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Created December 30, 2016 01:39
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A sorted list of all packages currently commented out in stackage's build-constraints.yaml (as of 2016-12-29)
- Cartesian # bounds: lens
- HaRe # via: cabal-helper, ghc-mod, rosezipper
- MASMGen # bounds: ghc, base
- Michelangelo # bounds: lens # via: Wavefront
- Spock-digestive # via: digestive-functors
- TaxonomyTools # build failure
- aeson-schema # bounds: QuickCheck, aeson # compilation failure for
- agda-snippets # bounds: ghc, base
- agda-snippets-hakyll # bounds: ghc, base
- agentx # bounds: ghc, base
- al # FIXME temporary, figure out why it's not working with stackage-build
- angel #
- apiary # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-authenticate # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-clientsession # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-cookie # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-eventsource # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-logger # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-memcached # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-mongoDB # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-persistent # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-session # GHC 8 & bounds
- apiary-websockets # GHC 8 & bounds
- apply-refact
- approximate # bounds: binary, comonad, pointed
- atndapi #
- attoparsec-trans # bounds: transformers
- barrier # GHC 8
- biosff # Compilation failure due to -Werror
- bitcoin-api # via: wreq
- bitcoin-api-extra # via: bitcoin-api, wreq
- bitcoin-payment-channel # bounds: QuickCheck, aeson 1.0 # via: haskoin-core
- blosum # via fasta
- bound # bounds: binary, comonad, doctest, transformers, vector
- bustle # build failure against haskell-src-exts
- bytestring-read # GHC 8
- cabal-debian # via: debian
- cabal-helper # bounds: extra 1.5
- calculator # bounds: ghc, base
- clash-ghc # bounds: ghc
- codex # bounds: http-client, wreq
- compensated # bounds: binary, comonad, generic-deriving, safecopy
- composition-tree # bounds: QuickCheck
- compressed # bounds: comonad, pointed
- country-codes # bounds: tagsoup
- dagit
- datadog # bounds: aeson
- debian # GHC bug:
- dependent-sum-template # bounds: dependent-sum
- digestive-functors-aeson # bounds: aeson, lens # via: digestive-functors
- digestive-functors-lucid # via: digestive functors
- distributed-process-async # GHC 8
- distributed-process-client-server # GHC 8
- distributed-process-execution # GHC 8
- distributed-process-extras # GHC 8
- distributed-process-registry # GHC 8
- distributed-process-supervisor # GHC 8
- distributed-process-task # GHC 8
- diversity # via fasta
- dixi # bounds: aeson, lens, time, [...]
- docvim # compilation failure:
- ekg-statsd # Maintained by @tibbe.
- elliottt
- elm-build-lib # via: elm-compiler
- elm-compiler # bounds: aeson, binary, transformers, [...]
- elm-package # bounds: HTTP, binary # via: elm-compiler, [...]
- engine-io # bounds: aeson, websockets
- engine-io-growler # bounds: websockets # via [...]
- engine-io-wai # bounds: ghc, base
- engine-io-yesod # bounds: ghc, base
- envy # bounds: GHC 8
- esqueleto # bounds: persistent
- exact-real # bounds: ghc, base
- extract-dependencies # via: package-description-remote
- fasta # via pipes-attoparsec
- fb # bounds: aeson, http-conduit-2.2, hspec
- fb-persistent # bounds: persistent # via: fb
- file-location # bounds: transformers
- find-clumpiness # build failure against optparse-applicative
- flowdock # bounds: aeson, http-client, [...]
- fn-extra # via: digestive-functors
- forecast-io # bounds: aeson 1.0
- ghc-imported-from # bounds: process-streaming # via: ghc-mod
- ghc-mod # bounds: cabal-helper, extra, haskell-src-exts, optparse-applicative, pipes
- ghc-parser # GHC 8
- ghc-session # bounds: GHC 8
- ghcjs-dom # via: ghcjs-dom-jsaddle #
- git-annex # bounds: bloomfilter, [...] # via: aws, esqueleto, [...] #
- git-fmt # bounds: optparse-applicative 0.13
- github-backup # bounds: github
- groundhog # bounds: transformers
- groundhog-mysql # bounds: transformers # via: groundhog, mysql-simple
- groundhog-postgresql # bounds: transformers # via groundhog
- groundhog-sqlite # via groundhog
- groundhog-th # via groundhog
- growler # bounds: pipes, pipes-aeson, transformers
- hackage-mirror # via: aws
- haddocset # GHC 8
- hakyll-sass # bounds: aeson-pretty
- handwriting # via: wreq
- haskell-kubernetes # bounds: QuickCheck, aeson, http-api-data, lens, servant, servant-client
- hpack-convert # bounds: aeson 1.0
- hprotoc # build failure
- hreader-lens # bounds: hreader
- hslogstash # bounds: aeson, lens, time, transformers # via: stm-firehose
- hspec-snap # bounds: hspec, hspec-core # via: digestive-functors
- hworker-ses # build failure
- hyperloglog # bounds: approximate, binary, comonad
- hzulip # bounds: aeson, stm-conduit
- idris # bounds: safe
- ig # bounds: http-conduit, transformers
- ihaskell # GHC 8
- ihaskell-aeson # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-basic # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-blaze # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-charts # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-diagrams # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-hatex # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-inline-r # via: ihaskell, ihaskell-blaze
- ihaskell-juicypixels # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-magic # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-rlangqq # via: ihaskell
- ihaskell-static-canvas # via: ihaskell
- imagemagick #
- ipython-kernel # GHC 8
- ixmonad # 0.57 Compilation failure
- jmcarthur
- jsaddle # via: ret-tf #
- json-autotype # bounds: aeson 1.0, lens
- kanji # bounds: ghc 8, base
- lambdacube-compiler # bounds: aeson, megaparsec # via: lambdacube-ir
- lambdacube-gl # bounds: aeson, time # via: lambdacube-ir
- lambdacube-ir # bounds: aeson
- latex-formulae-hakyll # bounds: ghc, base
- latex-formulae-pandoc # bounds: pandoc-types
- leksah-server # bounds: ghc, base
- ltext # compilation failure:
- ltk # bounds: ghc, base
- luminance-samples # bounds: base
- mangopay # compilation failure against aeson
- memcached-binary # GHC 8 & bounds
- memoization-utils # bounds: time
- midair # bounds: ghc, base
- modify-fasta # via fasta
- mole # bounds: hspec, optparse-applicative
- monad-st # bounds: transformers
- msi-kb-backlit # bounds: ghc, base
- multiplate # bounds: transformers
- mustache # via: wreq
- nested-routes # via: HList
- network-transport-zeromq # bounds: ghc # via: distributed-process-tests
- omnifmt # bounds: optparse-applicative 0.13
- package-description-remote # via: wreq
- patches-vector # bounds: QuickCheck, edit-distance-vector, hspec
- persistent-mongoDB # bounds: http-api-data
- phash # Can't build on stackage server
- pipes-aeson # bounds: pipes 4.3
- pipes-attoparsec # bounds: pipes 4.3
- pipes-binary # bounds: binary, pipes, transformers
- pipes-fastx # via pipes-attoparsec
- pipes-illumina # via: pipes-bgzf
- pipes-network # bounds: pipes 4.3
- poly-arity # via HList (sent e-mail to HList maintainer)
- postgresql-orm # 0.4.1 compilation failure
- postgresql-query # via: derive
- pred-trie # via poly-arity
- present # compilation failure against haskell-src-exts
- purescript # BLOCKED aeson-1.0
- regex-dfa # 0.91 Compilation failure due to -Werror
- regex-parsec # 0.90 Compilation failure due to -Werror
- regex-tre # 0.91 Compilation failure due to -Werror
- sarsi # bound: cryptonite
- sbp # build failure
- scrape-changes # via: wreq
- scrobble # compilation errors against time 1.6
- second-transfer # bounds: GHC 8
- servant-pandoc # bounds: pandoc-types, servant-docs
- serversession-backend-persistent # bounds: persistent, persistent-postgresql, persistent-sqlite
- serversession-backend-redis # bounds: hedis
- serversession-frontend-snap # bounds: snap, snap-core
- ses-html # bounds: time 1.6
- shelltestrunner # bounds: Diff, HUnit
- simple-postgresql-orm # via: postgresql-orm
- smsaero # build failure against aeson
- snmp # bounds: ghc, base
- socket-io # bounds: aeson, via: engine-io
- sparkle # build failure, requires gradle
- stack < 9.9.9 # bounds: ghc, template-haskell
- stack-run-auto # via: extract-dependencies, wreq
- stm-firehose # bounds: http-types, stm-conduit, transformers, wai, warp
- stripe-core # bounds: aeson 1.0
- stripe-haskell # via: stripe-http-streams
- stripe-http-streams # via: http-streams
- structured-haskell-mode # bounds: haskell-src-exts # via: applicative-quoters
- sync-mht # bounds: ghc, base
- system-canonicalpath # bounds: ghc, base #
- tasty-fail-fast # via: tasty-tap
- tasty-tap # bounds: ghc, base
- tellbot # bounds: bifunctors, http-conduit, tagsoup
- the-real-blackh
- twitter-conduit # bounds: http-conduit 2.2 # via: twitter-types, twitter-types-lens
- twitter-types # via: derive
- twitter-types-lens # via: twitter-types
- types-compat # GHC 8
- users-persistent # via: esqueleto
- vcsgui # via: gi-gtk-hs
- vivid # compilation failure
- web-routing # GHC 8
- werewolf # bounds: aeson, extra, lens
- werewolf-slack # bounds: aeson, extra, http-client, http-client-tls # via: werewolf
- wreq # bounds: authenticate-oauth, http-client
- xml-to-json # via: hexpat
- yarr # compilation error against fixed-vector
- yesod-auth-account-fork # bounds: persistent
- yesod-auth-fb # bounds: time, transformers # via fb, via yesod-fb
- yesod-auth-oauth2 # bounds: aeson-1.0, http-client, load-env
- yesod-fb # via fb
- yesod-job-queue # build failure
- yesod-mangopay # via mangopay
- yi # build failure
- yi-frontend-pango # build failure
- zim-parser # via: lzma
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