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  • Save Dalmirog-zz/11e7ab6e03466b426a7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Dalmirog-zz/11e7ab6e03466b426a7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[string]$OctopusUrl = "http://localhost:80",
Add-Type -Path "Octopus.Client.dll"
$endpoint = new-object Octopus.Client.OctopusServerEndpoint "$($OctopusURL)","$($APIKey)"
$repository = new-object Octopus.Client.OctopusRepository $endpoint
### Put logic here ###
$projects = $repository.Projects.Findall()
$projectsToDelete = @()
ForEach ($p in $projects) {
$name = $p.Name
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($p.DeploymentProcessId)) {
$process = $repository.DeploymentProcesses.Get($p.links.deploymentprocess)
Write-Host "Project '$name' has a process template with $($process.Steps.Count) steps"
} else {
$projectsToDelete += $p
Write-Host "Project '$name' appears to be missing a process template and will be deleted" -foregroundcolor "red"
if ($Delete) {
ForEach ($p in $projectsToDelete) {
Write-Host "Deleting Project $($" -foregroundcolor "red"
[string]$OctopusUrl = "http://localhost:80",
Write-Host "Querying against $OctopusUrl with key $ApiKey\r\n"
# Octopus GET
Function Get-FromOctopus([string]$relUrl) {
$uri = "$OctopusUrl$relUrl`?apiKey=$ApiKey"
try {
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get
catch {
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 404) {
return $null
} else {
throw $_.Exception
# Octopus POST
Function Post-ToOctopus([string]$relUrl, $postObject) {
$deserialised = $postObject | ConvertTo-Json
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$OctopusUrl$relUrl`?apiKey=$ApiKey" -Body $deserialised -Method Post
# Octopus DELETE
Function Delete-FromOctopus([string]$relUrl) {
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$OctopusUrl$relUrl`?apiKey=$ApiKey" -Body $deserialised -Method Delete
### Put logic here ###
$projects = Get-FromOctopus -relUrl "/api/projects/all"
$projectsToDelete = @()
ForEach ($p in $projects) {
$name = $p.Name
$processLink = $p.Links.DeploymentProcess
$process = Get-FromOctopus -relUrl $processLink
if ($process -ne $null) {
Write-Host "Project '$name' has a process template with $($process.Steps.Count) steps"
} else {
$projectsToDelete += $p.Id
Write-Host "Project '$name' appears to be missing a process template and will be deleted" -foregroundcolor "red"
if ($Delete) {
ForEach ($p in $projectsToDelete) {
Write-Host "Deleting Project '$p'" -foregroundcolor "red"
Delete-FromOctopus -relUrl "/api/projects/$p"
Copy link


.\Delete-ProjectsWithoutProcesses.ps1 http://my.octopus.url API-KEYTHATCANDELETE

The above command will list all projects and highlight those that are missing processes as a result of an erroneous import. It will not delete them.

To actually delete, add another -Delete argument to the end of the command:

.\Delete-ProjectsWithoutProcesses.ps1 http://my.octopus.url API-KEYTHATCANDELETE -DELETE

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