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Created May 23, 2019 17:31
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AlpakkaS3Put for fs2
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentType, ContentTypes}
import{S3 => AlpakkaS3}
import{MetaHeaders, MultipartUploadResult}
import akka.util.ByteString
import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, ContextShift}
import fs2.{Pipe, Stream}
import org.http4s.Uri
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import Compat._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
object AlpakkaS3Put {
def fromConfig[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift](
config: S3Config
implicit m: Materializer,
ec: ExecutionContext
): AlpakkaS3Put[F] =
new AlpakkaS3Put[F](config)
class AlpakkaS3Put[F[_]: ContextShift](
config: S3Config
implicit m: Materializer,
ec: ExecutionContext,
F: ConcurrentEffect[F]
) extends S3Put[F] {
override type PutResult = MultipartUploadResult
def upload(
key: S3Key,
contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`,
contentEncoding: ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding.identity,
headers: MetaHeaders = MetaHeaders(Map.empty)
): Pipe[F, Byte, MultipartUploadResult] = { in: Stream[F, Byte] =>
.through(akkaSink(key, contentType, contentEncoding, headers).toPipeMat[F])
private def akkaSink(key: S3Key,
contentType: ContentType,
contentEncoding: ContentEncoding,
headers: MetaHeaders)
: AkkaSink[ByteString, Future[MultipartUploadResult]] = {
val akkaSink: AkkaSink[ByteString, Future[MultipartUploadResult]] =
key = key.value,
contentType = contentType,
metaHeaders = MetaHeaders(Map(
"Content-Encoding" -> contentEncoding.value) ++ headers.metaHeaders)
def generateSignedUri(key: S3Key, validAsOf: DateTime): F[Uri] =
config.generatePresignedUrl[F](key, validAsOf)
object Compat {
type AkkaSink[-T, +Mat] =[T, Mat]
val AkkaSink =
* A relatively efficient means of converting from a stream of bytes to
* one of akka [[ByteString]]s.
* This approach relies on mapping full chunks at a time to a
* single ByteString via a backing array
def byteToByteString[F[_]]: Pipe[F, Byte, ByteString] =
_.mapChunks(c => Chunk.singleton(ByteString.fromArray(c.toBytes.toArray)))
implicit class RichAkkaSink[A, B](val sink: AkkaSink[A, Future[B]]) extends AnyVal {
/** Converts an akka sink with a success-status-indicating Future[B]
* materialized result into an fs2 stream which will fail if the Future fails.
* The stream returned by this will emit the Future's value one time at the end,
* then terminate.
def toPipeMat[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift](
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
m: Materializer
): Pipe[F, A, B] =
Compat.toPipeMat[F, A, B](sink)
/** Converts an akka sink with a success-status-indicating Future[B]
* materialized result into an fs2 stream which will fail if the Future fails.
* The stream returned by this will emit the Future's value one time at the end,
* then terminate.
def toPipeMat[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: ContextShift, A, B](
akkaSink: AkkaSink[A, Future[B]]
implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
m: Materializer
): Pipe[F, A, B] = {
val mkPromise = Deferred[F, Either[Throwable, B]]
// `Pipe` is just a function of Stream[F, A] => Stream[F, B], so we take a stream as input.
in =>
Stream.eval(mkPromise).flatMap { p =>
// Akka streams produce a materialized value as a side effect of being run.
// streamz-converters allows us to have a `Future[Done] => Unit` callback when that materialized value is created.
// This callback tells the akka materialized future to store its result status into the Promise
val captureMaterializedResult: Future[B] => Unit = _.onComplete {
case Failure(ex) => p.complete(Left(ex)).toIO.unsafeRunSync
case Success(value) => p.complete(Right(value)).toIO.unsafeRunSync
// toSink is from streamz-converters; convert an akka sink to fs2 sink with a callback for the materialized values
val fs2Sink: Pipe[F, A, Unit] =
val fs2Stream: Stream[F, Unit] = fs2Sink.apply(in)
val materializedResultStream: Stream[F, B] = Stream.eval {
p.get // Async wait on the promise to be completed; => F[Either[Throwable, B]]
.rethrow // F[Either[Throwable, B]] => F[B]
// Run the akka sink for its effects and then run stream containing the effect of getting the Promise results
fs2Stream.drain ++ materializedResultStream
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentType, ContentTypes}
import fs2.{Pipe, Stream}
case class S3Key(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class ContentEncoding(value: String) extends AnyVal
/** Content encodings
* @see [[]]
object ContentEncoding {
val gzip = ContentEncoding("gzip")
/** No encoding */
val identity = ContentEncoding("identity")
/** Encapsulates "upload byte to s3" as an interface */
trait S3Put[F[_]] {
/** Implementation-defined result object from uploading to s3 */
type PutResult
/** Upload input bytes to S3 at `key`, filling in the S3 object metadata
* from `contentType`, `contentEncoding`, and `headers` */
def upload(
key: S3Key,
contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`,
contentEncoding: ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding.identity,
headers: MetaHeaders = MetaHeaders(Map.empty)
): Pipe[F, Byte, PutResult]
/** Generate a publicly-accessible Uri which will expire some time after `validAsOf`.
* The exact expiry time is unspecified in this interface; usually it will be driven
* by configuration in the specific instance */
def generateSignedUri(key: S3Key, validAsOf: DateTime): F[Uri]
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