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Created March 4, 2021 08:00
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Ball grid animation
fun AnimatedBallGrid(
numBalls: Int = 32,
numBallsPrRow: Int = 7,
) {
// viewModel contains an observable list of balls
val viewModel: BallsViewModel by remember { mutableStateOf(BallsViewModel(numBalls)) } // TODO: Use injection instead
var animationSpeed: AnimationSpeed by remember { mutableStateOf(AnimationSpeed.Fast) }
val ballSizeInclPadding = 44.dp // TODO: Hardcoded value... Do this better
Column {
modifier = Modifier
.width(ballSizeInclPadding * numBallsPrRow)
.height(ballSizeInclPadding * (numBalls / numBallsPrRow.toFloat() + 0.5f).roundToInt()),
cells = GridCells.Fixed(numBallsPrRow),
) {
itemsIndexed(viewModel.balls) { index, item ->
number = item,
animationDelay = getDiagonal(index, numBallsPrRow) * animationSpeed.speedFactor,
onBallClick = { /* TODO */ }
fun Ball(
ball: BallModel,
animationDelay: Long = 0L,
onBallClick: (LottoBallValue) -> Unit
) {
val entryAnimationSpec = tween<Dp>(durationMillis = 100, delayMillis = animationDelay.toInt())
val ballSizeExtend by animateDpAsState(
targetValue = if (ball.isVisible) 40.dp else 20.dp,
animationSpec = if (ball.isVisible) entryAnimationSpec else spring(visibilityThreshold = Dp.VisibilityThreshold)
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { onBallClick(ball) },
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
) {
modifier = Modifier
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
AnimatedVisibility(visible = (ballSizeExtend == 40.dp)) {
text = ball.value?.toString() ?: "",
color = Color.White,
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center)
* Will return on which diagonal (from left to right) an element at `index` in list
* is on, given `numElementsPrRow`.
* E.g. element at index 0 belongs to diagonal 0.
* Given 5 element pr row; element with index 5 (first element on second row) is on diagonal 1.
fun getDiagonal(index: Int, numElementsPrRow: Int): Int {
val row = index / numElementsPrRow
val col = index % numElementsPrRow
return col + row
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