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Created March 5, 2017 11:56
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Omconfig Replace Member Virtual Disk:

omconfig storage vdisk action=replacememberdisk controller=1 vdisk=4 source=0:3 destination=0:5

Omconfig Prepare To Remove Physical Disk:

omconfig storage pdisk action=remove controller=1 pdisk=0:2:3


Passage RAID 0 en RAID 1 OMSA CLI
Finding the controller number & ID:
[root@server ~]# omreport storage controller |grep -A3 "^ID"
ID : 0
Status : Ok
Name : PERC H310 Mini
Slot ID : Embedded
ID : 1
Status : Ok
Name : PERC H810 Adapter
Slot ID : PCI Slot 1

Finding the physical Hdd’s number & ID:
[root@server ~]# omreport storage pdisk controller=1 |grep -Ew "^ID"
ID : 0:0:0
ID : 0:0:1
ID : 0:0:2
ID : 0:0:3

Checking (and correcting) the Hdd’s state:
[root@server ~]# omreport storage pdisk controller=1 |grep "^State"
State : Foreign
State : Foreign

Correcting the Hdd state:
[root@server ~]# omconfig storage controller controller=1 action=clearforeignconfig
Command successful!

Création du raid:
omconfig storage vdisk action=reconfigure controller=0 vdisk=0 raid=r1 pdisk=0:0:1,0:0:0

0:0:1= disk primaire
0:0:0= disk secondaire

Check progression:

omreport storage vdisk controller=0 | grep -i progress
omreport storage vdisk controller=0 | findstr /C:Progress

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