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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import abel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
def direct1d(n=51):
x = np.linspace(0, 101, n)
origS = np.zeros(n)
r0, r1 = 50, 85
step = np.logical_and(x>r0, x<r1)
origS[step] = 1
projS = np.zeros(n)
projS[step] = np.sqrt(r1**2-x[step]**2)
projS[x<r0] = np.sqrt(r1**2-x[x<r0]**2) - np.sqrt(r0**2-x[x<r0]**2)
C =, dr=x[1]-x[0],
direction='forward', backend='C', correction=True)
py =, dr=x[1]-x[0],
direction='forward', backend='Python', correction=True)
py_simps =, dr=x[1]-x[0],
direction='forward', backend='Python', correction=True, int_func=scipy.integrate.simps)
py_trapz =, dr=x[1]-x[0],
direction='forward', backend='Python', correction=True, int_func=scipy.integrate.trapz)
ratioS = projS.max()/py_trapz.max()
plt.title("direct forward Abel transform - 1d Gaussian and 1d step")
plt.plot(projS, 'b', label="Step projection")
plt.plot(C*ratioS, 'y', label="direct_C", marker='o', ms=3, mec='none')
plt.plot(py*ratioS,'g', label="direct_Py", marker='o', ms=3, mec='none')
# plt.plot(py_simps*ratioS,'m', label="direct_Py w/simps", marker='o', ms=3, mec='none')
plt.plot(py_trapz*ratioS,'r', label="direct_Py w/trapz", marker='o', ms=3, mec='none')
plt.legend(loc=0, labelspacing=0.1, frameon=False)
plt.savefig("direct-1d-gauss-step.png", dpi=200)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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