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Last active January 28, 2020 17:04
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  • Save Dakad/5fa758302861d0eb8fd728ac975bedfb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Dakad/5fa758302861d0eb8fd728ac975bedfb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A bash script to create a Git post-receive hook to deploy after a Git push
# source:
# and another script to delete the directories created by this script
# Call this file with `bash ./ project-name`
# - project-name is mandatory
# This will creates 4 directories and a git `post-receive` hook.
# The 4 directories are:
# - $GIT: a git repo
# - $TMP: a temporary directory for deployment
# - $WWW: a directory for the actual production files
# - $ENV: a directory for the env variables
# When you push your code to the git repo,
# the `post-receive` hook will deploy the code
# in the $TMP directory, then copy it to $WWW.
function dir_create() {
sudo mkdir -p "$1"
cd "$1" || exit
# Define group recursively to "users", on the directories
sudo chgrp -R users .
# Define permissions recursively, on the sub-directories
# g = group, + add rights, r = read, w = write, X = directories only
# . = curent directory as a reference
sudo chmod -R g+rwX .
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'No project name provided (mandatory)'
exit 1
echo "- Project name:" "$1"
echo "- git:" "$GIT"
echo "- tmp:" "$TMP"
echo "- app:" "$APP"
echo "- env:" "$ENV"
export GIT
export TMP
export APP
export ENV
# Create a directory for the env repository
sudo mkdir -p "$ENV"
cd "$ENV" || exit
sudo touch .env
# Create a directory for the git repository
sudo mkdir -p "$GIT"
cd "$GIT" || exit
# Init the repo as an empty git repository
sudo git init --bare
# Define group recursively to "users", on the directories
sudo chgrp -R users .
# Define permissions recursively, on the sub-directories
# g = group, + add rights, r = read, w = write, X = directories only
# . = curent directory as a reference
sudo chmod -R g+rwX .
# Sets the setgid bit on all the directories
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' +
# Make the directory a shared repo
sudo git config core.sharedRepository group
cd hooks || exit
sudo touch post-receive
# create a post-receive file
sudo tee post-receive <<EOF
# The production directory
# A temporary directory for deployment
# The Git repo
# The Env repo
# Deploy the content to the temporary directory
mkdir -p \$TMP
git --work-tree=\$TMP --git-dir=\$GIT checkout -f
# Copy the env variable to the temporary directory
cp -a \$ENV/. \$TMP
# Do stuffs, like npm install
cd \$TMP || exit
# Replace the content of the production directory
# with the temporary directory
cd / || exit
rm -rf \$APP
mv \$TMP \$APP
# Do stuff like starting docker
cd \$APP || exit
# docker-compose up -d --build
# make it executable
sudo chmod +x post-receive
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