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Created February 7, 2017 03:40
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import abel
import scipy.interpolate, scipy.ndimage.interpolation
import time
global X,Y,R,T
size = 301
#define a simple grid
x = np.linspace(-size*0.5+0.5,size*0.5-0.5,size)
y = np.linspace(-size*0.5+0.5,size*0.5-0.5,size)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
# convert to polar coords, R and theta
R = np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2)
T = np.arctan2(Y,X)
def flower_scaling(angle, factor=0.02):
# define a simple scaling that will squish a circle into a "flower"
return 1 + factor*(np.sin(7*angle))
def rescale(IM, rescale_func, prettify=False):
global X,Y,R,T
size = IM.shape[0]
if prettify: IM = IM*R**2 # just making the sample image more beautiful...
R_rescaled = R*rescale_func(T) # rscale the radial coords by our angle-dependent scaling
# now, convert our squished angular grid back to a squished X, Y grid
X_rescaled = R_rescaled*np.cos(T)
Y_rescaled = R_rescaled*np.sin(T)
IM_rescaled = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(IM,(Y_rescaled+size*0.5,X_rescaled+size*0.5))
return IM_rescaled
Z =, name='dribinski', sigma=2)
Z_rescaled = rescale(Z, flower_scaling, prettify=True)
# Z_rescaled[Z_rescaled<10e5]=0
# now plot the results:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,4))
axs[0].imshow(Z_rescaled, aspect='auto', origin='lower')
def spline_rescale(IM,spline_values):
global X,Y,R,T
def spline_fit(requested_angles, spline_values):
assumed_angles = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, spline_values.shape[0])
spline = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(assumed_angles, spline_values)
return spline(requested_angles)
size = IM.shape[0]
R_rescaled = R*spline_fit(T, spline_values) # rscale the radial coords by our angle-dependent scaling
# now, convert our squished angular grid back to a squished X, Y grid
X_rescaled = R_rescaled*np.cos(T)
Y_rescaled = R_rescaled*np.sin(T)
IM_rescaled = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(IM,(Y_rescaled+size*0.5,X_rescaled+size*0.5))
return IM_rescaled
def error_func(spline_values, IM):
print spline_values
IM_rescaled = spline_rescale(IM, spline_values)
polar, r, t =, dt=360/42.)
print t
t1 = time.time()
# calculate error
slice_prev = np.zeros_like(polar)
slice_next = np.zeros_like(polar)
slice_oppo = np.zeros_like(polar)
slice_prev[:,0:-1] = polar[:,1:]
slice_prev[:,-1] = polar[:,0]
slice_next[:,1:] = polar[:,:-1]
slice_next[:,0] = polar[:,-1]
size = polar.shape[1]
slice_oppo[:,:-size/2] = polar[:, size/2:]
slice_oppo[:,size/2:] = polar[:, :-size/2]
avg = np.mean(polar, axis=0)
error = np.sum(np.abs(polar-slice_next) + np.abs(polar-slice_prev) + np.abs(polar-slice_oppo) + np.abs(polar - avg[None,:]), axis=0)
return error
guess_values = np.ones(20)
global t1
t1 = time.time()
res = scipy.optimize.least_squares(error_func, guess_values, args=([Z_rescaled]), bounds=(guess_values-bound, guess_values+bound))
x = res.x
Z_recovered = spline_rescale(Z_rescaled, x)
axs[1].imshow(Z_recovered, aspect='auto', origin='lower')
plt.savefig('Circular.png', dpi=200)
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