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Created February 17, 2020 06:02
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winding, crossing number for point in polygon. python and numpy implementation for reference
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author :
For a faster implementation see npgeom and the np_wn uses
numpy to speed up substantially the `pip` analysis.
`<>`_. ** good
import sys
import numpy as np
# ---- single use helpers
def _is_right_side(p, strt, end):
"""Determine if a point (p) is `inside` a line segment (strt-->end).
See : line_crosses, in_out_crosses in npg_helpers.
position = sign((Bx - Ax) * (Y - Ay) - (By - Ay) * (X - Ax))
negative for right of clockwise line, positive for left. So in essence,
the reverse of _is_left_side with the outcomes reversed ;)
x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1 = *p, *strt, *end
return (x1 - x0) * (y - y0) - (y1 - y0) * (x - x0)
def crossing_num(pnts, poly, line=True):
"""Crossing Number for point(s) in polygon. See `pnts_in_poly`.
pnts : array of points
Points are an N-2 array of point objects determined to be within the
extent of the input polygons.
poly : polygon array
Polygon is an Nx2 array of point objects that form the clockwise
boundary of the polygon.
line : boolean
True to include points that fall on a line as being inside.
def _in_ex_(pnts, ext):
"""Return the points within an extent or on the line of the extent."""
LB, RT = ext
comp = np.logical_and(LB <= pnts, pnts <= RT) # using <= and <=
idx = np.logical_and(comp[..., 0], comp[..., 1])
return idx, pnts[idx]
pnts = np.atleast_2d(pnts)
xs = poly[:, 0]
ys = poly[:, 1]
N = len(poly)
xy_diff = np.diff(poly, axis=0)
dx = xy_diff[:, 0] # np.diff(xs)
dy = xy_diff[:, 1] # np.diff(ys)
ext = np.array([poly.min(axis=0), poly.max(axis=0)])
idx, inside = _in_ex_(pnts, ext)
is_in = []
for pnt in inside:
cn = 0 # the crossing number counter
x, y = pnt
for i in range(N - 1):
if line is True:
c0 = (ys[i] < y <= ys[i + 1]) # changed to <= <=
c1 = (ys[i] > y >= ys[i + 1]) # and >= >=
c0 = (ys[i] < y < ys[i + 1])
c1 = (ys[i] > y > ys[i + 1])
if (c0 or c1): # or y in (ys[i], ys[i+1]):
vt = (y - ys[i]) / dy[i] # compute x-coordinate
if line is True:
if (x == xs[i]) or (x < (xs[i] + vt * dx[i])): # include
cn += 1
if x < (xs[i] + vt * dx[i]): # exclude pnts on line
cn += 1
is_in.append(cn % 2) # either even or odd (0, 1)
return inside[np.nonzero(is_in)]
def winding_num(pnts, poly):
"""Point in polygon using winding numbers.
p : array
This is simply an (x, y) point pair of the point in question.
poly : array
A clockwise oriented Nx2 array of points, with the first and last
points being equal.
Until this can be implemented in a full array of points and full suite of
polygons, you have to test for all the points in each polygon.
>>> w = [winding_num(p, e1) for p in g_uni]
>>> g_uni[np.nonzero(w)]
array([[ 20.00, 1.00],
... [ 21.00, 0.00]])
def cal_w(p, poly):
"""Do the calculation"""
w = 0
y = p[1]
ys = poly[:, 1]
for i in range(poly.shape[0]):
if ys[i-1] <= y:
if ys[i] > y:
if _is_right_side(p, poly[i-1], poly[i]) > 0:
w += 1
elif ys[i] <= y:
if _is_right_side(p, poly[i-1], poly[i]) < 0:
w -= 1
return w
w = [cal_w(p, poly) for p in pnts]
return pnts[np.nonzero(w)]
# ---- Final main section ----------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""optional location for parameters"""
print("\nRunning... {}\n".format(script))
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