.
Zi Gong asked how to render good service. The Master said, "A craftman who wishes to do his work well must first sharpen his tools. You who serve in a state must act in agreement with its good officers and befriend its good intellectuals."
Yan Yuan asked how to serve in a state. The Master said, "Use the calendar of Xia, ride the carriage of Yin, wear the ceremonial dress of Zhou, play the music of Emperor Shun and dance to the tune of the Martial King. Reject the songs of Zheng which are licentious and keep away from flatterers who are dangerous."
If you have no long sight, said the Master, trouble will be near at hand.
In vain, said the Master, have I looked for one who loves his duty more than beauty.
Was not Zang Wen Zhong, said the Master, a stealer of ranks? He knew Liu Xia Hui gifted but did not give the rank due to him.
Severe with oneself and lenient with others, said the Master, one will be far from their complaint.
I do not know what to do, said the Master, with a man who never says, "What to do? What to do?"
It is difficult, said the Master, to deal with those who gather together all day long without saying what is right but try to show their tact in trifling matters.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, thinks it his duty to do what is right, carries it out according to the rules of propriety, speaks with modesty and accomplishes it faithfully. Such is an intelligentleman.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, regrets that he is incapable, and not that he is unknown.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, dislikes the age of decadence when names belie facts.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, relies on himself while an uncultured man relies on others.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, is dignified, but not querrelsome; he is sociable, but not partisan.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, will not recommend anyone simply because of his good words, nor reject the good words of anyone.
Zi Gong asked whether there was a word practicable all the life long. The Master said, "Perhaps 'forbearance' is the word. Do not do to others what you would not have others do to you."
Of those people I have dealt with, said the Master, whom have I praised or blamed? If I have praised someone, I must have tested him. Such is the straightforward way how people were dealt with during the three ancient dynasties.
In my early days, said the Master, I had seen historian leave a blank in his text, and a horseman leave his horse for another to ride. But now there is none like them.
Sweet words, said the Master, may sour the deeds. Impatience in minor matter may cause failure in main matter.
If a man is disliked by all, said the Master, inquiry must be made. If a man is liked by all, inquiry must also be made.
It is man, said the Master, that can amplify laws, but laws cannot amplify man.
Not to mend a fault, said the Master, is to make a fault.
Once, said the Master, I spent a whole day and a whole night in thinking, without eating and sleeping. I got no result and found it better to learn.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, seeks after truth instead of food. Ploughing, he will not worry about hunger; learning, he may win rank. An intelligentleman is more eager for truth than worried about poverty.
Wise enough to attain, said the Master, but not good enough to maintain, he will lose what is gained. Wise enough to attain and good enough to maintain, he will not be respected by people if he rules without dignity. Wise enough to attain and good enough to maintain, and ruling with dignity, he is still not a perfect ruler if he does not act in accordance with the ritual system.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, may not know minor matters, but he can be entrusted with major duties. An uncultured man cannot be entrusted with major duties, but he may know minor matters.
The people need virtue, said the Master, more than water and fire. I have seen people drowned in water or burned to death in fire, but none die in virtue.
A good man, said the Master, should not withdraw from being a better man than his teacher.
An intelligentleman, said the Master, is consistent, but not obstinate.
In serving the prince, said the Master, a man should do his duty before he gets his reward.
In education, said the Master, there should be no distinction of classes.
You cannot take counsel, said the Master, with those who follow a different way.
Words are good, said the Master, if only they can express the idea.
The blind music master Mian called on Confucius. When he came to the steps, the Master said, "Here are the steps." When he came to the mat for the guests to sit on, the Master said, "Here is the mat." When all the guests were seated, the Master told him, "So and so is here, so and so is there." When the music master was out, Zi Zhang asked whether it was the way to deal with a music master. The Master said, "Yes, this is the way to lead a blind man."
The head of the Ji family was going to attack Zhuanyu. Ran You and Zi Lu came to see Confucius and said, "Our chief is going to attack Zhuanyu." Confucius said, "Ran You, is it not your fault? Long ago Zhuanyu was appointed by former kings to preside over the sacrifice to the Eastern Meng. Moreover, it lies within the boundaries of our state, and it is a vassal state to safeguard our land. How can such an attack be justified?" Ran Yu said, "It is our chief who wishes the attack. Neither of us wishes it, but we are only his officials." Confucius said to Ran You, "The historian Zhou Ren said, 'Take the office if you can display your ability, or decline it if you cannot!' What is the use of a minister if he cannot support a state in stake or prop up a tottering state? Moreover, what you say is wrong. If a tiger or wild bull should escape from its cag, or a tortoise shell or gem be broken in its box, whose fault is it if not the keeper's?" Ran You said, "At present Zhuanyu is a vassal state strongly fortified near the chief fief of Fei. If our chief does not take it now, it would become a pest to his posterity." Confucius said, "Ran You, a cultured man dislikes those who try to find a pretext for taking what they want. I have heard that the chief of a state or of a family need not care for scarcity but for inequality, nor for poverty but for security. There would be no poverty if wealth is equally shared, no scarcity if people live in harmony, no danger if people live in security. If people do not pay homage from afar, then culture must be enhanced to atttract them. When won over, they must be comfortably installed. Now, Ran You and Zi Lu, advisors as you are to your chief, you cannot help him to subdue nor attract people from afar, nor restore the state to order out of chaos, but plan hostile activities within the state. I am afraid the trouble with the Ji family may not arise from Zhuanyu but from the sovereign behind the scene."
Confucius said, "When the world goes the right way, the orders on ritual and music and military expeditions are issued by the sovereign of the state. When it goes the wrong way, they are issued by feudal princes, but few princes could maintain their rule for ten generations. If such orders are issued by ministers, few ministers could maintain their rule for five generations. If they are issued by officials, few officials could maintain theirs for three generations. When the world goes the right way, the state will not be governed by officials, When the world goes the right way, the people will not dispute with the government."
Confucius said, "The ducal house of Lu has lost power for five generations, and government has been in the hands of the ministers for four generations. No wonder the descendants of the three Lu families are fast losing their power."
Three kinds of friend will do you good, said Confucius, and other three will do you harm. To make friends with the upright, the faithful and the well-informed will do you good; to make friends with the prejudicial, the insidious and the hypocritical will do you harm.
Three delightful things, said Confucius, will do you good: delight in ritual and music, in speaking well of others and in making good friends. Three pleasures will do you harm: extravagant pleasure, lascivious pleasure and sumptuous pleasure.
In the presence of a cultured man, said Confucius, three mistakes should be avoided: to speak before called on to speak is rash; not to speak when called on to is unfrank; to speak without observing the expression of his face is blind.
A cultured man, said Confucius, should beware of three things. He should beware of lust in youth when his vigor is uncouth, of strife in his prime when he is full of vigor, and of greed in old age when his vigor is on the decline.
Three things, said Confucius, inspire a cultured man with awe: Heaven's will, great men and words of the sage. An uncultured man does not know Heaven's will, so he does not stand in awe. He respects no great men, and makes light of the sage's words.
Highest are those born wise, said Confucius, next come those who become wise by learning, still next those who strive to learn, and last come those people who will not strive at all.
An intelligentleman, said Confucius, should be considerate in nine respects: he should see clearly, hear distinctly, look mild, appear respectful, speak sincerely, act carefully, ask questions when in doubt, think of the consequences when in anger, and bear in mind what is right in sight of gain.
I have heard, said Confucius, of those who would lose no time to do what is good when they see it, and to shrink from what is harmful as from boiling water, and I have seen such men. I have heard of those who would retire so as not to go on the wrong way and then come out so as to go on the right way, but I have not seen such men.
Duke Jing of the state of Qi had a thousand chariots with four steeds, but nobody praised him on the day of his death for he had done no good for the people. Bo Yi and Shu Qi, two loyal brothers, starved at the foot of the Sunny Mountain, but people praise them down to the present day. Is this not an illustration of what is said above?
Chen Kang asked Bo Yu, son of Confucius, whether he had heard from his father anything different from what the others had. Bo Yu said, "No. One day my father was standing alone in the hall when I passed by respectfully. He asked me whether I had studied Poetry. When I replied, 'Not yet,' he said, 'You cannot speak well if you have not.' Then I retired and studied Poetry. Another day he was again standing in the hall when I passed by respectfully. He asked me whether I had studied the rituals. When I replied, 'Not yet,' he said, 'You cannot be established in society if you have not.' Then I retired and studied rituals. These two things are what I have heard from him." Delighted, Chen Kang came away and said, "Asking one thing, I have learned three. I have heard about poetry, rituals and impartiality of an intelligentleman towards his son."
The prince of a state calls his wife "Madame." She calls herself "Your humble servant." The people of the state call her "Madame Princess." When speaking of her to guests of another state, the prince calls her "My humble princess." The guests also call her "Madame Princess."
Yang Huo in power wished Confucius to call on him, but Confucius would not, so he sent a sucking pig to Confucius, and Confucius paid him a visit when he was not at home. But unexpectedly they met on the way. Yang Huo said to Confucius, "Come, I have something to tell you. Is it good for a talent to leave his state in chaos? No. Is it wise for a candidate to lose an opportunity? No, The days and months pass by. The years will wait for no man." Confucius said ironically, "Yes, how could I not serve!"
Men are born, said the Master, nearly alike by nature, but become different by practice.
Only the wisest man and the most foolish, said the Master, cannot be changed.
The Master came to the small town of Wu where Zi You was the ruler. When he heard sacred songs and stringed music, he said with a smile, "Is it necessary to kill a chicken with an ox-knife?" Zi You said, "Formerly, I heard you say that a cultured man well-bred in music would do good to the people, and an uncultured man well-bred in music would be easy to employ." The Master said to two or three disciples, "Zi You is right. I have just said that for fun."
Gongshan Furao, holding the fief of Fei in revolt, sent for the Master who was inclined to go. Displeased, Zi Lu said, "Why would you like to go to him of all people?" The Master said, "Could he send for me without reason? If anyone were to employ me, I would make ritual and music prosper in his state as in the Eastern Zhou."
Zi Zhang asked Confucius, "What is a good ruler?" Confucius said, "One who can develp the five qualities in the world could be a good ruler." When Zi Lu begged to know which five, the Master said, "Reverence, lenience, confidence, diligence and benevolence. Reverent, he would not hurt; lenient, he would win support; confident, he would be trusted; diligent, he would succeed; and benevolent, he could employ people."
When the Master was inclined to visit Bi Xi who sent for him, Zi Lu said, "I have heard you say that a cultured man would not enter the house of an evil-doer. Now Bi Xi holds the fief of Zhongmiou in rebellion. How could you think of visiting him?" The Master said, "Yes, I have told you that. But, do you not know that a really hard thing cannot be thinned by grinding? A really white thing cannot be blackened even in black dye? Am I a bitter gourd only fit to be hung up and not fit to eat?"
The Master said to Zi Lu, "Have you heard of six virtues may lead to six defects?" Zi Lu replied, "No." The Master said, "Come, I will tell you. Without the love of knowledge, a lover of virtue may become a fool, a lover of wisdom may become wanton, a faithful man may be cheated, a frank man may become rash, a brave man may make a riot, and a strong man may become arrogant."
My dear disciples, said the Master, why do you not like to study poetry? Poetry may serve to inspire, to reflect, to communicate and to complain. It may help you to serve your father at home and your prince at court. Moreover, it may tell you names of birds, beasts, plants and trees.
Have you studied, said the Master to his son Bo Yu, the Songs on Man and Wife? If not, you would be like a man standing in face of a wall without seeing anything beyond it.
Ritual, ritual! said the Master, does it only mean the gifts of jade and silk? Music, music! Does it only mean bells and drums?
If an inwardly weak man, said the Master, pretends to look strong outwardly, is he not like a thief who bores a hole or climbs over a wall?
A yesman, said the Master, is a thief of virtue.
To spread the rumor you have heard on the way, said the Master, is to neglect your duty.
Could we serve the prince, said the Master, together with such pitiable people as are anxious to get what they have not and afraid to lose what they have? What would not they do if they are afraid to lose what they have got?
In old days, said the Master, people had three faults which are perhaps not to be found now. Then arrogance showed little consideration for others; now it goes beyond bounds. Then pride was formal; now it is quarrelsome. Then stupidity was straightforward; now it is deceitful.
A good man, said the Master, would rarely say what he does not believe, or pretend to appear better than he is. (Cf. 1.3.)
I hate, said the Master, to see the royal red usurped by the ducal purple, to hear the imperial music corrupted by licentious local songs, and to know a state or a kingdom overturned by sharp tongues.
The Master said, "I would prefer to say nothing." Zi Gong said, "If you, dear Master, say nothing, what could we disciples record?" The Master said, "What has Heaven said? Yet the four seasons follow their courses and all things come into being. What has Heaven said?"
Ru Bei sent a messenger to see Confucius, who declined to see him under the pretext of ill health. When the messenger was out, Confucius took his lute and sang so that the messenger might hear him.
Asking about the three years' mourning for parents, Zai Wo said, "One year would be long enough, for ritual and music would be lost if a cultured man did not put them into practice for three years. In one year the old grain would be exhausted and the new would spring up. So would fire be made from spring to winter. Therefore, I think the mourning may stop at the end of one year." The Master said, "Would you feel at ease to eat good rice and wear silk dress after one year of mourning?" Zai Wo said "Yes." "If you feel at ease, you may stop mourning at the end of one year. A cultured man in mourning would not enjoy nice food, sweet music and comfortable bed. If you could feel at ease, you might enjoy them." When Zai Wo was out, the Master said, "Zai Wo is not a good son. A child would not leave its parents' arms until three years old. So three years' mourning is a universal practice. How could Zai Wo belie the three years' affection of his parents?"
Difficult are those, said the Master, who cram themselves with food all the day long without applyng their mind to anything good. Are there not gamesters and chess-players? It would be better to play chess or games than to do nothing at all.
Zi Lu asked whether a cultured man valued valour. The Master said, "A cultured man values virtue above valour. Valiant without virtue, a cultured man would rise in revolt and an uncultured man would commit robbery."
Zi Gong asked whether a cultured man had dislikes. The Master said, "Yes, a cultured man dislikes those who speak ill of others, those inferior men who slander their superiors, those who are bold beyond what is right, those who take obstination for resolution." Then the Master asked Zi Gong whether he also had his dislikes. Zi Gong replied, "I dislike those who take cunning for wisdom, immodesty for bravery, and indiscretion for honesty."
It is difficult, said the Master, to deal with women and servants. If you are familiar with them, they will be immodest; if you keep your distance, they will complain.
If a man is disliked at the age of forty, said the Master, he would not change for the better till the end of his life.
The lord of Wei fled from the tyrant of Yin, the lord of Ji became the tyrant's slave, and Bi Gan was slain for his remonstrances. Confucius said, "The Yin dynasty had three men of virtue."
Liuxia Hui was thrice dismissed from his post of chief judge. Someone said, "Is it not better to leave the state of Lu?" Hui said, "If I continue to serve men in an honest way, how could I not be dismissed thrice more? If I choose to serve in a crooked way, why should I leave the state of my parents?"
Duke Jing of the state of Qi said of the treatment of Confucius, "I cannot treat him as the chief of the Ji family, but between the chiefs of Ji and Meng." Seeing Confucius, he said, "I am old and have no use for you." Confucius left the state of Qi.
The state of Qi sent to Lu a band of musicians and songstresses. Ji Huan Zi accepted them, and no court was held for three days. Confucius left the state of Lu.
A hermit of Chu passed by the carriage of Confucius and sang, "Oh, phoenix, oh phoenix, How unfortunate you are! The past cannot be repaired, But the future can be remedied. Done with it! Done with it! What can be done with the government?" Confucius descended from his carriage in order to speak with the hermit, who hastened away so as to avoid talking with him.
Two riverside men were ploughing the field when Confucius passed by and sent Zi Lu to ask where the river could be forded. The first riverside man said, "Who is the man holding the reins in the carriage?" Zi Lu said, "It is Confucius." "Is it Confucius of the state of Lu?" "Yes, it is he." "Then he should have known where the ford is." Zi Lu asked the second riverside man, who said, "Who are you?" "I am Zi Lu." "Are you not the follower of Confucius of Lu?" "Yes." "The world is overwhelmed with a flood of bad men. Who could stem it? Would it not be better to withdraw from the world than from the flood?" He went on covering the seed. On hearing the report of Zi Lu, the Master said with a sigh, "Unable to get along with birds and beasts, with whom could I get along if not with men? If nothing is wrong with the world, what should I be busy about?"
Zi Lu lagged behind the Master on the way when he met with an old man shouldering a staff and a weeder. Zi Lu asked, "Have you seen my master?" The old man said, "Unable to toil with four limbs and to choose from among five grains for seeding, how can you ask me to tell who your master is?" Then he planted his staff on the ground and began to weed. Zi Lu stood respectfully by the roadside. The old man kept him for the night, killed a fowl and prepared millet for the supper, and introduced him to to his two sons. Next day, Zi Lu pursued his way, overtook his master and told him all. The Master said, "He is a recluse." He told Zi Lu to call on the old man again. But when Zi Lu got there, the old man was already gone. Zi Lu said, "It is not right to refuse to serve one's country. If the relation between old and young cannot be neglected, how could that between sovereign and subjects? How could personal purity be maintained if social relationship should be subverted? If a cultured man serves his state, he is only doing his duty, though he knows he cannot put his principles into practice."
The following good men who would not serve the state: Bo Yi, Shu Qi, Yu Zhong, Yi Yi, Zhu Zhang, Liuxia Hui, Shao Lian. The Master said, "Bo Yi and Shu Qi would not surrender mentally and physically. Liuxia Hui and Shao Lian would, but they were reasonable and prudent in words and in deeds, but that is all. Yu Zhong and Yi Yi were free of speech in seclusion, pure in action and tactful in retirement. As for me, I am different from them. There is nothing I must do, nor anything I must not."
Zhi, chief musician, went to Qi; Gan, musician of the second meal, went to Chu; Liao, musician of the third meal, went to Cai; Que, musician of the fourth meal, went to Qin; Fang Shu, drummer, went to the riverside; Wu, hand-drummer, went to River Huai; Yang, assistant master, and Xiang, chime-player, went to the seaside. (None of them would stay in the state of Lu.)
The Duke of Zhou told his son, "A good ruler should not neglect his kinsmen, nor let his ministers complain of distrust. He should not dismiss his old relations from their offices without grave cause. He should not expect one man to be capable of everything."
The Zhou dynasty had eight men of virtue: eldest brothers Da and Kuo, elder brothers Tu and Hu, younger brothers Ye and Xia, youngest brothers Sui and Gua.
Zi Zhang said, "An intellectual is not afraid of giving up his life in face of danger. He thinks of what is right in face of a gain, of reverence in sacrifice and of grief in mourning. Such may be said to be an intellectual.
Zi Zhang said, "If a man holds what is right only in a narrow sense and believes in right principles but not firmly, could he be said to hold and believe in what is right? Or could he not?"
A disciple of Zi Xia asked Zi Zhang how to make friends. Zi Zhang said, "What did Zi Xia tell you?" The disciple said, "Zi Xia told us to make friends with those who are worthy and refuse those who are unworthy." Zi Zhang said, "This is different from what I have learned. A cultured man should respect the good man and bear with others, praise the capable and help the incapable. Am I so good as not to bear with others? If I am not good enough, others will refuse to make friends with me. How could I refuse them?"
Zi Xia said, "Even a minor art has an importance of its own. But it may hinder one's major occupation, so a cultured man would not practise a minor art."
Zi Xia said, "If a man knows what he has not yet learned everyday and does not forget what he has learned every month, he may be said to be a lover of knowledge."
Zi Xia said, "If a man studies in a wide range and with an unswerving aim, if he asks questions earnestly and reflects on closely related problems, he may be said to have good qualities in him."
Zi Xia said, "Hundreds of artisans complete their work in the workshop; an intelligentleman should learn to attain his ideal."
Zi Xia said, "An uncultured man would certainly gloss his faults."
Zi Xia said, "An intelligentleman has three different aspects: when seen from afar, he looks grave; when approached, he looks affable; when listened to, he looks dignified."
Zi Xia said, "An intelligentleman will not order the people to toil until he is trusted, or they will think they are exploited. He will not criticize the sovereign till he wins his confidence, or the sovereign will think himself vilified."
Zi Xia said, "In regard to a serious matter of virtue, a man should not go beyond the limit; but in regard to a trifling matter, he may not keep within limit."
Zi You said, "The disciples and followers of Zi Xia are good at sprinkling water and sweeping floors, answering questions, coming forward and withdrawing, but all these are minor matters. I am afraid they are not so good in dealing with important things, Am I not right?" Hearing of this remark, Zi Xia said, "Alas! Zi You is mistaken. In regard to an intelligentleman's ways, which should be learned first? and which may be learned later? Disciples may be compared to plants and trees; they may be classified. How can an intelligentleman's ways not be learned in order? Who could be one from the beginning to the end? Is it not the sage alone?"
Zi Xia said, "An official versed in state affairs should amplify his knowledge; an intellectual well equipped with knowledge should serve the state."
Zi You said, "Mourning should not exceed grief."
Zi You said, "It is difficult to get a friend as good as Zi Zhang, still he cannot be said to be a benevolent man."
Master Zeng said, "Zi Zhang is ostentatious. It would be difficult to work together with him."
Master Zeng said, "I have heard from our Master that no man should show his feeling to the full unless he is mourning the death of his parents."
Master Zeng said, "I have heard from our Master that it is possible to be as good a son as Meng Zhuang Zi, but it is difficult to be as good an official as he in employing his father's subordinates and following his father's policy."
The chief of the Meng family appointed Yang Fu as criminal judge, and Yang Fu consulted Master Zeng. Master Zeng said, "Those above have not followed the right way for a long time, and the people do not support them. If you can find out the reason why the criminals are accused, you should feel sympathy for them instead of joy for yourself."
Master Zeng said, "King Zhou of Yin might not be so tyrannical as it was reported. That is the reason why an intelligentleman would not stay in a low place, where one would be accused of all the evils of the world."
Master Zeng said, "The faults of an intelligentleman are like eclipses of the sun or the moon. When he does something wrong, all men can see it. When he has amended his fault, all men look up to him."
Gongsun Chao of the State of Wei asked Zi Gong, "From whom has Confucius acquired his knowledge?" Zi Gong said, "What the Literary and Martial Kings had taught the people has not been lost on earth. Cultured men have learned to settle main matters and uncultured men to settle minor matters. There is none but has learned something from the Literary and Martial Kings. How could my Master have learned nothing? Why should he have learned from one particular master?"
Shu Sun Wu Shu said to an official at court, "Zi Gong is more capable than his master Confucius." Zi Fu Jing Bo told Zi Gong what he had heard. Zi Gong said, "Let us use the wall as a comparison. My wall is only as high as my shoulder, so the beauty of my house could be easily perceived from over the wall. But my Master's wall rises many times a man's height. If a man cannot find the door to enter the house, the beauty and magnificense of the temple and halls could not be perceived. But few could enter his house by the door. No wonder the official should have said that about my Master."
Shu Sun Wu Shu spoke ill of Confucius. Zi Gong said, "It is no use doing wrong to Confucius. Other good men may be vilified, for their height like hillocks or mounds may be surpassed. But Confucius is as high as the sun and the moon. How could he be surpassed? If a man should try to harm him, it would turn to harm himself. What harm could be done to the sun and the moon? It is beyond a man's reach."
Chen Zi Qin said to Zi Gong, "You are too modest. How could Confucius be superior to you?" Zi Gong said, "By one word an intelligentleman may reveal his wisdom or ignorance. So we should be careful about what we say. It is as hard to catch up with my Master as to ascend the sky by a ladder. If he were in control of a state or a great family, the people would stand when he raised them, they would follow him when he led them, they would come from afar when called on to, and they would work in harmony when taught to. Living, he was glorious; dead, he would be bewailed. How could he be equalled?"
Yao said to Shun who succeeded him as emperor, "Oh, Shun! Heaven lays the divine duty on you. You should follow the right way without deviation. If the people in the world suffer poverty and misery, Heaven would no longer bestow favor on you." Shun said the same thing to Yu who succeeded him as emperor. Tang who founded the Yin dynasty said, "I, your humble servant, venture to sacrifice a black ox and declare to my Supreme Sovereign in Heaven that I dare not pardon any sinner nor conceal any guilt of my ministers which is of course clear in your mind. If I myself am guilty, do not lay blame on my people. If my people have done wrong, you may lay blame on me." Zhou had ennobled its lords and enriched its good men. King Wu of Zhou said, "I have bestowed favor on my kinsmen, but less than on good men. If my people are guilty, lay blame on me alone!" When attention was paid to weights and measures, statute and laws were reviewed and disused offices were restored, the government would go on the right way. When fallen states were re-established, descendants of extinguished families were found out, and unemployed good people were employed, the heart of the people would turn to the government. Emphasis should be laid on people, food, mourning and sacrifice. Lenience will win the people, faithfulness will win trust, diligence will win success, and justice will win happiness for the people.
尧曰“咨尔舜!天之历数在尔躬。允执其中。四海困穷, 天禄永终。”舜亦以命禹。曰:“予小子履,敢用玄牡敢昭告于 皇皇后帝:有罪不敢赦。帝臣不蔽,简在帝心。朕躬有罪,无以万 方;万方有罪,罪在朕躬。”周有大赉,善人是富。“虽有周亲,不如仁人。百姓有过,在予一人。”谨权量气审法度修废官,四方之政行焉。兴灭国,继绝世,举逸民,天下之民归心焉。所重:民、食、丧、祭。宽则得众,信则民任焉,敏则有功,公则说。
Zi Zhang asked Confucius, "How could a man become a good ruler?" The Master said, "A man good in five aspects and free from four evils may become a good ruler." Zi Zhang asked, "May I know in which five aspects?" The Master said, "An intelligentleman should do good without waste, make people work without complaint, have desire without greed, uphold justice without pride and inspire respect without awe." Zi Zhang asked, "How could a man do good without waste?" The Master said, "If a ruler only does what will profit the people, is it not doing good without waste? If he orders people to do what they can, how could they complain? If he desires only to do good, how could he become greedy? If he treats all equally, whether there are many people or few, in great matter or small, is it not justice without pride? If he adjusts his clothes and hat and looks dignified, would he not inspire respect without awe?" Zi Zhang asked, "May I ask about the four evils?" The Master said, "To put people to death without reason is called tyranny. To expect success without due warning is called exaction. To demand timely completion without giving timely orders is called irresponsibility. To reward people in a stingy way is called miserliness."
Confucius said, "One who does not understand the divine law cannot be called an intelligentleman. One who does not understand the social order cannot stand in society. One who does not understand what wards imply cannot understand men."
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