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Created February 2, 2018 18:35
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import linspace, pi, log10, exp
# from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, fftshift # Sometimes numpy is faster
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft, fftshift # but usually scipy is faster
from scipy.misc import factorial
from scipy.integrate import complex_ode
import scipy.ndimage
import time
def gnlse(t, at, w0, gamma, betas, loss, fr, rt, flength, nsaves=200, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4, integrator='lsoda'):
Propagate an optical field using the generalised NLSE
This code integrates Eqs. (3.13), (3.16) and (3.17).
For usage see the exampe of test_Dudley.m (below)
Written by J.C. Travers, M.H. Frosz and J.M. Dudley (2009)
Please cite this chapter in any publication using this code.
Updates to this code are available at
2018-02-01 - First Python port by Dan Hickstein (
t : 1D numpy array of length n
The time grid. Should be evenly spaced.
at : 1D numpy array of length n
The temporal pulse envelope. Matches the time grid T. Can be complex.
w0 : float
The "carrier frequency" for the moving reference frame
gamma : float
The effective nonlinearity, in units of [1/(W m)].
note that the gammas for fibers are often described
in units of 1/(W km) (per kilometer rather than per meter).
betas : list of floats
the coefficients of the dispersion expansion.
Given as betas = [beta2, beta3, beta4, ...]
In units of [ps^2/m, ps^3/m, ps^4/m ...]
rt : numpy array
The time domain Raman response. Matches the time grid T.
flength : float
the fiber length [meters]
nsaves : int
the number of equidistant grid points along the fiber to return the field
integrator : string
Selects the integrator that will be passes to scipy.integrate.ode.
options are 'lsoda' (default), 'vode', 'dopri5', 'dopri853'.
'lsoda' is a good option, and seemed fastest in my tests.
I think 'dopri5' and 'dopri853' are simpler Runge-Kutta methods,
and they seem to take longer for the same result.
'vode' didn't seem to produce good results with "method='adams'", but things were
reasonable with "method='bdf'"
For more information, see:
z : 1D numpy array of length nsaves
an array of the z-coordinate along the fiber where the results are returned
AT : 2D numpy array, with dimensions nsaves x n
The time domain field at every step. Complex.
AW : 2D numpy array, with dimensions nsaves x n
The frequency domain field at every step. Complex.
v : 1D numpy array of length n
The frequency.
n = t.size # number of time/frequency points
dt = t[1] - t[0] # time step
v = 2 * pi * linspace(-0.5/dt, 0.5/dt, n) # *angular* frequency grid
alpha = log10(10**(loss/10.)) # attenuation coefficient
b = np.zeros_like(v)
for i in range(len(betas)): # Taylor expansion of GVD
b += betas[i]/factorial(i+2) * v**(i+2)
l = 1j*b - alpha*0.5; # linear operator
if np.nonzero(w0): # if w0>0 then include shock
gamma = gamma/w0
w = v + w0 # for shock w is true freq
w = 1 # set w to 1 when no shock
rw = n * ifft(fftshift(rt)) # frequency domain Raman
l = fftshift(l); w = fftshift(w) # shift to fft space -- Back to time domain, right?
# define function to return the RHS of Eq. (3.13):
def rhs(z, aw):
at = fft(aw * exp(l*z)) # time domain field
it = np.abs(at)**2 # time domain intensity
if rt.size == 1 or np.isclose(fr, 0): # no Raman case
m = ifft(at*it); # response function
rs = dt * fr * fft(ifft(it) * rw) # Raman convolution
m = ifft(at*((1-fr)*it + rs)) # response function
r = 1j * gamma * w * m * exp(-l*z) # full RHS of Eq. (3.13)
return r
z = linspace(0, flength, nsaves) # select output z points
aw = ifft(at.astype('complex128')) # make sure integrator knows that it's complex
r = complex_ode(rhs).set_integrator(integrator, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
r.set_initial_value(aw, z[0]) # set up the integrator
AW = np.zeros((z.size, aw.size), dtype='complex128') # intialize array for results
AW[0] = aw # store initial pulse as first row
start_time = time.time() # start the clock
for count, zi in enumerate(z[1:]):
print('% 6.1f%% complete - %.1f seconds'%((zi/z[-1])*100, time.time()-start_time))
if not r.successful():
print('integrator failed!'); break
AW[count+1] = r.integrate(zi)
# process the output:
AT = np.zeros_like(AW)
for i in range(len(z)):
AW[i] = AW[i] * exp(l.transpose()*z[i]) # change variables
AT[i,:] = fft(AW[i]) # time domain output
AW[i,:] = fftshift(AW[i])/dt # scale
AT = fft(AW, axis=1)
return z, AT, AW, v + w0
def test():
Simulate supercontinuum generation for parameters similar
to Fig.3 of Dudley et. al, RMP 78 1135 (2006)
Written by J.C. Travers, M.H Frosz and J.M. Dudley (2009)
Please cite this chapter in any publication using this code.
Updates to this code are available at
#### simulation parameters:
n = 2**13 # number of grid points
twidth = 12.5 # width of time window [ps]
c = 299792458*1e9/1e12 # speed of light [nm/ps]
wavelength = 835 # reference wavelength [nm]
w0 = 2.0*pi*c/wavelength # reference frequency [2*pi*THz]
t = np.linspace(-twidth*0.5, twidth*0.5, n); # time grid
nsaves = 200 # number of length steps to save field at
#### input pulse parameters:
power = 10000 # peak power of input [W]
t0 = 0.0284 # duration of input [ps]
at = np.sqrt(power)/np.cosh(t/t0) # input field [W^(1/2)]
#### fiber parameters:
flength = 0.15 # fibre length [m]
# betas = [beta2, beta3, ...] in units [ps^2/m, ps^3/m ...]
betas = [-11.830e-3, 8.1038e-5, -9.5205e-8, 2.0737e-10,
-5.3943e-13, 1.3486e-15, -2.5495e-18, 3.0524e-21, -1.7140e-24]
gamma = 0.11 # nonlinear coefficient [1/W/m]
loss = 0 # loss [dB/m]
#### Raman response:
fr = 0.18 # fractional Raman contribution
tau1 = 0.0122
tau2 = 0.032
rt = (tau1**2+tau2**2)/tau1/tau2**2*np.exp(-t/tau2)*np.sin(t/tau1)
rt[t<0] = 0 # heaviside step function
# propagate!
z, AT, AW, w = gnlse(t, at, w0, gamma, betas, loss, fr, rt, flength, nsaves)
IW_dB = 10*log10(np.abs(AW)**2) # log scale spectral intensity
new_wls = np.linspace(400, 1350, 400)
NEW_WLS, NEW_Z = np.meshgrid(new_wls, z)
NEW_W = 2*pi*c/NEW_WLS
# fast interpolation to wavelength grid, so that we can plot using imshow for fast viewing:
IW_WL = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(np.abs(AW)**2, ((NEW_Z-np.min(z))/(z[1]-z[0]), (NEW_W-np.min(w))/(w[1]-w[0])), order=1, mode='nearest')
IW_dB = 10*np.log10(IW_WL) - 10*np.log10(IW_WL).max()
IT_dB = 10*np.log10(np.abs(AT)**2) - 10*np.log10(np.abs(AT)**2).max()
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,5), tight_layout='True')
axs[0].imshow(IW_dB, aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=(new_wls.min(), new_wls.max(), z.min(), z.max()), clim=(-50, 0), cmap='jet' )
axs[1].imshow(IT_dB, aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=(t.min(), t.max(), z.min(), z.max()), clim=(-50, 0), cmap='jet' )
axs[0].set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Propagation length (meters)')
axs[1].set_xlabel('Time (ps)')
plt.savefig('Dudley comparison.png', dpi=200)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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