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Created March 1, 2019 02:37
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function createNode(key) {
const children = []
return {
addChild(childKey) {
const childNode = createNode(childKey)
return childNode
function createTree(rootKey) {
const root = createNode(rootKey)
return {
print() {
let result = ''
function traverse(node, visitFn, depth) {
visitFn(node, depth)
if (node.children.length) { => traverse(n, visitFn, depth + 1))
function addKeyToResult(node, depth) {
result +=
result.length === 0
? node.key
: `\n${' '.repeat(depth * 2)}${node.key}`
traverse(root, addKeyToResult, 0)
return result
const dom = createTree('html')
const head = dom.root.addChild('head')
const body = dom.root.addChild('body')
const title = head.addChild('title - egghead Tree Lesson')
const header = body.addChild('header')
const main = body.addChild('main')
const footer = body.addChild('footer')
const h1 = header.addChild('h1 - Tree Lesson')
const p = main.addChild('p - Learn about trees!')
const copyright = footer.addChild(`Copyright ${new Date().getFullYear()}`)
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