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Last active February 18, 2024 10:09
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pigpio code for wateproof ultrasonic sensor
# By Dan-in-CA 11/2018
# Updated 3/21/2019
from __future__ import print_function, division
from time import sleep
import pigpio
pi = pigpio.pi()
# Define GPIO pins to use on Pi (BMC numbering)
pin_trigger = 23
pin_echo = 24
start = None
prev = 0
max_dif = 10
distance = None
verbose = False
# Speed of sound in cm/ms at temperature (changed from cm/s)
temperature = 24
sound_speed = 33.1 + (0.0006*temperature)
# Set pin modes and output level
pi.set_mode(pin_trigger, pigpio.OUTPUT)
pi.write(pin_trigger, 0)
pi.set_mode(pin_echo, pigpio.INPUT)
def calc(gpio, level, tick):
Callback function to handle distance calculation.
global start, prev, distance
if level == 1: # Start of echo pulse
start = tick
if start and level == 0: # If start has a value and echo pulse ended
echo = pigpio.tickDiff(start, tick) # Length of echo pulse in microseconds
if verbose:
print("echo: ", echo)
dist = round(((echo / 1000) * sound_speed)/2, 1)
if not abs(prev - dist) > max_dif: #### May want to make this user setable
distance = dist
prev = dist
start = None
def measure():
Send a pulse and time the echo.
pi.gpio_trigger(pin_trigger, 10, 1) # Send a 10 microsecond pulse on the trigger pin
cb = pi.callback(pin_echo, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, calc) # Catch the echo pulse and pass timing to calc callback function
if verbose and distance:
print("distance: ", distance)
return distance
if __name__ == '__main__':
verbose = True
while True:
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