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Daivik Dave DaivikDave

  • India
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DaivikDave /
Created August 14, 2018 06:23
Description of work done in GSOC 18 for Boston-University/Linux-XIA Raw

AIM: During GSOC-18 , I was allocated the task of implementing the XIA over UDP/IPv6 (U6ID) principal . The objective of the principal is to encapsulate XIA packets as the payload of the IPv6 datagram , and they can be effectively tunneled through the IPv6 networks where XIA is not yet supported.

DELIVERED : I have successfully implemented the U6ID principal and added support for U6ID in xiaconf repo which is used to interact with XIA from user space.I have also created a demo which can be used for demonstration of U6ID principal .

The project comprised of 3 phases :

  1. U6ID implementation in XIA-for-Linux Repo : The first phase comprised of implementing a kernel module in Linux to add support for XIA over UDP/IPv6. It had to be implemented in net/xia/ppal_u6id directory of th
DaivikDave / first.png
Last active August 14, 2018 06:12
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