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Created February 7, 2018 22:21
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Generating stack's setup-info for ghc-8.4-alpha3
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-10.2
--package bytestring
--package http-conduit
-- usage: ./Main.hs
-- modify the baseUrl and ghcDateVersion to taste
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP
import qualified System.IO as Sys
baseUrl :: String
baseUrl = ""
ghcDateVersion :: String
ghcDateVersion = "ghc-"
shouldSkipFile :: String -> Bool
shouldSkipFile "src" = True
shouldSkipFile "testsuite" = True
shouldSkipFile "windows-extra-src" = True
shouldSkipFile "x86_64-deb8-linux-dwarf" = True -- not sure what to do with this
shouldSkipFile _ = False
-- TODO: add more
systemNameMapping :: String -> Maybe String
systemNameMapping "i386-deb8-linux" = Just "linux32-nopie"
systemNameMapping "i386-unknown-mingw32" = Just "windows32"
systemNameMapping "i386-unknown-mingw32-win10" = Just "windows32"
systemNameMapping "x86_64-apple-darwin" = Just "macosx"
systemNameMapping "x86_64-deb8-linux" = Just "linux64-nopie"
systemNameMapping "x86_64-unknown-mingw32" = Just "windows64"
systemNameMapping "x86_64-unknown-mingw32-win10" = Just "windows64"
systemNameMapping "x86_64-fedora27-linux" = Just "linux64-tinfo-nopie"
systemNameMapping "x86_64-unknown-linux" = Just "linux64"
systemNameMapping _ = Nothing
-- TODO: generalize
stripSurroundings :: String -> String
stripSurroundings =
. drop (length ".tar.xz")
. reverse
. drop (length $ "./" <> ghcDateVersion <> "-")
err :: String -> IO ()
err s = Sys.hPutStrLn Sys.stderr ("***** " <> s)
printSection :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
printSection target path sha256 = do
putStrLn $ " " <> target <> ":"
putStrLn $ " " <> (drop (length "ghc-") ghcDateVersion) <> ":"
putStrLn $ " url: " <> baseUrl <> drop (length "./") path
putStrLn $ " sha256: " <> sha256
main :: IO ()
main = do
req <- HTTP.parseRequest (baseUrl <> "/SHA256SUMS")
res <- HTTP.httpBS req
putStrLn "setup-info:"
putStrLn " ghc:"
let strBody = C8.unpack $ HTTP.getResponseBody $ res
F.for_ (lines strBody) $ \line -> case words line of
[sha256, path] -> do
let file = stripSurroundings path
if (not $ shouldSkipFile file)
case systemNameMapping file of
-- I don't really understand this special case
-- but it seems like these two fedora cases use the same tarball
Just "linux64-tinfo-nopie" -> do
printSection "linux64-tinfo" path sha256
printSection "linux64-tinfo-nopie" path sha256
Just target -> do
printSection target path sha256
Nothing -> do
err $ "Failed system name lookup: " <> file
else return ()
_ -> err $ "Unexpected line: " <> line
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "resolver: " <> ghcDateVersion
putStrLn $ "compiler: " <> ghcDateVersion
putStrLn "compiler-check: match-exact"
putStrLn "packages: []"
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