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Last active August 24, 2017 00:43
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  • Save DamianMac/d62bb529764da60d45c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DamianMac/d62bb529764da60d45c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$Boxstarter.RebootOk=$true # Allow reboots?
$Boxstarter.NoPassword=$false # Is this a machine with no login password?
$Boxstarter.AutoLogin=$true # Save my password securely and auto-login after a reboot
# Update Windows and reboot if necessary
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula
if (Test-PendingReboot) { Invoke-Reboot }
#Disable hibernate
powershell -Command "Start-Process 'powercfg.exe' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '/h off'"
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar -DisableOpenFileExplorerToQuickAccess -DisableShowRecentFilesInQuickAccess -DisableShowFrequentFoldersInQuickAccess -EnableExpandToOpenFolder
#cinst IIS-WebServerRole -source windowsfeatures
cinst googlechrome
choco install visualstudio2017community
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-manageddesktop
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-azure
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-netweb
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-netcoretools
choco install ReSharper
cinst mRemoteNG
cinst 7zip
#Dev tools
cinst visualstudiocode
cinst linqpad
cinst beyondcompare
cinst gitextensions
cinst PoshGit
cinst sysinternals
cinst fiddler4
cinst dotpeek
cinst notepaddplusplus
cinst nodejs
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