<#PSScriptInfo |
.VERSION 1.0.1 |
.GUID d8d8b0bc-d1dd-4138-9166-dab64a38e8f6 |
.AUTHOR Robert Bleattler |
.COMPANYNAME Coast Technologies LLC |
.COPYRIGHT Coast Technologies LLC 2022 |
.TAGS choco chocolatey |
.LICENSEURI https://gist.github.com/rbleattler/3cdac104214bcab3d3c1e7d5ee29dc77#file-license |
.PROJECTURI https://gist.github.com/rbleattler/3cdac104214bcab3d3c1e7d5ee29dc77 |
#> |
<# |
Imports the Find-ChocoApp function; a command which will search chocolatey for a given package, and return a PowerShell object. |
#> |
Param() |
function Find-ChocoApp { |
<# |
https://gist.github.com/rbleattler/3cdac104214bcab3d3c1e7d5ee29dc77#file-find-chocoapp-ps1 |
A command which will search chocolatey for a given package, and return a PowerShell object. |
A command which will search chocolatey for a given package, and return a PowerShell object. |
The output can be detailed or terse (default). |
The name of the package to search for. |
.PARAMETER Version |
Specifies a specific version to search for |
.PARAMETER IncludePending |
Specifies whether to include pending (un-approved) chocolatey packages |
.PARAMETER Detailed |
Output detailed package information |
Specifies to output results as json |
C:\PS> Find-ChocoApp -Name nvm -Detailed -IncludePending |
Name : nvm |
Version : 1.1.9 |
Status : Pending |
Title : NVM |
Published : 1/1/1900 |
Package testing status : Passing : 2/12/2022 7:54:42 PM |
Number of Downloads : 250506 |
Downloads for this version : 24 |
Chocolatey Package Source : https://github.com/asheroto/ChocolateyPackages/tree/mast |
er/nvm |
Package Checksum : 'LgW7K3QHx8dNMo3a2OYDo1B6L7J+oDZg0Tozee/k0dg0XQhaNh1A6r8 |
KPuFF7xvc3D6WdD2oHbbCGfXcEMSYXA==' (SHA512) |
Tags : {nvm, node, nodejs, node.js…} |
Software Site : https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows |
Software License : https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/blob/master/L |
Summary : A node.js version management utility for Windows. |
Description : Manage multiple installations of node.js on a Windows |
computer. |
Name : nvm |
Version : 1.1.5 |
Status : Approved |
Title : NVM |
Published : 1/1/1900 |
Package testing status : Passing : 2/12/2022 7:54:42 PM |
Number of Downloads : 250506 |
Downloads for this version : 24 |
Chocolatey Package Source : https://github.com/asheroto/ChocolateyPackages/tree/mast |
er/nvm |
Package Checksum : 'LgW7K3QHx8dNMo3a2OYDo1B6L7J+oDZg0Tozee/k0dg0XQhaNh1A6r8 |
KPuFF7xvc3D6WdD2oHbbCGfXcEMSYXA==' (SHA512) |
Tags : {nvm, node, nodejs, node.js…} |
Software Site : https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows |
Software License : https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/blob/master/L |
Summary : A node.js version management utility for Windows. |
Description : Manage multiple installations of node.js on a Windows |
computer. |
Name : nvm |
Version : 1.1.1 |
Status : Approved |
Title : NVM |
Published : 1/1/1900 |
Package testing status : Passing : 2/12/2022 7:54:42 PM |
Number of Downloads : 250506 |
Downloads for this version : 24 |
Chocolatey Package Source : https://github.com/asheroto/ChocolateyPackages/tree/mast |
er/nvm |
Package Checksum : 'LgW7K3QHx8dNMo3a2OYDo1B6L7J+oDZg0Tozee/k0dg0XQhaNh1A6r8 |
KPuFF7xvc3D6WdD2oHbbCGfXcEMSYXA==' (SHA512) |
Tags : {nvm, node, nodejs, node.js…} |
Software Site : https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows |
Software License : https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/blob/master/L |
Summary : A node.js version management utility for Windows. |
Description : Manage multiple installations of node.js on a Windows |
computer. |
C:\PS> Find-ChocoApp -Name nvm |
Name Version Status |
---- ------- ------ |
nvm 1.1.5 Approved |
nvm 1.1.1 Approved |
C:\PS> Find-ChocoApp -Name nvm -Version 1.1.9 -IncludePending |
Name Version Status |
---- ------- ------ |
nvm 1.1.9 Pending |
C:\PS> Find-ChocoApp -Name nvm -Version 1.1.9 -IncludePending -AsJson |
{ |
"Name": "nvm", |
"Version": "1.1.9", |
"Status": "Pending" |
} |
C:\PS> Find-ChocoApp -Name nvm -Version 1.1.9 -IncludePending -Detailed -AsJson |
{ |
"Name": "nvm", |
"Version": "1.1.9", |
"Status": "Pending", |
"Title": "NVM", |
"Published": "1/1/1900", |
"Package testing status": { |
"Status": "Passing", |
"Date": "2022-02-12T19:54:42" |
}, |
"Number of Downloads": "250506", |
"Downloads for this version": "24", |
"Chocolatey Package Source": "https://github.com/asheroto/ChocolateyPackages/tree/master/nvm", |
"Package Checksum": "'LgW7K3QHx8dNMo3a2OYDo1B6L7J+oDZg0Tozee/k0dg0XQhaNh1A6r8KPuFF7xvc3D6WdD2oHbbCGfXcEMSYXA==' (SHA512)", |
"Tags": [ |
"nvm", |
"node", |
"nodejs", |
"node.js", |
"version", |
"management", |
"windows", |
"admin" |
], |
"Software Site": "https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows", |
"Software License": "https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/blob/master/LICENSE", |
"Summary": "A node.js version management utility for Windows.", |
"Description": "Manage multiple installations of node.js on a Windows computer." |
} |
[Object[]] |
Designed with PowerShell in mind |
Chcolatey Handler |
#> |
[CmdletBinding()] |
param ( |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] |
[string] |
$Name, |
[Parameter()] |
[version] |
$Version, |
[Parameter()] |
[switch] |
$IncludePending, |
[Parameter()] |
[switch] |
$Detailed, |
[Parameter()] |
[switch] |
$AsJson |
) |
begin { |
Write-Debug "Enter [$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]..." |
# Check if $ENV:ChocolateyInstall is set and if not then notify the user that Chocolatey is not installed |
if ($null -eq $ENV:ChocolateyInstall -or $ENV:ChocolateyInstall -eq '') { |
Write-Error "Chocolatey is not installed!" |
break 1; |
} |
# Check to see if the version is specified when the detail switch is specified and throw an error if it is not |
if ($Detailed -and $null -eq $Version) { |
Write-Error "The -Detailed switch requires the -Version parameter to be specified" |
break 1; |
} |
} |
process { |
$ChocoApps = choco find $Name --all -e |
$ChocoApps = Trim-ChocoResults $ChocoApps |
$PackageCount = $ChocoApps[-1][0] |
if ($PackageCount -gt 0) { |
$ChocoApps = $ChocoApps | ForEach-Object { |
$Out = ConvertFrom-Csv $_ -Header 'Name', 'Version', 'Status' -Delimiter ' ' |
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Out.Status)) { |
try { $Out.Status = 'Pending' } catch {} |
} |
if ($Out.Status -eq '[Approved]') { |
$Out.Status = 'Approved' |
} |
$Out |
} |
if (!$IncludePending) { |
$ChocoApps = $ChocoApps.Where{ $PSItem.Status -eq 'Approved' } |
} |
if ($null -ne $Version) { |
Write-Debug "Looking for version $Version" |
$ChocoApps = ($ChocoApps.Where{ $PSItem.Name -eq $Name -and $PSItem.Version -like $Version.ToString() }) |
} else { |
$ChocoApps = $ChocoApps.Where{ $PSItem.Name -eq $Name } | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending |
} |
Write-Debug "Detailed : $Detailed" |
if ($Detailed) { |
Write-Debug "Building Detailed Output... $($ChocoApps.Count)" |
$NewChocoApps = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new() |
$ChocoApps.ForEach{ |
$ParsedDetail = Parse-ChocoDetail -InputObject $PSItem |
Write-Debug "Parsed Detail : " |
Write-Debug "$($ParsedDetail | ConvertTo-Json)" |
$NewChocoApps.Add($ParsedDetail) |
} |
$ChocoApps = $NewChocoApps |
} |
} |
} |
end { |
if ($AsJson) { |
$ChocoApps | ConvertTo-Json |
} else { |
$ChocoApps |
} |
Write-Debug "Exit [$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]..." |
} |
} |
function Parse-ChocoDetail { |
param( |
$InputObject |
) |
$RawDetail = (choco find $InputObject.name --version $InputObject.version -e --detail) -join "`n" |
$RawDetail = $RawDetail[$RawDetail.IndexOf('Title:')..($RawDetail.Length - 1)] -join '' |
$SplitInput = $RawDetail.Split("`n") |
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $($SplitInput.Count - 1); $i++) { |
$ProcessItem = $SplitInput[$i] |
Write-Debug "ProcessItem $ProcessItem" |
if ($ProcessItem -like "*|*") { |
Write-Debug "ProcessItem Like *|*" |
$ItemDefinitionRaw = $ProcessItem.Split('|') |
Write-Debug "ItemDefinitionRaw = $ItemDefinitionRaw" |
$ItemDefinitionRaw.ForEach{ |
$RawSplit = $PSItem.Split(':').Trim() |
$InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($RawSplit[0]).Trim() -Value $($RawSplit[1]).Trim() -Force |
} |
} elseif ($ProcessItem -like "*:*") { |
$RawSplit = $ProcessItem.Split(':', 2).Trim() |
$Name = $($RawSplit[0]).Trim() |
$Value = $($RawSplit[1]).Trim() |
if ($Name -eq 'Tags') { |
$Value = $Value.Split(' ') |
} |
if ($Name -eq 'Package testing status') { |
$Value = [PSCustomObject]@{ |
Status = $Value.Split(' ')[0] |
Date = [DateTime]::Parse($Value.Split("on")[1].Trim('.')) |
} |
$Value | Add-Member -Name ToString -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value { |
$OutString = '{0} : {1}' -f $this.Status, $this.Date |
$OutString |
} -Force |
} |
$InputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Name -Value $Value |
} |
} |
$InputObject |
} |
function Trim-ChocoResults { |
Param( |
$ChocoResults |
) |
begin { |
Write-Debug "Enter [$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]..." |
$PSBoundParameters.Keys.ForEach{ |
if ($PSBoundParameters.PSItem -is [string]) { |
Write-Debug "$_ : $($PSBoundParameters.Item($_))" |
} else { |
Write-Debug "$_ : $($PSBoundParameters.Item($_).GetType())" |
} |
} |
$ChocoVersion = choco --version |
$ChocoMessages = @("A license was found for a licensed version of Chocolatey, but is invalid:", "Could not validate existing license", "Chocolatey v$ChocoVersion") |
$PackageCount = $ChocoResults[-1][0] |
$PackageCountMessage = $ChocoResults.Where{ $PSItem -like "*packages found*" } |
Write-Debug "Package Count = $PackageCount" |
Write-Debug "PackageCountMessage = $PackageCountMessage" |
$StartIndex = 0 |
} |
process { |
$ChocoResults = $ChocoResults.Where{ |
$ThisItem = $PSItem |
-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ThisItem) ` |
-and ($ThisItem -notlike "*$($ChocoMessages[0])*" -and $ThisItem -notlike "*$($ChocoMessages[1])*") |
} |
$ChocoVersionLine = $ChocoResults.Where{ $PSItem -eq $ChocoMessages[-1] } |
$StartIndex = $ChocoResults.IndexOf($ChocoVersionLine) + 1 |
$EndIndex = ($ChocoResults.IndexOf($ChocoResults.Where{ $PSItem -eq $PackageCountMessage }) - 1) |
} |
end { |
$ChocoResults[$StartIndex..$EndIndex] |
Write-Debug "Exit [$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]..." |
} |
} |