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Created October 1, 2018 02:42
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#lang typed/racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
(require typed/net/url)
(require racket/control)
(require/typed xml
[xexpr->string (Xexpr -> String)])
;; Simplified types from typed/net/url
(define-type PathFrag (U 'same 'up String))
;; Simplified types from xml
(define-type Query (Listof (Pairof Symbol (U False String))))
(define-type Xexpr (Listof (U String Symbol Xexpr)))
;; Type synonyms specific to this code
(define-type Handler (Query -> Xexpr))
(define-type PTX (Prompt-Tagof Xexpr ((-> Xexpr) -> Xexpr)))
(define-type PHandler (PTX Query -> Xexpr))
;; Helper macros a la Clojure
(define-syntax (some->> stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ x:expr)
[(_ x:expr f:id fs ...)
#'(some->> x (f) fs ...)]
[(_ x:expr (e:expr ...) fs ...)
#'(let ([x* x])
(and x* (some->> (e ... x*) fs ...)))]))
(define-syntax (when-let stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ () body:expr ...)
body ...)]
[(_ ([x:id e:expr] bs ...) body:expr ...)
#'(let ([x e])
(when x
(when-let (bs ...)
body ...)))]))
(define-syntax (guard stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ p x)
#'(let ([x* x])
(and (p x) x))]))
(: serve (Integer -> (-> Void)))
(define (serve port-no)
(define main-cust (make-custodian))
(parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust])
(define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
(: loop (-> Void))
(define (loop)
(accept-and-handle listener)
(thread loop))
(λ ()
(custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))
(: accept-and-handle (TCP-Listener -> Thread))
(define (accept-and-handle listener)
(define cust (make-custodian))
(custodian-limit-memory cust (* 50 1024 1024))
(parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
(define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
(λ ()
(handle in out)
(close-input-port in)
(close-output-port out))))
; Watcher thread:
(thread (λ ()
(sleep 10)
(custodian-shutdown-all cust))))
(: handle (Input-Port Output-Port -> Void))
(define (handle in out)
(when-let ([str-path
(some->> (read-line in)
(guard string?)
(regexp-match #rx"^GET (.+) HTTP/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+")
; Discard the rest of the header (up to blank line):
(regexp-match #rx"(\r\n|^)\r\n" in)
; Dispatch:
(define xexpr (dispatch str-path))
; Send reply:
(display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" out)
(display "Server: dan-rkt-demo\r\n" out)
(display "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" out)
(display "\r\n" out)
(display (xexpr->string xexpr) out)))
(: dispatch (String -> Xexpr))
(define (dispatch str-path)
; Parse the request as a URL:
(define url (string->url str-path))
; Extract the path part:
(: path (Listof PathFrag))
(define path (map path/param-path (url-path url)))
; Find a handler based on the path's first element
(define h (hash-ref dispatch-table (car path) #f))
(if h
; Call a handler:
(h (url-query url))
; No handler found:
(not-found str-path)))
(: dispatch-table (Mutable-HashTable PathFrag Handler))
(define dispatch-table (make-hash))
(: not-found (-> String Xexpr))
(define (not-found str-path)
`(html (head (title "Error"))
(font ((color "red"))
"Unknown page: "
(hash-set! dispatch-table "hello"
(λ (query)
`(html (body "Hello, World!")
(: build-request-page (String String String -> Xexpr))
(define (build-request-page label next-url hidden)
(head (title "Enter a Number to Add"))
(body ([bgcolor "white"])
(form ([action ,next-url]
[method "get"])
(input ([type "text"]
[name "number"]
[value ""]))
(input ([type "hidden"]
[name "hidden"]
[value ,hidden]))
(input ([type "submit"]
[name "enter"]
[value "Enter"])))
(: common-links Xexpr)
(define common-links
(a ([href "/sum2"]) "/sum2")
" "
(a ([href "/hello"]) "/hello")
" "
(a ([href "/many"]) "/many")))
(: many Handler)
(define (many query)
(build-request-page "Number of greetings:" "/reply" ""))
(: reply Handler)
(define (reply query)
(define n (number-from-query query))
`(html (body ,@(for/list : (Listof String) ([i (in-range n)])
" hello")
(hash-set! dispatch-table "many" many)
(hash-set! dispatch-table "reply" reply)
(: number-from-query (Query -> Integer))
(define (number-from-query query)
(or (some->> query (assq 'number) cdr string->number (guard natural?))
(: with-new-prompt-tag (Symbol PHandler -> Handler))
(define ((with-new-prompt-tag sym h) query)
(: ptx PTX)
(define ptx (make-continuation-prompt-tag sym))
(prompt-at ptx (h ptx query)))
(: send/suspend (PTX (String -> Xexpr) -> (values PTX Query)))
(define (send/suspend ptx mk-page)
(: the-suspend (PHandler -> Nothing))
(define (the-suspend k)
(define tag (format "k~a" (current-inexact-milliseconds)))
(hash-set! dispatch-table tag (with-new-prompt-tag 'send/suspend k))
(abort-current-continuation ptx (λ () (mk-page (string-append "/" tag)))))
(call-with-composable-continuation the-suspend ptx))
(: get-number (PTX String -> (values PTX Integer)))
(define (get-number ptx label)
; Receive the computation-as-URL here
(: get-number-cont (String -> Xexpr))
(define (get-number-cont k-url)
; Generate the query-page result for this connection.
; Send the query result to the saved-computation URL:
(build-request-page label k-url ""))
(define-values (ptx* query)
; Generate a URL for the current computation:
(send/suspend ptx get-number-cont))
; We arrive here later, in a new connection
(values ptx* (number-from-query query)))
(: sum2 PHandler)
(define (sum2 ptx query)
(define-values (ptx* m) (get-number ptx "First number:"))
(define-values (_ptx n) (get-number ptx* "Second number:"))
`(html (body "The sum is " ,(number->string (+ m n))
(hash-set! dispatch-table "sum2" (with-new-prompt-tag 'sum2 sum2))
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