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Last active October 30, 2022 07:29
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  • Save DanGdl/67d401aea56b7206a9f5ef8e358697d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DanGdl/67d401aea56b7206a9f5ef8e358697d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
You'll need to make tasks, code of every task must be uploaded to separate branch in private repository in github (preferred)
or any other, submit avery task as merge request/pull request. Don't use external libraries (if something else not specified).
Build system - cmake.
Additional files:
Git with UI: SourceTree (Windows), Sublime Merge (Linux)
Task 1:
Write a console application that accepts 2 strings as an input from user (text for anagram and text with filtering symbols).
If text with filtering symbols is empty, than ignored symbols are digits and non alphabetic symbols.
Program should reverse every word of input text and show result in console.
Symbol in word, which is contained in filter, must stay on original position.
User didn't enter any text in filter
Input: “abcd efgh” -> Output: “dcba hgfe”
Input: “a1bcd efg!h” -> Output: “d1cba hgf!e”
User typed "ab" in filter
Input: “abcd efgh” -> Output: “abdc hgfe”
Input: “a1bcd efglh” -> Output: “adbc1 hgfle”
Task 2:
Write a program, which receives a path to file as parameters and checks if this file is Zip-jpeg (image with archive in the end).
Program must print a list of files contained in archive. Example files see in google drive.
Doc for zip:
Task 3:
Write a program, which receives a path to file, encoding and path to result file as parameters and converts it to utf-8.
Text files see in google drive. Supported encodings:
Task 4:
Write a program, which receives a path to text file and counts word frequency. Try to write a hash map for this.
Explanation about hash table:
Task 5:
Write a program, which receives a name of city and prints a wheater forecast for this city.
Progrram must to access external api using libcurl and parse a response (you can use any json-parser library).
Task 6:
Write a static libray for logging. It must print to file messages with specified level (debug, info, warning, error) and place in code (where a logging called from).
Print stack trace for errors.
Task 7:
Fix memory leaks in program (In google drive).
How to launch (in directory with extracted archive):
cd test/package
make valgrind
Task 8:
Write a daemon, which shows a size of specified file (via config in /etc).
Damon must work via UNIX sockets (local sockets), with daemonisation and without it.
Use file lock to avoid work of additional instances of daemon
Task 9:
Write a program, which calculates CRC32 ( of big files.
It receives a path to file via parameters
Task 10:
Write a program, which receives an amount of threads and path to directory with logs (format - combined, see
Program must calculate a statistics: total bytes sent, 10 heaviest URLs, 10 most frequent URLs and 10 most frequent referes
Task 11:
Write a program, which connects to telnet service and sends a command figlet (with requred parameters)
Task 12:
Write a program, which receives a words and prints letter frequency in words. Make such program with cache and without it.
Try write a unit test, which test your program using Cmoka and googletest (optional)
Task 13:
Write a program, which parses a results of racing in 2018 and prints sorted results (from fastest to slowest) in format:
position Racer's name | command | timing
First 15 racers pass to next race
Task 14:
Write a program, which requests from user two numbers and prints a division process like:
8 |--
- |40
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