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Template script file for Logitech Gaming Software
-- LGS_script_template.lua
-- Version: 2019-04-19
-- Author: Egor Skriptunoff
-- This is a template for "Logitech Gaming Software" script file.
-- Four useful features are implemented here:
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- FEATURE #1 - random numbers of very high quality
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- random() -- float 0 <= x < 1
-- random(n) -- integer 1 <= x <= n
-- random(m, n) -- integer m <= x <= n
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This new function is a drop-in replacement for standard Lua function "math.random()".
-- It generates different sequences of random numbers on every profile load, you don't need to set seed (forget about "math.randomseed").
-- The random number generator adsorbs entropy from every event processed by OnEvent().
-- It takes into account everything: event type, button index, mouse position on the screen, current date and running time.
-- This entropy is converted by SHAKE128 (SHA3 hash function) into stream of pseudo-random bits.
-- That's why function "random()" returns random numbers having excellent statistical properties.
-- Actually, after user clicked mouse buttons 100-200 times (no hurry please),
-- these pseudo-random numbers might be considered cryptographically strong.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- GetEntropyCounter()
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This function returns estimation of lower bound of number of random bits consumed by random numbers mixer
-- (wait until it reaches 256 prior to generating crypto keys)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SHA3_224(message)
-- SHA3_256(message)
-- SHA3_384(message)
-- SHA3_512(message)
-- SHAKE128(digest_size_in_bytes, message)
-- SHAKE256(digest_size_in_bytes, message)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SHA3 hash functions are available.
-- SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512 generate message digest of fixed length
-- SHAKE128, SHAKE256 generate message digest of potentially infinite length
-- Example #1:
-- How to get SHA3-digest of your message:
-- SHA3_224("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") == "d15dadceaa4d5d7bb3b48f446421d542e08ad8887305e28d58335795"
-- SHAKE128(5, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") == "f4202e3c58"
-- Example #2:
-- How to convert your password into infinite sequence of very high quality random bytes (the same password will give the same sequence):
-- -- start the sequence, initialize it with your password
-- local get_hex_byte = SHAKE128(-1, "your password")
-- while .... do
-- -- get next number from the inifinite sequence
-- local next_random_byte = tonumber(get_hex_byte(), 16) -- integer 0 <= n <= 255
-- local next_random_dword = tonumber(get_hex_byte(4), 16) -- integer 0 <= n <= 4294967295
-- -- how to construct floating point number 0 <= x < 1
-- local next_random_float = (tonumber(get_hex_byte(3), 16) % 2^21 * 2^32 + tonumber(get_hex_byte(4), 16)) / 2^53
-- ....
-- end
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- FEATURE #2 - you can see the output of print() in the LGS script editor
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- print(...)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Now this function displays messages in the bottom window of the script editor.
-- You can use "print()" just like in standard Lua!
-- When using "print()" instead of "OutputLogMessage()", don't append "\n" to a message.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- FEATURE #3 - handy names for mouse buttons
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- "L", "R", "M" are now names for the first three mouse buttons
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- There is an unpleasant feature in LGS: Logitech and Microsoft enumerate mouse buttons differently.
-- In OnEvent("MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED", arg, "mouse") parameter 'arg' uses Logitech order:
-- 1=Left, 2=Right, 3=Middle, 4=Backward(X1), 5=Forward(X2), 6,7,8,...
-- In PressMouseButton(button) parameter 'button' uses Microsoft order:
-- 1=Left, 2=Middle, 3=Right, 4=X1(Backward), 5=X2(Forward)
-- As you see, Right and Middle buttons are swapped; this is very confusing.
-- To make your code more clear and less error-prone, try to avoid using numbers 1, 2 and 3.
-- Instead, use strings "L", "R", "M" for the first three mouse buttons.
-- Two modifications have been made:
-- 1) The following functions now accept strings "L", "R", "M" as its argument:
-- PressMouseButton(),
-- ReleaseMouseButton(),
-- PressAndReleaseMouseButton(),
-- IsMouseButtonPressed()
-- 2) 'mouse_button' variable was defined inside OnEvent() function body, it contains:
-- either string "L", "R", "M" (for the first three mouse buttons)
-- or number 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,... (for other mouse buttons).
-- These modifications don't break compatibility with your old habits.
-- You can still use numbers if you want:
-- if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 2 then -- RMB event
-- PressAndReleaseMouseButton(3) -- simulate pressing RMB
-- But using strings improves readability:
-- if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == "R" then
-- PressAndReleaseMouseButton("R")
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- FEATURE #4 - Pixel-oriented functions for mouse
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- GetMousePositionInPixels()
-- SetMousePositionInPixels(x,y)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- You can now get and set mouse cursor position IN PIXELS.
-- GetMousePositionInPixels() returns 6 values (probably you would need only the first two):
-- x_in_pixels, -- integer from 0 to (screen_width-1)
-- y_in_pixels, -- integer from 0 to (screen_height-1)
-- screen_width_in_pixels, -- for example, 1920
-- screen_height_in_pixels, -- for example, 1080
-- x_64K, -- normalized x coordinate 0..65535, this is the first value returned by "GetMousePosition()"
-- y_64K -- normalized y coordinate 0..65535, this is the second value returned by "GetMousePosition()"
-- As you know, standard LGS function MoveMouseRelative() is limited to narrow distance range from -127 to +127 pixels.
-- Now you can move mouse cursor more than 127 pixels away from its current position:
-- local current_x, current_y = GetMousePositionInPixels()
-- SetMousePositionInPixels(current_x + 300, current_y + 200)
-- This method of relative moving works fine even when "Acceleration" flag is set in "Pointer settings" (the third icon from the left, at the bottom of the page).
-- As you probably know, MoveMouseRelative() works incorrectly when this flag is set: the real distance not equals to the number of pixels requested.
-- Don't forget that you must wait a bit (for example, Sleep(5)) after simulating mouse move, button press or button release.
-- Important note:
-- This script requires one second for initialization.
-- In other words, when this LGS profile is started, you will have to wait for 1 second before playing.
-- Explanation:
-- Every time this profile is activated (and every time when your game changes the screen resolution)
-- the process of automatic determination of screen resolution is started.
-- This process takes about one second.
-- During this process, mouse cursor will be programmatically moved some distance away from its current location.
-- This cursor movement might be a hindrance to use your mouse, so just wait until the cursor stops moving.
print_orig, type, floor, min, max, sqrt, format, byte, char, rep, sub, gsub, concat, select, tostring =
print, type, math.floor, math.min, math.max, math.sqrt, string.format, string.byte, string.char, string.rep, string.sub, string.gsub, table.concat, select, tostring
MoveMouseRelative, MoveMouseTo, GetMousePosition, Sleep_orig, GetRunningTime, OutputLogMessage =
MoveMouseRelative, MoveMouseTo, GetMousePosition, Sleep, GetRunningTime, OutputLogMessage
local function print(...)
local t = {...}
for j = 1, select("#", ...) do
t[j] = tostring(t[j])
OutputLogMessage("%s\n", concat(t, "\t"))
local GetMousePositionInPixels
local xy_data, xy_64K, xy_pixels, enabled = {{}, {}}, {}, {}, true
function GetMousePositionInPixels()
-- The function returns mouse_x_pixels, mouse_y_pixels, screen_width, screen_height, x_64K, y_64K
-- 0 <= mouse_x_pixels < screen_width
-- 0 <= mouse_y_pixels < screen_height
-- both width and height of your screen must be between 150 and 10240 pixels
xy_64K[1], xy_64K[2] = GetMousePosition()
if enabled then
local jump
local attempts_qty = 3 -- number of failed attempts to determine screen resolution prior to disabling this functionality
for attempt = 1, attempts_qty + 1 do
for i = 1, 2 do
local result
local size = xy_data[i][4]
if size then
local coord_64K = xy_64K[i]
-- How to convert between pos_64K_x (0...65535) and pixel_x (0...(screen_width-1))
-- pos_64K_x = floor(pixel_x * (2^16-1) / (screen_width-1) + 0.5)
-- pixel_x = floor((pos_64K_x + (0.5 + 2^-16)) * (screen_width-1) / (2^16-1))
local pixels = floor((coord_64K + (0.5 + 2^-16)) * (size - 1) / 65535)
if 65535 * pixels >= (coord_64K - (0.5 + 2^-16)) * (size - 1) then
result = pixels
xy_pixels[i] = result
if xy_pixels[1] and xy_pixels[2] then
return xy_pixels[1], xy_pixels[2], xy_data[1][4], xy_data[2][4], xy_64K[1], xy_64K[2]
elseif attempt <= attempts_qty then
--print("Attempt #"..attempt)
if jump then
MoveMouseTo(3*2^14 - xy_64K[1]/2, 3*2^14 - xy_64K[2]/2)
xy_64K[1], xy_64K[2] = GetMousePosition()
jump = true
for _, data in ipairs(xy_data) do
data[1] = {[0] = true} -- [1] = dict with used coord_64K values
data[2] = 0 -- [2] = used coord_64K values qty
data[3] = 45 * 225 -- [3] = counter of possible sizes
data[4] = nil -- [4] = minimal possible size
data[5] = 6 -- [5] = only pointer to next number (in 8 lowest bits)
for j = 6, 229 do -- [6]..[230] = 53-bit numbers
data[j] = (2^45 - 1) * 256 + 1 + j -- 8 lowest bits = index of the next number (last number points to idx=0)
end -- 45 highest bits = flags (1 = size is possible, 0 = size is impossible)
data[230] = (2^45 - 1) * 256
local dx = xy_64K[1] < 2^15 and 1 or -1
local dy = xy_64K[2] < 2^15 and 1 or -1
local prev_coords_processed_1, prev_coords_processed_2, prev_variants_qty, trust
for frame = 1, 90 * attempt do
for i = 1, 2 do
local data, coord_64K = xy_data[i], xy_64K[i]
local data_1 = data[1]
if not data_1[coord_64K] then
data_1[coord_64K] = true
data[2] = data[2] + 1
local min_size
local prev_idx = 5
local idx = data[prev_idx]
while idx > 0 do
local N = data[idx]
local mask = 2^53
local size_from = idx * 45 + (150 - 6 * 45)
for size = size_from, size_from + 44 do
mask = mask / 2
if N >= mask then
N = N - mask
if 65535 * floor((coord_64K + (0.5 + 2^-16)) * (size - 1) / 65535) < (coord_64K - (0.5 + 2^-16)) * (size - 1) then
data[idx] = data[idx] - mask
data[3] = data[3] - 1
min_size = min_size or size
if data[idx] < mask then
data[prev_idx] = data[prev_idx] + (N - idx)
prev_idx = idx
idx = N
data[4] = min_size
local variants_qty = xy_data[1][3] + xy_data[2][3]
local coords_processed_1 = xy_data[1][2]
local coords_processed_2 = xy_data[2][2]
if variants_qty ~= prev_variants_qty then
prev_variants_qty = variants_qty
prev_coords_processed_1 = coords_processed_1
prev_coords_processed_2 = coords_processed_2
if min(coords_processed_1 - prev_coords_processed_1, coords_processed_2 - prev_coords_processed_2) >= 20 then
--print("Determined at frame "..frame..", resolution: "..xy_data[1][4].." x "..xy_data[2][4])
trust = true
local num = sqrt(frame + 0.1) % 1 < 0.5 and 2^13 or 0
dx * max(1, floor(num / ((xy_64K[1] - 2^15) * dx + (2^15 + 2^13/8)))),
dy * max(1, floor(num / ((xy_64K[2] - 2^15) * dy + (2^15 + 2^13/8))))
xy_64K[1], xy_64K[2] = GetMousePosition()
if not trust then
xy_data[1][4], xy_data[2][4] = nil
enabled = false
print'Function "GetMousePositionInPixels()" failed to determine screen resolution and has been disabled'
return 0, 0, 0, 0, xy_64K[1], xy_64K[2] -- functionality is disabled, so no pixel-related information is returned
local function SetMousePositionInPixels(x, y)
local _, _, width, height = GetMousePositionInPixels()
if width > 0 then
floor(max(0, min(width - 1, x)) * (2^16-1) / (width - 1) + 0.5),
floor(max(0, min(height - 1, y)) * (2^16-1) / (height - 1) + 0.5)
local update_internal_state, random, perform_calculations
local SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512, SHAKE128, SHAKE256
local GetEntropyCounter
local function create_array_of_lanes()
local arr = {}
for j = 1, 50 do
arr[j] = 0
return arr
local keccak_feed, XOR53
local RC_lo, RC_hi, AND, XOR = {}, {}
local AND_of_two_bytes, m, sh_reg = {[0] = 0}, 0, 29
for y = 0, 127 * 256, 256 do
for x = y, y + 127 do
x = AND_of_two_bytes[x] * 2
AND_of_two_bytes[m] = x
AND_of_two_bytes[m + 1] = x
AND_of_two_bytes[m + 256] = x
AND_of_two_bytes[m + 257] = x + 1
m = m + 2
m = m + 256
function AND(x, y, xor)
local x0 = x % 2^32
local y0 = y % 2^32
local rx = x0 % 256
local ry = y0 % 256
local res = AND_of_two_bytes[rx + ry * 256]
x = x0 - rx
y = (y0 - ry) / 256
rx = x % 65536
ry = y % 256
res = res + AND_of_two_bytes[rx + ry] * 256
x = (x - rx) / 256
y = (y - ry) / 256
rx = x % 65536 + y % 256
res = res + AND_of_two_bytes[rx] * 65536
res = res + AND_of_two_bytes[(x + y - rx) / 256] * 16777216
if xor then
return x0 + y0 - 2 * res
return res
function XOR(x, y, z, t, u)
if z then
if t then
if u then
t = AND(t, u, true)
z = AND(z, t, true)
y = AND(y, z, true)
return AND(x, y, true)
local function split53(x)
local lo = x % 2^32
return lo, (x - lo) / 2^32
function XOR53(x, y)
local x_lo, x_hi = split53(x)
local y_lo, y_hi = split53(y)
return XOR(x_hi, y_hi) * 2^32 + XOR(x_lo, y_lo)
local function next_bit()
local r = sh_reg % 2
sh_reg = XOR((sh_reg - r) / 2, 142 * r)
return r * m
for idx = 1, 24 do
local lo = 0
for j = 0, 5 do
m = 2^(2^j - 1)
lo = lo + next_bit()
RC_lo[idx], RC_hi[idx] = lo, next_bit()
function keccak_feed(lanes, str, offs, size, block_size_in_bytes)
for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, block_size_in_bytes do
for j = 1, block_size_in_bytes / 4 do
pos = pos + 4
local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
lanes[j] = XOR(lanes[j], ((d * 256 + c) * 256 + b) * 256 + a)
L01_lo, L01_hi, L02_lo, L02_hi, L03_lo, L03_hi, L04_lo, L04_hi, L05_lo, L05_hi, L06_lo, L06_hi, L07_lo, L07_hi, L08_lo, L08_hi,
L09_lo, L09_hi, L10_lo, L10_hi, L11_lo, L11_hi, L12_lo, L12_hi, L13_lo, L13_hi, L14_lo, L14_hi, L15_lo, L15_hi, L16_lo, L16_hi,
L17_lo, L17_hi, L18_lo, L18_hi, L19_lo, L19_hi, L20_lo, L20_hi, L21_lo, L21_hi, L22_lo, L22_hi, L23_lo, L23_hi, L24_lo, L24_hi, L25_lo, L25_hi =
lanes[01], lanes[02], lanes[03], lanes[04], lanes[05], lanes[06], lanes[07], lanes[08], lanes[09], lanes[10], lanes[11],
lanes[12], lanes[13], lanes[14], lanes[15], lanes[16], lanes[17], lanes[18], lanes[19], lanes[20], lanes[21], lanes[22], lanes[23], lanes[24],
lanes[25], lanes[26], lanes[27], lanes[28], lanes[29], lanes[30], lanes[31], lanes[32], lanes[33], lanes[34], lanes[35], lanes[36], lanes[37],
lanes[38], lanes[39], lanes[40], lanes[41], lanes[42], lanes[43], lanes[44], lanes[45], lanes[46], lanes[47], lanes[48], lanes[49], lanes[50]
for round_idx = 1, 24 do
local C1_lo = XOR(L01_lo, L06_lo, L11_lo, L16_lo, L21_lo)
local C1_hi = XOR(L01_hi, L06_hi, L11_hi, L16_hi, L21_hi)
local C2_lo = XOR(L02_lo, L07_lo, L12_lo, L17_lo, L22_lo)
local C2_hi = XOR(L02_hi, L07_hi, L12_hi, L17_hi, L22_hi)
local C3_lo = XOR(L03_lo, L08_lo, L13_lo, L18_lo, L23_lo)
local C3_hi = XOR(L03_hi, L08_hi, L13_hi, L18_hi, L23_hi)
local C4_lo = XOR(L04_lo, L09_lo, L14_lo, L19_lo, L24_lo)
local C4_hi = XOR(L04_hi, L09_hi, L14_hi, L19_hi, L24_hi)
local C5_lo = XOR(L05_lo, L10_lo, L15_lo, L20_lo, L25_lo)
local C5_hi = XOR(L05_hi, L10_hi, L15_hi, L20_hi, L25_hi)
local D_lo = XOR(C1_lo, C3_lo * 2 + (C3_hi - C3_hi % 2^31) / 2^31)
local D_hi = XOR(C1_hi, C3_hi * 2 + (C3_lo - C3_lo % 2^31) / 2^31)
local T0_lo = XOR(D_lo, L02_lo)
local T0_hi = XOR(D_hi, L02_hi)
local T1_lo = XOR(D_lo, L07_lo)
local T1_hi = XOR(D_hi, L07_hi)
local T2_lo = XOR(D_lo, L12_lo)
local T2_hi = XOR(D_hi, L12_hi)
local T3_lo = XOR(D_lo, L17_lo)
local T3_hi = XOR(D_hi, L17_hi)
local T4_lo = XOR(D_lo, L22_lo)
local T4_hi = XOR(D_hi, L22_hi)
L02_lo = (T1_lo - T1_lo % 2^20) / 2^20 + T1_hi * 2^12
L02_hi = (T1_hi - T1_hi % 2^20) / 2^20 + T1_lo * 2^12
L07_lo = (T3_lo - T3_lo % 2^19) / 2^19 + T3_hi * 2^13
L07_hi = (T3_hi - T3_hi % 2^19) / 2^19 + T3_lo * 2^13
L12_lo = T0_lo * 2 + (T0_hi - T0_hi % 2^31) / 2^31
L12_hi = T0_hi * 2 + (T0_lo - T0_lo % 2^31) / 2^31
L17_lo = T2_lo * 2^10 + (T2_hi - T2_hi % 2^22) / 2^22
L17_hi = T2_hi * 2^10 + (T2_lo - T2_lo % 2^22) / 2^22
L22_lo = T4_lo * 2^2 + (T4_hi - T4_hi % 2^30) / 2^30
L22_hi = T4_hi * 2^2 + (T4_lo - T4_lo % 2^30) / 2^30
D_lo = XOR(C2_lo, C4_lo * 2 + (C4_hi - C4_hi % 2^31) / 2^31)
D_hi = XOR(C2_hi, C4_hi * 2 + (C4_lo - C4_lo % 2^31) / 2^31)
T0_lo = XOR(D_lo, L03_lo)
T0_hi = XOR(D_hi, L03_hi)
T1_lo = XOR(D_lo, L08_lo)
T1_hi = XOR(D_hi, L08_hi)
T2_lo = XOR(D_lo, L13_lo)
T2_hi = XOR(D_hi, L13_hi)
T3_lo = XOR(D_lo, L18_lo)
T3_hi = XOR(D_hi, L18_hi)
T4_lo = XOR(D_lo, L23_lo)
T4_hi = XOR(D_hi, L23_hi)
L03_lo = (T2_lo - T2_lo % 2^21) / 2^21 + T2_hi * 2^11
L03_hi = (T2_hi - T2_hi % 2^21) / 2^21 + T2_lo * 2^11
L08_lo = (T4_lo - T4_lo % 2^3) / 2^3 + T4_hi * 2^29 % 2^32
L08_hi = (T4_hi - T4_hi % 2^3) / 2^3 + T4_lo * 2^29 % 2^32
L13_lo = T1_lo * 2^6 + (T1_hi - T1_hi % 2^26) / 2^26
L13_hi = T1_hi * 2^6 + (T1_lo - T1_lo % 2^26) / 2^26
L18_lo = T3_lo * 2^15 + (T3_hi - T3_hi % 2^17) / 2^17
L18_hi = T3_hi * 2^15 + (T3_lo - T3_lo % 2^17) / 2^17
L23_lo = (T0_lo - T0_lo % 2^2) / 2^2 + T0_hi * 2^30 % 2^32
L23_hi = (T0_hi - T0_hi % 2^2) / 2^2 + T0_lo * 2^30 % 2^32
D_lo = XOR(C3_lo, C5_lo * 2 + (C5_hi - C5_hi % 2^31) / 2^31)
D_hi = XOR(C3_hi, C5_hi * 2 + (C5_lo - C5_lo % 2^31) / 2^31)
T0_lo = XOR(D_lo, L04_lo)
T0_hi = XOR(D_hi, L04_hi)
T1_lo = XOR(D_lo, L09_lo)
T1_hi = XOR(D_hi, L09_hi)
T2_lo = XOR(D_lo, L14_lo)
T2_hi = XOR(D_hi, L14_hi)
T3_lo = XOR(D_lo, L19_lo)
T3_hi = XOR(D_hi, L19_hi)
T4_lo = XOR(D_lo, L24_lo)
T4_hi = XOR(D_hi, L24_hi)
L04_lo = T3_lo * 2^21 % 2^32 + (T3_hi - T3_hi % 2^11) / 2^11
L04_hi = T3_hi * 2^21 % 2^32 + (T3_lo - T3_lo % 2^11) / 2^11
L09_lo = T0_lo * 2^28 % 2^32 + (T0_hi - T0_hi % 2^4) / 2^4
L09_hi = T0_hi * 2^28 % 2^32 + (T0_lo - T0_lo % 2^4) / 2^4
L14_lo = T2_lo * 2^25 % 2^32 + (T2_hi - T2_hi % 2^7) / 2^7
L14_hi = T2_hi * 2^25 % 2^32 + (T2_lo - T2_lo % 2^7) / 2^7
L19_lo = (T4_lo - T4_lo % 2^8) / 2^8 + T4_hi * 2^24 % 2^32
L19_hi = (T4_hi - T4_hi % 2^8) / 2^8 + T4_lo * 2^24 % 2^32
L24_lo = (T1_lo - T1_lo % 2^9) / 2^9 + T1_hi * 2^23 % 2^32
L24_hi = (T1_hi - T1_hi % 2^9) / 2^9 + T1_lo * 2^23 % 2^32
D_lo = XOR(C4_lo, C1_lo * 2 + (C1_hi - C1_hi % 2^31) / 2^31)
D_hi = XOR(C4_hi, C1_hi * 2 + (C1_lo - C1_lo % 2^31) / 2^31)
T0_lo = XOR(D_lo, L05_lo)
T0_hi = XOR(D_hi, L05_hi)
T1_lo = XOR(D_lo, L10_lo)
T1_hi = XOR(D_hi, L10_hi)
T2_lo = XOR(D_lo, L15_lo)
T2_hi = XOR(D_hi, L15_hi)
T3_lo = XOR(D_lo, L20_lo)
T3_hi = XOR(D_hi, L20_hi)
T4_lo = XOR(D_lo, L25_lo)
T4_hi = XOR(D_hi, L25_hi)
L05_lo = T4_lo * 2^14 + (T4_hi - T4_hi % 2^18) / 2^18
L05_hi = T4_hi * 2^14 + (T4_lo - T4_lo % 2^18) / 2^18
L10_lo = T1_lo * 2^20 % 2^32 + (T1_hi - T1_hi % 2^12) / 2^12
L10_hi = T1_hi * 2^20 % 2^32 + (T1_lo - T1_lo % 2^12) / 2^12
L15_lo = T3_lo * 2^8 + (T3_hi - T3_hi % 2^24) / 2^24
L15_hi = T3_hi * 2^8 + (T3_lo - T3_lo % 2^24) / 2^24
L20_lo = T0_lo * 2^27 % 2^32 + (T0_hi - T0_hi % 2^5) / 2^5
L20_hi = T0_hi * 2^27 % 2^32 + (T0_lo - T0_lo % 2^5) / 2^5
L25_lo = (T2_lo - T2_lo % 2^25) / 2^25 + T2_hi * 2^7
L25_hi = (T2_hi - T2_hi % 2^25) / 2^25 + T2_lo * 2^7
D_lo = XOR(C5_lo, C2_lo * 2 + (C2_hi - C2_hi % 2^31) / 2^31)
D_hi = XOR(C5_hi, C2_hi * 2 + (C2_lo - C2_lo % 2^31) / 2^31)
T1_lo = XOR(D_lo, L06_lo)
T1_hi = XOR(D_hi, L06_hi)
T2_lo = XOR(D_lo, L11_lo)
T2_hi = XOR(D_hi, L11_hi)
T3_lo = XOR(D_lo, L16_lo)
T3_hi = XOR(D_hi, L16_hi)
T4_lo = XOR(D_lo, L21_lo)
T4_hi = XOR(D_hi, L21_hi)
L06_lo = T2_lo * 2^3 + (T2_hi - T2_hi % 2^29) / 2^29
L06_hi = T2_hi * 2^3 + (T2_lo - T2_lo % 2^29) / 2^29
L11_lo = T4_lo * 2^18 + (T4_hi - T4_hi % 2^14) / 2^14
L11_hi = T4_hi * 2^18 + (T4_lo - T4_lo % 2^14) / 2^14
L16_lo = (T1_lo - T1_lo % 2^28) / 2^28 + T1_hi * 2^4
L16_hi = (T1_hi - T1_hi % 2^28) / 2^28 + T1_lo * 2^4
L21_lo = (T3_lo - T3_lo % 2^23) / 2^23 + T3_hi * 2^9
L21_hi = (T3_hi - T3_hi % 2^23) / 2^23 + T3_lo * 2^9
L01_lo = XOR(D_lo, L01_lo)
L01_hi = XOR(D_hi, L01_hi)
L01_lo, L02_lo, L03_lo, L04_lo, L05_lo = XOR(L01_lo, AND(-1-L02_lo, L03_lo)), XOR(L02_lo, AND(-1-L03_lo, L04_lo)), XOR(L03_lo, AND(-1-L04_lo, L05_lo)), XOR(L04_lo, AND(-1-L05_lo, L01_lo)), XOR(L05_lo, AND(-1-L01_lo, L02_lo))
L01_hi, L02_hi, L03_hi, L04_hi, L05_hi = XOR(L01_hi, AND(-1-L02_hi, L03_hi)), XOR(L02_hi, AND(-1-L03_hi, L04_hi)), XOR(L03_hi, AND(-1-L04_hi, L05_hi)), XOR(L04_hi, AND(-1-L05_hi, L01_hi)), XOR(L05_hi, AND(-1-L01_hi, L02_hi))
L06_lo, L07_lo, L08_lo, L09_lo, L10_lo = XOR(L09_lo, AND(-1-L10_lo, L06_lo)), XOR(L10_lo, AND(-1-L06_lo, L07_lo)), XOR(L06_lo, AND(-1-L07_lo, L08_lo)), XOR(L07_lo, AND(-1-L08_lo, L09_lo)), XOR(L08_lo, AND(-1-L09_lo, L10_lo))
L06_hi, L07_hi, L08_hi, L09_hi, L10_hi = XOR(L09_hi, AND(-1-L10_hi, L06_hi)), XOR(L10_hi, AND(-1-L06_hi, L07_hi)), XOR(L06_hi, AND(-1-L07_hi, L08_hi)), XOR(L07_hi, AND(-1-L08_hi, L09_hi)), XOR(L08_hi, AND(-1-L09_hi, L10_hi))
L11_lo, L12_lo, L13_lo, L14_lo, L15_lo = XOR(L12_lo, AND(-1-L13_lo, L14_lo)), XOR(L13_lo, AND(-1-L14_lo, L15_lo)), XOR(L14_lo, AND(-1-L15_lo, L11_lo)), XOR(L15_lo, AND(-1-L11_lo, L12_lo)), XOR(L11_lo, AND(-1-L12_lo, L13_lo))
L11_hi, L12_hi, L13_hi, L14_hi, L15_hi = XOR(L12_hi, AND(-1-L13_hi, L14_hi)), XOR(L13_hi, AND(-1-L14_hi, L15_hi)), XOR(L14_hi, AND(-1-L15_hi, L11_hi)), XOR(L15_hi, AND(-1-L11_hi, L12_hi)), XOR(L11_hi, AND(-1-L12_hi, L13_hi))
L16_lo, L17_lo, L18_lo, L19_lo, L20_lo = XOR(L20_lo, AND(-1-L16_lo, L17_lo)), XOR(L16_lo, AND(-1-L17_lo, L18_lo)), XOR(L17_lo, AND(-1-L18_lo, L19_lo)), XOR(L18_lo, AND(-1-L19_lo, L20_lo)), XOR(L19_lo, AND(-1-L20_lo, L16_lo))
L16_hi, L17_hi, L18_hi, L19_hi, L20_hi = XOR(L20_hi, AND(-1-L16_hi, L17_hi)), XOR(L16_hi, AND(-1-L17_hi, L18_hi)), XOR(L17_hi, AND(-1-L18_hi, L19_hi)), XOR(L18_hi, AND(-1-L19_hi, L20_hi)), XOR(L19_hi, AND(-1-L20_hi, L16_hi))
L21_lo, L22_lo, L23_lo, L24_lo, L25_lo = XOR(L23_lo, AND(-1-L24_lo, L25_lo)), XOR(L24_lo, AND(-1-L25_lo, L21_lo)), XOR(L25_lo, AND(-1-L21_lo, L22_lo)), XOR(L21_lo, AND(-1-L22_lo, L23_lo)), XOR(L22_lo, AND(-1-L23_lo, L24_lo))
L21_hi, L22_hi, L23_hi, L24_hi, L25_hi = XOR(L23_hi, AND(-1-L24_hi, L25_hi)), XOR(L24_hi, AND(-1-L25_hi, L21_hi)), XOR(L25_hi, AND(-1-L21_hi, L22_hi)), XOR(L21_hi, AND(-1-L22_hi, L23_hi)), XOR(L22_hi, AND(-1-L23_hi, L24_hi))
L01_lo = XOR(L01_lo, RC_lo[round_idx])
L01_hi = L01_hi + RC_hi[round_idx]
lanes[01], lanes[02], lanes[03], lanes[04], lanes[05], lanes[06], lanes[07], lanes[08], lanes[09], lanes[10], lanes[11],
lanes[12], lanes[13], lanes[14], lanes[15], lanes[16], lanes[17], lanes[18], lanes[19], lanes[20], lanes[21], lanes[22], lanes[23], lanes[24],
lanes[25], lanes[26], lanes[27], lanes[28], lanes[29], lanes[30], lanes[31], lanes[32], lanes[33], lanes[34], lanes[35], lanes[36], lanes[37],
lanes[38], lanes[39], lanes[40], lanes[41], lanes[42], lanes[43], lanes[44], lanes[45], lanes[46], lanes[47], lanes[48], lanes[49], lanes[50] =
L01_lo, L01_hi % 2^32, L02_lo, L02_hi, L03_lo, L03_hi, L04_lo, L04_hi, L05_lo, L05_hi, L06_lo, L06_hi, L07_lo, L07_hi, L08_lo, L08_hi,
L09_lo, L09_hi, L10_lo, L10_hi, L11_lo, L11_hi, L12_lo, L12_hi, L13_lo, L13_hi, L14_lo, L14_hi, L15_lo, L15_hi, L16_lo, L16_hi,
L17_lo, L17_hi, L18_lo, L18_hi, L19_lo, L19_hi, L20_lo, L20_hi, L21_lo, L21_hi, L22_lo, L22_hi, L23_lo, L23_hi, L24_lo, L24_hi, L25_lo, L25_hi
local function keccak(block_size_in_bytes, digest_size_in_bytes, is_SHAKE, message)
local tail, lanes = "", create_array_of_lanes()
local result
local function partial(message_part)
if message_part then
if tail then
local offs = 0
if tail ~= "" and #tail + #message_part >= block_size_in_bytes then
offs = block_size_in_bytes - #tail
keccak_feed(lanes, tail..sub(message_part, 1, offs), 0, block_size_in_bytes, block_size_in_bytes)
tail = ""
local size = #message_part - offs
local size_tail = size % block_size_in_bytes
keccak_feed(lanes, message_part, offs, size - size_tail, block_size_in_bytes)
tail = tail..sub(message_part, #message_part + 1 - size_tail)
return partial
error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after receiving the result", 2)
if tail then
local gap_start = is_SHAKE and 31 or 6
tail = tail..(#tail + 1 == block_size_in_bytes and char(gap_start + 128) or char(gap_start)..rep("\0", (-2 - #tail) % block_size_in_bytes).."\128")
keccak_feed(lanes, tail, 0, #tail, block_size_in_bytes)
tail = nil
local lanes_used = 0
local total_lanes = block_size_in_bytes / 4
local dwords = {}
local function get_next_dwords_of_digest(dwords_qty)
if lanes_used >= total_lanes then
keccak_feed(lanes, nil, 0, 1, 1)
lanes_used = 0
dwords_qty = floor(min(dwords_qty, total_lanes - lanes_used))
for j = 1, dwords_qty do
dwords[j] = format("%08x", lanes[lanes_used + j])
lanes_used = lanes_used + dwords_qty
gsub(concat(dwords, "", 1, dwords_qty), "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "%4%3%2%1"),
dwords_qty * 4
local parts = {}
local last_part, last_part_size = "", 0
local function get_next_part_of_digest(bytes_needed)
bytes_needed = bytes_needed or 1
if bytes_needed <= last_part_size then
last_part_size = last_part_size - bytes_needed
local part_size_in_nibbles = bytes_needed * 2
local result = sub(last_part, 1, part_size_in_nibbles)
last_part = sub(last_part, part_size_in_nibbles + 1)
return result
local parts_qty = 0
if last_part_size > 0 then
parts_qty = 1
parts[parts_qty] = last_part
bytes_needed = bytes_needed - last_part_size
while bytes_needed >= 4 do
local next_part, next_part_size = get_next_dwords_of_digest(bytes_needed / 4)
parts_qty = parts_qty + 1
parts[parts_qty] = next_part
bytes_needed = bytes_needed - next_part_size
if bytes_needed > 0 then
last_part, last_part_size = get_next_dwords_of_digest(1)
parts_qty = parts_qty + 1
parts[parts_qty] = get_next_part_of_digest(bytes_needed)
last_part, last_part_size = "", 0
return concat(parts, "", 1, parts_qty)
if digest_size_in_bytes < 0 then
result = get_next_part_of_digest
result = get_next_part_of_digest(digest_size_in_bytes)
return result
if message then
-- Actually perform calculations and return the SHA3 digest of a message
return partial(message)()
-- Return function for chunk-by-chunk loading
-- User should feed every chunk of input data as single argument to this function and finally get SHA3 digest by invoking this function without an argument
return partial
function SHA3_224(message) return keccak(144, 28, false, message) end
function SHA3_256(message) return keccak(136, 32, false, message) end
function SHA3_384(message) return keccak(104, 48, false, message) end
function SHA3_512(message) return keccak( 72, 64, false, message) end
function SHAKE128(digest_size_in_bytes, message) return keccak(168, digest_size_in_bytes, true, message) end
function SHAKE256(digest_size_in_bytes, message) return keccak(136, digest_size_in_bytes, true, message) end
local to_be_refined, to_be_refined_qty = {}, 0 -- buffer for entropy from user actions: 32-bit values, max 128 elements
local refined, refined_qty = {}, 0 -- buffer for precalculated random numbers: 53-bit values, max 1024 elements
local rnd_lanes = create_array_of_lanes()
local RND = 0
local function mix16(n)
n = ((n + 0xDEAD) % 2^16 + 1) * 0xBEEF % (2^16 + 1) - 1
local K53 = RND
local L36 = K53 % 2^36
RND = L36 * 126611 + (K53 - L36) * (505231 / 2^36) + n % 256 * 598352261448 + n * 2348539529
function perform_calculations()
-- returns true if job's done
if to_be_refined_qty >= 42 or refined_qty <= 1024 - 25 then
local used_qty = min(42, to_be_refined_qty)
for j = 1, used_qty do
rnd_lanes[j] = rnd_lanes[j] + to_be_refined[j]
for j = 42 + 1, to_be_refined_qty do
to_be_refined[j - 42] = to_be_refined[j]
to_be_refined_qty = to_be_refined_qty - used_qty
keccak_feed(rnd_lanes, nil, 0, 1, 1)
local lane_idx, queued_bits_qty, queued_bits = 0, 0, 0
for j = 1, 25 do
if queued_bits_qty < 21 then
lane_idx = lane_idx + 1
queued_bits = queued_bits * 2^32 + rnd_lanes[lane_idx]
queued_bits_qty = queued_bits_qty + 32
local value53 = queued_bits % 2^21
queued_bits = (queued_bits - value53) / 2^21
queued_bits_qty = queued_bits_qty - 21
lane_idx = lane_idx + 1
value53 = rnd_lanes[lane_idx] * 2^21 + value53
if refined_qty < 1024 then
refined_qty = refined_qty + 1
refined[refined_qty] = value53
local refined_idx = RND % refined_qty + 1
local old_value53 = refined[refined_idx]
refined[refined_idx] = XOR53(old_value53, value53)
return true -- nothing to do
local function refine32(value32)
if to_be_refined_qty < 128 then
to_be_refined_qty = to_be_refined_qty + 1
to_be_refined[to_be_refined_qty] = value32 % 2^32
local idx = RND % to_be_refined_qty + 1
to_be_refined[idx] = (to_be_refined[idx] + value32) % 2^32
local log = math.log
local log4 = log(4)
local function entropy_from_delta(delta)
-- "delta" is a difference between two sequencial measurements of some integer parameter controlled by user (pixel coord of mouse, timer tick count)
-- all bits except 3 highest might be considered pure random
delta = delta * delta
return delta < 25 and 0 or log(delta) / log4 - 3
local entropy_counter = 0
function GetEntropyCounter()
return floor(entropy_counter)
local prev_x, prev_y, prev_t
local enumerated = {MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED = 600, G_PRESSED = 500, M_PRESSED = 400, MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED = 300, G_RELEASED = 200, M_RELEASED = 100, lhc = 50}
function update_internal_state(event, arg, family)
local x, y, size_x, size_y, c, d = GetMousePositionInPixels()
local t = GetRunningTime()
if event then
if arg then
event = (enumerated[event] or 0) + arg + (enumerated[family] or 0)
for j = 1, #event, 2 do
local low, high = byte(event, j, j + 1)
local value16 = low + (high or 0) * 256
event, prev_x, prev_y, prev_t = 400, x, y, t
if event >= 400 then -- only "pressed" events
refine32(t * 2^10 + event)
refine32(c * 2^16 + d)
entropy_counter = entropy_counter + entropy_from_delta((t - prev_t) / 16) -- timer's resolution is 16 ms
+ ((x < 16 or x >= size_x - 16) and 0 or min(4, entropy_from_delta(x - prev_x))) -- mouse x (mouse position modulo 16 pixels might be considered pure random except when near screen edge)
+ ((y < 16 or y >= size_y - 16) and 0 or min(4, entropy_from_delta(y - prev_y))) -- mouse y
prev_x, prev_y, prev_t = x, y, t
local function get_53_random_bits()
if refined_qty == 0 then
perform_calculations() -- precalculate next 25 random numbers (53 bits each), it will take 30 ms
local refined_idx = RND % refined_qty + 1
local value53 = refined[refined_idx]
refined[refined_idx] = refined[refined_qty]
refined_qty = refined_qty - 1
return value53
local cached_bits, cached_bits_qty = 0, 0
local function get_random_bits(number_of_bits)
local pwr_number_of_bits = 2^number_of_bits
local result
if number_of_bits <= cached_bits_qty then
result = cached_bits % pwr_number_of_bits
cached_bits = (cached_bits - result) / pwr_number_of_bits
local new_bits = get_53_random_bits()
result = new_bits % pwr_number_of_bits
cached_bits = (new_bits - result) / pwr_number_of_bits * 2^cached_bits_qty + cached_bits
cached_bits_qty = 53 + cached_bits_qty
cached_bits_qty = cached_bits_qty - number_of_bits
return result
local prev_width, prev_bits_in_factor, prev_k = 0
function random(m, n)
-- drop-in replacement for math.random()
if m then
if not n then
m, n = 1, m
local k = n - m + 1
if k < 1 or k > 2^53 then
error("Invalid arguments for function random()", 2)
local width, bits_in_factor, modk
if k == prev_k then
width, bits_in_factor = prev_width, prev_bits_in_factor
local pwr_prev_width = 2^prev_width
if k > pwr_prev_width / 2 and k <= pwr_prev_width then
width = prev_width
width = 53
local width_low = -1
local w = floor((width_low + width) / 2)
if k <= 2^w then
width = w
width_low = w
until width - width_low == 1
prev_width = width
bits_in_factor = 0
local bits_in_factor_high = width + 1
while bits_in_factor_high - bits_in_factor > 1 do
local bits_in_new_factor = floor((bits_in_factor + bits_in_factor_high) / 2)
if k % 2^bits_in_new_factor == 0 then
bits_in_factor = bits_in_new_factor
bits_in_factor_high = bits_in_new_factor
prev_k, prev_bits_in_factor = k, bits_in_factor
local factor, saved_bits, saved_bits_qty, pwr_saved_bits_qty = 2^bits_in_factor, 0, 0, 2^0
k = k / factor
width = width - bits_in_factor
local pwr_width = 2^width
local gap = pwr_width - k
modk = get_random_bits(width - saved_bits_qty) * pwr_saved_bits_qty + saved_bits
local modk_in_range = modk < k
if not modk_in_range then
local interval = gap
saved_bits = modk - k
saved_bits_qty = width - 1
pwr_saved_bits_qty = pwr_width / 2
saved_bits_qty = saved_bits_qty - 1
pwr_saved_bits_qty = pwr_saved_bits_qty / 2
if pwr_saved_bits_qty <= interval then
if saved_bits < pwr_saved_bits_qty then
interval = nil
interval = interval - pwr_saved_bits_qty
saved_bits = saved_bits - pwr_saved_bits_qty
until not interval
until modk_in_range
return m + modk * factor + get_random_bits(bits_in_factor)
return get_53_random_bits() / 2^53
-- function Sleep() is redefined to automatically update internal state on every wake-up and to precalculate random numbers instead of long sleeping
local function Sleep(delay_ms)
delay_ms = delay_ms or 10 -- 10 ms by default
local start_time = GetRunningTime()
local time_now, jobs_done = start_time
while not jobs_done and time_now < start_time + delay_ms - 100 do
jobs_done = perform_calculations() -- 30 ms of useful job
time_now = GetRunningTime()
delay_ms = delay_ms - (time_now - start_time)
if delay_ms > 0 then
update_internal_state() -- this invocation adds entropy to RNG (it's very fast)
local Logitech_order = {"L", "R", "M"}
local Microsoft_order = {L=1, M=2, R=3, l=1, m=2, r=3}
PressMouseButton_orig, ReleaseMouseButton_orig, PressAndReleaseMouseButton_orig, IsMouseButtonPressed_orig =
PressMouseButton, ReleaseMouseButton, PressAndReleaseMouseButton, IsMouseButtonPressed
-- These functions now accept strings "L", "R", "M" instead of button number
local function PressMouseButton(button)
PressMouseButton_orig(Microsoft_order[button] or button)
local function ReleaseMouseButton(button)
ReleaseMouseButton_orig(Microsoft_order[button] or button)
local function PressAndReleaseMouseButton(button)
PressAndReleaseMouseButton_orig(Microsoft_order[button] or button)
local function IsMouseButtonPressed(button)
return IsMouseButtonPressed_orig(Microsoft_order[button] or button)
-- Test SHA3 functions
assert(SHA3_224("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") == "d15dadceaa4d5d7bb3b48f446421d542e08ad8887305e28d58335795")
assert(SHA3_256("") == "a7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a")
assert(SHA3_384("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") == "7063465e08a93bce31cd89d2e3ca8f602498696e253592ed26f07bf7e703cf328581e1471a7ba7ab119b1a9ebdf8be41")
assert(SHAKE128(11, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") == "f4202e3c5852f9182a0430")
local generator = SHAKE128(-1, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") -- negative digest size means "return generator of infinite stream"
assert(generator(5) == "f4202e3c58") -- first 5 bytes
assert(generator(4) == "52f9182a") -- next 4 bytes, and so on...
-- ============================================== NOTHING SHOULD BE MODIFIED ABOVE THIS LINE ==============================================
-- insert all your functions and variables here
function OnEvent(event, arg, family)
local mouse_button
if event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED" then
update_internal_state(GetDate()) -- it takes about 1 second because of determining your screen resolution
-- set your favourite mouse sensitivity
-- turn NumLock ON if it is currently OFF (to make numpad keys 0-9 usable in a game)
if not IsKeyLockOn"NumLock" then
-- insert your code here (initialize variables, display "Hello" on LCD screen, etc.)
elseif event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" or event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" then
mouse_button = Logitech_order[arg] or arg -- convert 1,2,3 to "L","R","M"
update_internal_state(event, arg, family) -- this invocation adds entropy to RNG (it's very fast)
-- print(
-- "event = '"..event.."'",
-- not mouse_button and "arg = "..arg or "mouse_button = "..(type(mouse_button) == "number" and mouse_button or "'"..mouse_button.."'"),
-- "family = '""'"
-- )
if event == "PROFILE_DEACTIVATED" then
-- insert your code here (display "Bye!" on LCD screen, etc.)
-- please note that you have only 1 second before your script will be aborted
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == "L" then -- left mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == "L" then -- left mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == "R" then -- right mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == "R" then -- right mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == "M" then -- middle mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == "M" then -- middle mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == 4 then -- "backward" (X1) mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == 4 then -- "backward" (X1) mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == 5 then -- "forward" (X2) mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == 5 then -- "forward" (X2) mouse button
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == 6 then
-- (this is just a code example, remove it after reading)
-- Move mouse along a circle
local R = 50
local x, y = GetMousePositionInPixels()
x = x + R -- (x,y) = center
for j = 1, 90 do
local angle = (2 * math.pi) * (j / 90)
SetMousePositionInPixels(x - R * math.cos(angle), y - R * math.sin(angle))
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == 6 then
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == 7 then
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == 7 then
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and mouse_button == 8 then
-- (this is just a code example, remove it after reading)
-- print misc info
local t = floor(GetRunningTime() / 1000)
print("profile running time = "..floor(t / 3600)..":"..sub(100 + floor(t / 60) % 60, -2)..":"..sub(100 + t % 60, -2))
print("approximately "..GetEntropyCounter().." bits of entropy was received from button press events")
local i = random(3) -- integer 1 <= i <= 3
print("random int:", i)
local b = random(0, 255) -- integer 0 <= b <= 255
print("random byte:", ("%02X"):format(b))
local x = random() -- float 0 <= x < 1
print("random float:", x)
local mouse_x, mouse_y, screen_width, screen_height = GetMousePositionInPixels()
print("your screen size is "..screen_width.."x"..screen_height)
print("your mouse cursor is at pixel ("..mouse_x..","..mouse_y..")")
if event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and mouse_button == 8 then
if event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1 then -- G1 key
if event == "G_RELEASED" and arg == 1 then -- G1 key
if event == "M_PRESSED" and arg == 3 then -- M3 key
if event == "M_RELEASED" and arg == 3 then -- M3 key
-- After current event is processed, we probably have at least 30 milliseconds before the next event
-- It's a good time for "background calculations" (precalculate next 25 random numbers)
perform_calculations() -- it takes 30 ms on a modern PC
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