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Created November 2, 2016 02:59
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Javascript spec error message
ES6 tagged HTML string templates
it tokenizes them as strings
Expected { value : 'hey ', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] } to equal { value : 'hey <b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '<', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html' ] } to equal { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'b', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', '' ] } to equal { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.end.html' ] } to equal { value : '}', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] } to equal { value : '</b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] } to equal { value : '`', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'punctuation.definition.string.end.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
innerHTML attribute declarations with string template tags
it tokenizes them as strings
Expected { value : 'hey ', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] } to equal { value : 'hey <b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '<', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html' ] } to equal { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'b', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', '' ] } to equal { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.end.html' ] } to equal { value : '}', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] } to equal { value : '</b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] } to equal { value : '`', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'punctuation.definition.string.end.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
ES6 tagged HTML string templates with expanded function name
it tokenizes them as strings
Expected { value : 'hey ', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] } to equal { value : 'hey <b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '<', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html' ] } to equal { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'b', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', '' ] } to equal { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.end.html' ] } to equal { value : '}', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] } to equal { value : '</b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] } to equal { value : '`', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'punctuation.definition.string.end.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
ES6 tagged HTML string templates with expanded function name and white space
it tokenizes them as strings
Expected { value : 'hey ', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] } to equal { value : 'hey <b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '<', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html' ] } to equal { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'b', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', '' ] } to equal { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.end.html' ] } to equal { value : '}', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] } to equal { value : '</b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] } to equal { value : '`', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'punctuation.definition.string.end.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
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