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Created February 15, 2022 08:11
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This script creates an "Uber Delete" button in the context menu. It will delete pesky files that does not want to be deleted.
#Advanced check if user is administrator. It elevates the powershell to one with administrator privileges if not admin
# Get the ID and security principal of the current user account
$myWindowsID = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$myWindowsPrincipal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($myWindowsID)
# Get the security principal for the administrator role
$adminRole = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator
# Check to see if we are currently running as an administrator
if ($myWindowsPrincipal.IsInRole($adminRole)){
# We are running as an administrator, so change the title and background colour to indicate this
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition + "(Administrator)"
#$Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue"
else {
# We are not running as an administrator, so relaunch as administrator
# Create a new process object that starts PowerShell
$newProcess = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo "PowerShell"
# Specify the current script path and name as a parameter with added scope and support for scripts with spaces in it's path
$newProcess.Arguments = "& '" + $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "'"
# Indicate that the process should be elevated
$newProcess.Verb = "runas"
# Start the new process
# Exit from the current, unelevated, process
$command = @'
cmd.exe /s /c pushd "%V" && powershell -command $folderDelete = Get-Location;Write-Host $folderDelete; Read-Host -Prompt "Slet?"; New-Item -Path $folderDelete -Name destroyerofworlds -ItemType Directory; robocopy destroyerofworlds $folderDelete /mir;Set-Location ..;$comm = ("'Remove-Item '" + $folderDelete + "' -Force'");Clear-Host; Sleep -Seconds 2; Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList("'-command'", $comm)
$path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\UberDelete"
if(-NOT (Test-Path -Path $path)) {
New-Item -Path $path -Name 'command' -Force |
Set-ItemProperty -Name "(Default)" -Value $command
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