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Created January 14, 2022 14:47
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cats-effect prelude
// ...
lazy val prelude = (project in file("prelude"))
name := "my-application-prelude",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"co.fs2" %% "fs2-core" % V.Fs2,
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % V.CatsEffect,
"org.typelevel" %% "log4cats-core" % V.Log4Cats,
// ...
val preludeImport =
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Yimports:java.lang,scala,scala.Predef,com.myproject.prelude.Prelude")
// ...
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
// ...
package com.myproject.prelude
import cats.syntax.{AllSyntaxBinCompat => CatsSyntax}
import cats.effect.syntax.{AllSyntax => CESyntax}
import cats.effect.instances.{AllInstances => CEInstances}
/** Custom prelude for importing with -Yimport
* This means we never need to import cats syntax or stream explicitly
object Prelude extends CatsSyntax with CESyntax with CEInstances {
val Stream = fs2.Stream
type Stream[+F[_], +O] = fs2.Stream[F, O]
val IO = cats.effect.IO
type IO[+A] = cats.effect.IO[A]
val Deferred = cats.effect.Deferred
type Deferred[F[_], A] = cats.effect.Deferred[F, A]
val Resource = cats.effect.Resource
type Resource[F[_], +A] = cats.effect.Resource[F, A]
type Sync[F[_]] = cats.effect.Sync[F]
val Sync = cats.effect.Sync
type Async[F[_]] = cats.effect.Async[F]
val Async = cats.effect.Async
type Ref[F[_], A] = cats.effect.Ref[F, A]
val Ref = cats.effect.Ref
type Logger[F[_]] = org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger[F]
val Logger = org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
type Console[F[_]] = cats.effect.std.Console[F]
val Console = cats.effect.std.Console
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