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Created April 13, 2014 07:27
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Google Jam 2014
import sys
lines = [line for line in sys.stdin]
test_cases = int(lines[0])
index = 1
for test in xrange(test_cases):
real_answer = None
diff = None
first_answer = int(lines[index])
first_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+1].split(' ')]
second_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+2].split(' ')]
third_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+3].split(' ')]
fourth_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+4].split(' ')]
if first_answer == 1:
real_answer = set(first_row)
elif first_answer == 2:
real_answer = set(second_row)
elif first_answer == 3:
real_answer = set(third_row)
elif first_answer == 4:
real_answer = set(fourth_row)
second_answer = int(lines[index + 5])
first_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+6].split(' ')]
second_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+7].split(' ')]
third_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+8].split(' ')]
fourth_row = [int(x) for x in lines[index+9].split(' ')]
if second_answer == 1:
diff = real_answer & set(first_row)
elif second_answer == 2:
diff = real_answer & set(second_row)
elif second_answer == 3:
diff = real_answer & set(third_row)
elif second_answer == 4:
diff = real_answer & set(fourth_row)
if len(diff) == 1:
print "Case #%s: %s" % (test+1, diff.pop())
elif len(diff) > 1:
print "Case #%s: Bad magician!" % (test+1)
print "Case #%s: Volunteer cheated!" % (test+1)
index += 10
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