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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Player.kod Error
player.kod(7972): error: Identifier group_member in expression has wrong type
player.kod(7975): error: Identifier group_member in expression has wrong type
player.kod(7982): error: Identifier group_member in expression has wrong type
player.kod(7984): error: Identifier group_member in expression has wrong type
"A player will need, on average, to kill a number of monsters equal to"
"their maxhealth to gain a HP. This number is reduced by the player's"
"stamina, all the way down to half for those with high staminas."
local highmark, rand, dodgeskill, oSkill, monster_level, gain, gainmult, roll, iNumber, oWeapon, lBuilderGroup;
gain = 0;
roll = FALSE;
% Some things just never allow advancement.
% Can advance in arena if realdeath is on in an arena.
if NOT Send(what,@CanPlayerAdvanceOnMe)
OR Send(poOwner,@CheckRoomFlag,#flag=ROOM_SAFE_DEATH)
OR (Send(poOwner,@IsArena) AND NOT Send(poOwner,@ArenaRealDeath))
return FALSE;
if IsClass(what,&User)
monster_level = Send(what,@GetBaseMaxHealth);
monster_level = Send(what,@GetLevel);
if (Send(self,@CheckPlayerFlag,#flag=PFLAG_DID_DAMAGE)
AND poKill_target = what)
OR group_member_kill
if monster_level > piBase_Max_health
if killing_blow AND Send(self,@CheckPlayerFlag,#flag=PFLAG_TOOK_DAMAGE)
% Player took damage and landed killing blow
gain = 2;
roll = TRUE;
% Player either did not take damage, but did killing blow (mage),
% or did take damage, did not land killing blow, or
% it's a group member kill.
gain = 1;
% No roll for kills by others. This puts tension on group size.
% As group sizes increase, getting kills oneself becomes difficult.
% Groups that are too large create their own advancement problems organically.
% Also, this keeps advancement based on the player himself. His own kill rate matters the most.
if NOT group_member_kill
roll = TRUE;
% Inform the player that a group kill successfully garnered XP.
if group_member_kill
AND group_member <> $
AND gain = 1
% Give an informative message about non-group kills that are still shared
if NOT killing_blow
AND NOT group_member_kill
AND group_member <> $
% Monster was equal or close to player level. Small bonus,
% no roll chance.
if (monster_level + 5) > piBase_Max_health
AND IsClass(what,&monster) AND killing_blow
AND Send(self,@CheckPlayerFlag,#flag=PFLAG_TOOK_DAMAGE)
gain = 1;
% Monster was too easy for player to kill!
if random(1,100) < 30 AND killing_blow
% Give newbies a little bonus.
if piBase_Max_health < Send(Send(SYS, @GetSettings), @GetPKillEnableHP)
gain = gain + 1;
% Give solo pkill-enabled builders a little bonus.
% This will roughly equal building with one other player in the room.
% Bonus requires that the player is fighting normally (no firewalls / distance killing)
lBuilderGroup = Send(Send(self,@GetOwner),@GetBuilderGroup);
if lBuilderGroup <> $
AND Length(lBuilderGroup) = 1
AND NOT group_member_kill
AND killing_blow
AND Send(self,@CheckPlayerFlag,#flag=PFLAG_TOOK_DAMAGE)
gain = gain + 1;
% If they're cheesing the situation by fighting wussy monsters in an altered form,
% penalize the gain amount.
if piMax_health > piBase_Max_health * 2
AND monster_level < piMax_health
gain = gain / 2;
roll = FALSE;
gainmult = bound(Send(Send(SYS, @GetSettings), @GetHPGainMultiplier),1,500);
gain = gain * gainmult;
If IsClass(Send(self,@GetOwner),&InstanceRoom)
gain = gain * Send(Send(self,@GetOwner),@GetExperienceMod);
piGain_chance = piGain_chance + gain;
if roll
highmark = Send(self,@GetHighMark);
rand = random(1,highmark);
iNumber = Send(self,@GetGainChance) + bound((monster_level-piBase_Max_health)/5,0,10);
if rand < iNumber
AND piBase_Max_health < (101 + Send(self,@GetStamina))
Send(self,@GainBaseMaxHealth,#amount = 1);
if Send(self,@CheckLog)
Debug("LOG: ",vrName," gained a health point: ",
Send(self,@WaveSendUser, #what=self, #wave_rsc=player_tougher_wav_rsc);
piHealth = piMax_Health;
piGain_chance = -(piBase_Max_health/2);
if piBase_max_health > 30
%stam = 50
%pigain = pigain - ((50-50)/2) = pigain - 0
%stam = 25
%pigain = pigain - ((50-25)/2) = pigain - 12.5
% so, after 30 hps, any stamina less thatn 50 penalizes you by about 0.5 piGain points
piGain_chance = piGain_chance - ((50-Send(self,@GetStamina))/2);
return TRUE;
if Send(self,@CheckPlayerFlag,#flag=PFLAG_DODGED)
AND NOT group_member_kill
oWeapon = Send(self,@LookupPlayerWeapon);
if oWeapon <> $
AND (not IsClass(oWeapon,&RangedWeapon))
AND Send(self,@HasSkill,#num=SKID_PARRY)
AND Send(self,@GetSkillAbility,#skill_num=SKID_PARRY) < 99
if (Send(self,@LookupPlayerShield) <> $)
AND Send(self,@HasSkill,#num=SKID_BLOCK)
AND Send(self,@GetSkillAbility,#skill_num=SKID_BLOCK) < 99
if Send(self,@HasSkill,#num=SKID_DODGE)
AND Send(self,@GetSkillAbility,#skill_num=SKID_DODGE) < 99
return FALSE;
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