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Created November 13, 2020 14:29
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Fix for Quill.js issue with list indent (use of css class instead of pure HTML)
interface NestedElement {
content: string;
indent: number;
classes: string;
export function quillDecodeIndent(text: string) {
if (!text || text.length === 0) {
return text;
const tempEl = window.document.createElement('div');
tempEl.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
tempEl.innerHTML = text;
['ul', 'ol'].forEach((type) => {
// Grab each list, and work on it in turn
Array.from(tempEl.querySelectorAll(type)).forEach((outerListEl) => {
const listChildren = Array.from(outerListEl.children).filter((el) => el.tagName === 'LI');
let lastLiLevel = 0;
const parentElementsStack: Element[] = [];
const root = document.createElement(type);
listChildren.forEach((e, i) => {
const currentLiLevel = getQuillListLevel(e);
e.className = e.className.replace(getIndentClass(currentLiLevel), '');
const difference = currentLiLevel - lastLiLevel;
lastLiLevel = currentLiLevel;
if (difference > 0) {
let currentDiff = difference;
while (currentDiff > 0) {
let lastLiInCurrentLevel = seekLastElement(parentElementsStack).lastElementChild;
if (!lastLiInCurrentLevel) {
lastLiInCurrentLevel = document.createElement('li');
encode_addChildToCurrentParent(parentElementsStack, lastLiInCurrentLevel);
const newList = document.createElement(type);
if (difference < 0) {
let currentDiff = difference;
while (currentDiff < 0) {
encode_addChildToCurrentParent(parentElementsStack, e);
outerListEl.innerHTML = root.innerHTML;
const newContent = tempEl.innerHTML;
return newContent;
export function quillEncodeIndent(text: string) {
if (!text || text.length === 0) {
return text;
const tempEl = window.document.createElement('div');
tempEl.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
tempEl.innerHTML = text;
['ul', 'ol'].forEach((type) => {
Array.from(tempEl.querySelectorAll(type)).forEach((outerListEl) => {
const listResult = Array.from(outerListEl.children)
.filter(e => e.tagName === 'LI')
.map(e => encode_UnwindElement(type.toUpperCase(), e, 0))
.reduce((prev, c) => [...prev, ...c], []) // flatten list
.map(e => encode_GetLi(e))
.reduce((prev, c) => `${prev}${c}`, ''); // merge to one string
outerListEl.innerHTML = listResult;
const newContent = tempEl.innerHTML;
return newContent;
function encode_UnwindElement(listType: string, li: Element, level: number): NestedElement[] {
const childElements = Array.from(li.children)
.filter(innerElement => innerElement.tagName === listType)
.map(innerList =>
.map(nestedListElement => encode_UnwindElement(listType, innerList.removeChild(nestedListElement), level + 1))
.reduce((prev, c) => [...prev, ...c], []))
.reduce((prev, c) => [...prev, ...c], []);
const current: NestedElement = {
classes: li.className,
content: li.innerHTML,
indent: level
return [current, ...childElements];
function encode_GetLi(e: NestedElement) {
let cl = '';
if (e.indent > 0) {
cl += `${getIndentClass(e.indent)}`;
if (e.classes.length > 0) {
cl += ` ${e.classes}`;
return `<li${cl.length > 0 ? ` class="${cl}"` : ''}>${e.content}</li>`;
function seekLastElement(list: Element[]): Element {
return list[list.length - 1];
function encode_addChildToCurrentParent(parentStack: Element[], child: Element): void {
const currentParent = seekLastElement(parentStack);
function getQuillListLevel(el: Element) {
const className = el.className || '0';
return +className.replace(/[^\d]/g, '');
function getIndentClass(level: number) { return `ql-indent-${level}`; }
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Thank you :)

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It will work with normal java script?

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This works fine if I use only UL or OL. There is a major issue if I use UL and OL together.

Have you faced this issue?

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dims337 commented Jul 12, 2022

I would also like to express my thanks! This was super helpful.

I also made a small change I wanted to mention in case it's useful for someone else.

The ordered lists output I got from quillDecodeIndent were using numeric markers for all levels, so to keep it consistent with Quill, which repeats [numeric, lower alpha, lower roman], I added this line just before the outermost forEach in quillDecodeIndent:

const listTypes = ['1', 'a', 'i'];

and then added the type attribute to the <ol> just after creating newList:

const newList = document.createElement(type);
if (type === 'ol') {
  newList.setAttribute('type', listTypes[currentLiLevel % 3]);

fixed the nested indent issue, thanks

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vdechef commented Nov 16, 2022

I would also like to express my thanks! This was super helpful.

I also made a small change I wanted to mention in case it's useful for someone else.

The ordered lists output I got from quillDecodeIndent were using numeric markers for all levels, so to keep it consistent with Quill, which repeats [numeric, lower alpha, lower roman], I added this line just before the outermost forEach in quillDecodeIndent:

const listTypes = ['1', 'a', 'i'];

and then added the type attribute to the <ol> just after creating newList:

const newList = document.createElement(type);
if (type === 'ol') {
  newList.setAttribute('type', listTypes[currentLiLevel % 3]);

Thanks, it fixed my problem :)

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thank you so much! works like a charm.
jah bless 🙏

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Mena489 commented Apr 22, 2023

How to write this in php please?

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Er1c5G commented Jul 4, 2023

How to using this with react-quill?

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