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Created January 21, 2012 21:27
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using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SignalR.Infrastructure;
namespace SignalR
public class InProcessMessageBus : IMessageBus
private static List<Message> _emptyMessageList = new List<Message>();
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, LockedList<Action<IEnumerable<Message>>>> _waitingTasks =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, LockedList<Action<IEnumerable<Message>>>>();
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, LockedList<Message>> _cache =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, LockedList<Message>>();
private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _cacheLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
private readonly TimeSpan _cleanupInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
private readonly object _lockDowngradeLock = new object();
private ulong _lastMessageId = 0;
private long _gcRunning = 0;
private readonly Timer _timer;
private readonly ITraceManager _trace;
public InProcessMessageBus()
: this(DependencyResolver.Resolve<ITraceManager>(), garbageCollectMessages: true)
public InProcessMessageBus(ITraceManager traceManager, bool garbageCollectMessages)
_trace = traceManager;
if (garbageCollectMessages)
_timer = new Timer(RemoveExpiredEntries, null, _cleanupInterval, _cleanupInterval);
public Task<IEnumerable<Message>> GetMessagesSince(IEnumerable<string> eventKeys, ulong? id = null)
if (id == null)
// Wait for new messages
_trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: New connection waiting for messages");
return WaitForMessages(eventKeys);
List<Message> messages;
// We need to lock here in case messages are added to the bus while we're reading
if (id.Value >= _lastMessageId)
// Connection already has the latest message, so start wating
_trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: Connection waiting for new messages from id {0}", id.Value);
return WaitForMessages(eventKeys);
messages = eventKeys.SelectMany(key => GetMessagesSince(key, id.Value)).ToList();
if (messages.Count > 0)
// Messages already in store greater than last received id so return them
_trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: Connection getting messages from cache from id {0}", id.Value);
return TaskAsyncHelper.FromResult((IEnumerable<Message>)messages.OrderBy(msg => msg.Id));
// Wait for new messages
_trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: Connection waiting for new messages from id {0}", id.Value);
return WaitForMessages(eventKeys);
public Task Send(string eventKey, object value)
var list = _cache.GetOrAdd(eventKey, _ => new LockedList<Message>());
Message message = null;
// Take a write lock here so we ensure messages go into the list in order
// Only 1 save allowed at a time, to ensure messages are added to the list in order
message = new Message(eventKey, GenerateId(), value);
_trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: Saving message {0} to cache", message.Id);
// Atomically switch to a read lock now
lock (_lockDowngradeLock)
// Send to waiting callers.
// This must be done in the write lock to ensure that messages are sent to waiting
// connections in the order they were saved so that they always get the correct
// last message id to resubscribe with.
Broadcast(eventKey, message);
if (_cacheLock.IsWriteLockHeld)
if (_cacheLock.IsReadLockHeld)
return TaskAsyncHelper.Empty;
private void Broadcast(string eventKey, Message message)
LockedList<Action<IEnumerable<Message>>> callbacks;
if (_waitingTasks.TryGetValue(eventKey, out callbacks))
var delegates = callbacks.CopyWithLock();
var messages = new[] { message };
_trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: Sending message {0} to {1} waiting connections", message.Id, delegates.Count);
foreach (var callback in delegates)
if (callback != null)
protected virtual ulong GenerateId()
return ++_lastMessageId;
private IEnumerable<Message> GetMessagesSince(string eventKey, ulong id)
LockedList<Message> list = null;
_cache.TryGetValue(eventKey, out list);
if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
return _emptyMessageList;
if (list.Count > 0 && list[0].Id > id)
// All messages in the list are greater than the last message
return list;
var index = list.FindLastIndex(msg => msg.Id <= id);
if (index < 0)
return _emptyMessageList;
var startIndex = index + 1;
if (startIndex >= list.Count)
return _emptyMessageList;
return list.GetRange(startIndex, list.Count - startIndex);
private Task<IEnumerable<Message>> WaitForMessages(IEnumerable<string> eventKeys)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Message>>();
int callbackCalled = 0;
Action<IEnumerable<Message>> callback = null;
callback = messages =>
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref callbackCalled, 1) == 0)
foreach (var eventKey in eventKeys)
LockedList<Action<IEnumerable<Message>>> callbacks;
if (_waitingTasks.TryGetValue(eventKey, out callbacks))
foreach (var eventKey in eventKeys)
var callbacks = _waitingTasks.GetOrAdd(eventKey, _ => new LockedList<Action<IEnumerable<Message>>>());
return tcs.Task;
private void RemoveExpiredEntries(object state)
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _gcRunning, 1) == 1 || Debugger.IsAttached)
// Take a snapshot of the entries
var entries = _cache.ToList();
// Remove all the expired ones
foreach (var entry in entries)
var messages = entry.Value.CopyWithLock();
foreach (var item in messages)
if (item.Expired)
catch (Exception ex)
// Exception on bg thread, bad! Log and swallow to stop the process exploding
Trace.TraceError("Error during InProcessMessageStore clean up on background thread: {0}", ex);
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _gcRunning, 0);
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