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Created February 26, 2018 20:59
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A slick profile extension to allow native postgres batch upsert
import com.github.tminglei.slickpg.ExPostgresProfile
import slick.SlickException
import slick.ast.ColumnOption.PrimaryKey
import slick.ast.{ColumnOption, FieldSymbol, Insert, Node, Select}
import slick.compiler.{InsertCompiler, Phase, QueryCompiler}
import slick.dbio.{Effect, NoStream}
import slick.jdbc.InsertBuilderResult
import slick.lifted.Query
// format: off
* This file contains support for multi-inserting postgres ON CONFLICT based upserts.
object SlickUpsert {
trait MultiUpsertPgProfile extends ExPostgresProfile {
override def createInsertActionExtensionMethods[T](
compiled: CompiledInsert): InsertActionComposerImpl[T] =
new InsertActionComposerImpl[T](compiled)
implicit def multiUpsertExtensionMethods[U, C[_]](
q: Query[_, U, C]): InsertActionComposerImpl[U] =
lazy val multiUpsertCompiler = QueryCompiler(
new InsertCompiler(InsertCompiler.AllColumns),
new JdbcInsertCodeGen(insert => new MultiUpsertBuilder(insert)))
* See NativeUpsertBuilder for reference.
class MultiUpsertBuilder(ins: Insert) extends super.InsertBuilder(ins) {
/* NOTE: pk defined by using method `primaryKey` and pk defined with `PrimaryKey` can only have one,
here we let table ddl to help us ensure this. */
private lazy val funcDefinedPKs =
private lazy val (nonPkAutoIncSyms, insertingSyms) =
syms.toSeq.partition { s =>
s.options.contains(ColumnOption.AutoInc) && !(s.options contains ColumnOption.PrimaryKey)
private lazy val (pkSyms, softSyms) = insertingSyms.partition { sym =>
sym.options.contains(ColumnOption.PrimaryKey) || funcDefinedPKs.exists(pk =>
.collect { case Select(_, f: FieldSymbol) => f }
.exists( ==
private lazy val pkNames = { fs => quoteIdentifier( }
private lazy val softNames = { fs => quoteIdentifier( }
override def buildInsert: InsertBuilderResult = {
val start = allNames.iterator.mkString(s"insert into $tableName (", ",", ") ")
val insert = s"$start values $allVars"
val conflictWithPadding = "conflict (" + pkNames.mkString(", ") + ")" + (
if (nonPkAutoIncSyms.isEmpty) "" else "where ? is null or ?=?"
val updateOrNothing =
if (softNames.isEmpty) "nothing"
else "update set " + => s"$n=EXCLUDED.$n").mkString(",")
new InsertBuilderResult(table, s"$insert on $conflictWithPadding do $updateOrNothing", syms)
override def transformMapping(n: Node) =
reorderColumns(n, insertingSyms ++ nonPkAutoIncSyms ++ nonPkAutoIncSyms ++ nonPkAutoIncSyms)
class MultiUpsertCompiledInsert(node: Node)
extends JdbcCompiledInsert(node) {
lazy val multiUpsert = compile(multiUpsertCompiler)
override def compileInsert(tree: Node) = new MultiUpsertCompiledInsert(tree)
protected class InsertActionComposerImpl[U](
override val compiled: CompiledInsert)
extends super.CountingInsertActionComposerImpl[U](compiled) {
/** Insert a single row if its primary key does not exist in the table,
* otherwise update the existing record. */
def insertOrUpdateAll(values: Iterable[U]): ProfileAction[MultiInsertResult, NoStream, Effect.Write] =
new MultiInsertOrUpdateAction(values)
class MultiInsertOrUpdateAction(values: Iterable[U])
extends SimpleJdbcProfileAction[MultiInsertResult](
.sql)) {
private def tableHasPrimaryKey: Boolean =
List(compiled.upsert, compiled.checkInsert, compiled.updateInsert)
.filter(_ != null)
.exists(artifacts =>
|| artifacts.ibr.fields.exists(_.options.contains(PrimaryKey))
if (!tableHasPrimaryKey)
throw new SlickException("InsertOrUpdate is not supported on a table without PK.")
override def run(ctx: Backend#Context, sql: Vector[String]) =
nativeUpsert(values, sql.head)(ctx.session)
protected def nativeUpsert(values: Iterable[U], sql: String)(
implicit session: Backend#Session): MultiInsertResult =
preparedInsert(sql, session) { st =>
for (value <- values) {
.set(value, st)
val counts = st.executeBatch()
retManyBatch(st, values, counts)
// format: on
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