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Last active December 6, 2022 12:34
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  • Save Dan-Nolan/07586c05853acf7f3e21bae26504d7f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// buyer - puts the funds in the account
// arbiter - ability to move the funds
// recipient - receiver of the funds
// ERC20s common standard for tokens
interface IWethGateway {
// going to send our ether into the AAVE protocol
function depositETH(address lendingPool, address onBehalfOf, uint16 referralCode) external payable;
function withdrawETH(address lendingPool, uint256 amount, address to) external;
interface ILendingPool {
function getUserAccountData(address user) external view returns (
uint256 totalCollateralETH,
uint256 totalDebtETH,
uint256 availableBorrowsETH,
uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,
uint256 ltv,
uint256 healthFactor
interface IERC20 {
function approve(address,uint256) external returns(bool);
contract Escrow {
address buyer;
address arbiter;
address recipient;
// remember: constants are NOT storage variables
IWethGateway constant gateway = IWethGateway(0xEFFC18fC3b7eb8E676dac549E0c693ad50D1Ce31);
address constant lendingPool = 0x7d2768dE32b0b80b7a3454c06BdAc94A69DDc7A9;
IERC20 constant aWETH = IERC20(0x030bA81f1c18d280636F32af80b9AAd02Cf0854e);
constructor(address _arbiter, address _recipient) {
buyer = msg.sender;
arbiter = _arbiter;
recipient = _recipient;
receive() external payable {
// deposit these funds into AAVE (5 ether)
gateway.depositETH{ value: msg.value }(lendingPool, address(this), 0);
// when the transaction is complete
function moveFunds() external {
require(arbiter == msg.sender);
// thank you Georgi!!! :wooohoooo:
aWETH.approve(gateway, type(uint).max);
gateway.withdrawETH(lendingPool, type(uint).max, recipient);
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