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Created March 24, 2022 19:36
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Save DaltonWebDev/3158f1c5ea8942063550170377983016 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function dfLatest($member) {
global $conn;
global $date;
$following = listFollowing($member);
if ($following === false) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($following as $object) {
$memberId = $object["author"];
$statusId = $object["status_id"];
if (likeExists($member, $statusId)) {
// let's remove this status!
} else if (skipExists($member, $statusId)) {
// let's remove this status
} else if (commentExists($member, $statusId)) {
// let's remove this status
} else {
$array = $object;
if (!isset($array)) {
return false;
} else {
return $array;
$sessionId = !empty($_REQUEST["session_id"]) ? strtolower($_REQUEST["session_id"]) : false;
$distractionFree = !empty($_REQUEST["distraction_free"]) ? strtolower($_REQUEST["distraction_free"]) : false;
if ($sessionId !== false) {
$memberId = verifySession($sessionId);
$data["authed_username"] = getUsername($memberId);
if ($sessionId === false) {
$error = [
"message" => getDictionary("SESSION_ID_MISSING")
} else if ($memberId === false) {
$error = [
"code" => "INVALID_SESSION",
"message" => getDictionary("INVALID_SESSION")
} else {
$data["notification_count"] = count(listNotifications($memberId));
$data["letter_count"] = count(listLetters($memberId, 0));
$data["pro"] = isPro($memberId);
if ($distractionFree === false) {
$result = homeFeed($memberId);
if ($result === false) {
$data["username"] = getUsername($memberId);
$error = [
"code" => "NO_STATUSES",
"message" => getDictionary("NO_STATUSES")
} else {
$x = 0;
$data["username"] = getUsername($memberId);
foreach ($result as $object) {
$result[$x]["status"] = $Parsedown->text(strip_tags($result[$x]["status"]));
$result[$x]["username"] = getUsername($object["member_id"]);
$result[$x]["name"] = getProfileName($object["member_id"]);
$result[$x]["verified"] = isVerified($object["member_id"]);
$result[$x]["pro"] = isPro($object["member_id"]);
$result[$x]["pronouns"] = getPronouns($object["member_id"]);
$result[$x]["profile_picture"] = getProfilePicture($object["member_id"]);
$result[$x]["timestamp"] = $object["timestamp"];
if (getMetricsHidden($memberId) == 2) {
$result[$x]["likes"] = "";
$result[$x]["likers"] = false;
$result[$x]["comments"] = "";
} else {
$result[$x]["likes"] = countStatusLikes($object["status_id"]);
$result[$x]["likers"] = listLikes($object["status_id"]);
$result[$x]["comments"] = countStatusComments($object["status_id"]);
$result[$x]["liked"] = likeExists($memberId, $object["status_id"]);
$error = false;
$data["posts"] = $result;
} else {
$result = dfLatest($memberId);
$data["username"] = getUsername($memberId);
if ($result === false) {
$error = [
"code" => "NO_STATUSES",
"message" => getDictionary("NO_STATUSES")
} else {
$error = false;
$data["post"] = $result;
$data["post"]["status"] = $Parsedown->text(strip_tags($data["post"]["status"]));
$data["post"]["username"] = getUsername($result["author"]);
$data["post"]["name"] = getProfileName($result["author"]);
$data["post"]["verified"] = isVerified($result["author"]);
$data["post"]["pro"] = isPro($result["author"]);
$data["post"]["pronouns"] = getPronouns($result["author"]);
$data["post"]["profile_picture"] = getProfilePicture($result["author"]);
$data["post"]["timestamp"] = humanTiming(strtotime($result["date"]));
if (getMetricsHidden($memberId) == 2) {
$data["post"]["likes"] = "";
$data["post"]["likers"] = false;
$data["post"]["comments"] = "";
} else {
$data["post"]["likes"] = countStatusLikes($result["status_id"]);
$data["post"]["likers"] = listLikes($result["status_id"]);
$data["post"]["comments"] = countStatusComments($result["status_id"]);
$data["post"]["liked"] = likeExists($memberId, $result["status_id"]);
function homeFeed($member) {
global $conn;
global $date;
$following = listFollowingAndYourself($member);
if ($following === false) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($following as $object) {
$memberId = $object["author"];
$statusId = $object["status_id"];
$status = $object["status"];
$statusDate = $object["date"];
$array[] = [
"username" => getUsername($memberId),
"member_id" => $memberId,
"status_id" => $statusId,
"status" => $status,
"timestamp" => humanTiming(strtotime($statusDate))
if (!isset($array)) {
return [];
} else {
return $array;
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